Today's Scripture:
It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, He had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.
Ephesians 1: 11-12
Why are you here? Is there life after death? What is truth? Is there really a universal code for right and wrong? Does your life make a difference in the big picture of history? People have debated questions like these for thousands of years. The answer to them all lies in understanding who Jesus really is. The answer to them all lies in understanding who Jesus really is. The better you know Jesus, the better you'll know yourself and understand your place and purpose in the world.
In the original language, Jesus' "overall purpose" speaks to God's ultimate plan for the world. It's his big picture, in which you play one important, unique part. Jesus' design for you relates to his desire for your individual life. This is what Jesus wants to see happen. How you respond to Jesus makes a difference in how well Jesus' desire for you is fulfilled.
The better you know Jesus, the better you'll know yourself and understand your place and purpose in the world.
According to science, one way of determining life is by observing movement and growth. The same is true by observing movement and growth. The same is true spiritually. As you act on what you understand about Jesus, you'll mature more fully into who you were created to be. By spending time with God in prayer, and doing what you feel God wants you to, you will come alive in the deepest, most authentic, sense of the word. The true meaning of life will become evident in you.
Selah people' and friends consider the ways in which knowing God helps you know more about yourself. Spend some time today just talking to God about your unique place in this world.
"May we each find the purpose that God has planned for each of us. Remember,to thank Him this is your life."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston