Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Brand-New Beginning

Today's Scripture:

Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, unless one is born again, he cannot be in God's kingdom."

John 3:3

The people of Israel were much like people today. They were constantly seeking restoration. They wanted broken bodies made whole. Broken relationships mended. Their broken nation restored to peace and prosperity. Their broken link to eternity reforged. Yet God did not settle for restoration. He sent Jesus to bring regeneration - a totally new life. Much as a new born baby comes into the world with a fresh start full of anticipation and the newness of what is to come so do we as Christians either making that first time dedication or those who choose to today to rededicate themselves to the new birth.

This new life is what Jesus was speaking about when he talked to Nicodemus, a Pharisee of rare character who was honestly seeking God's truth. At first Nicodemus misunderstood the whole concept, arguing that there was no possible way for a baby to reenter his mother's womb and be reborn. But the birth Jesus was speaking about was a spiritual rebirth, a radical reawakening to who you were created to be. The spiritual rebirth was a brand-new way of relating to life that is possible only through the gift of a totally new nature.

The "old" nature was focused on self. The "new" nature is focused on God. Like a newborn who is predisposed toward certain traits because of his DNA but nonetheless has to positively participate in the maturity process to reach his potential, you have the raw material you need to live a godly life.

To mature in that life, you must choose to nurture your new nature. Nourish yourself with the Bible. Exercise your spiritual muscles by acting on what God asks you to do. Rest in God's promise that the past is gone and that you have been born again.

Selah people' and friends use Jesus's words as a touchstone anytime you get discouraged about how long it takes to become spiritually mature. You have the right DNA. Adulthood is inevitable whatever age you are at spiritually now. It just takes time to get there. I often share with others that I have the chance to witness too that we are all at different places along the road to salvation. It is my prayer today that you will move a little further and get a little closer to Christ!

"Peace by with you in your new birth as Christ guides you into spiritual maturity."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) via mobile: Mount Olive Pickle ~ end-of-month inventory.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Power Source

What is the "thorn in your flesh"?
Today's Scripture:
God said to me, "My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

2 Corinthians 12:9

Three times the apostle Paul asked God to remove what Paul referred to as a "thorn in the flesh." Some historians speculate that this physical problem was some kind of eye disease. Whatever ailment was troubling Paul, the writer of this letter believed it was interfering with what God wanted him to do. God saw things differently. God will not always answer your prayers in ways you expect. Instead or curing Paul, God saw things differently. God will not always answer your prayers in ways you expect. Instead of curing Paul, God answered Paul's prayers by telling him that all Paul needed was God's grace, that God's grace was enough. God may be answering some of your prayers in the very same way.

God did not give Paul a reason for the pain he was going through. However, he did give Paul a promise. God promised that the apostle's personal pain would not diminish Paul's impact on the world; rather, his pain would expand it. Having to depend more on God, and less on his own physical strength and abilities, allowed Paul's life to reveal God's power in a greater way.

Your own personal weakness may be physical, like Paul's. It may come from a lack of confidence in your abilities, a financial setback, or the breakup of a relationship. Whatever struggle you may be facing,

God's promise is as true for you as it was for Paul.

Your powerlessness to change a situation provides a unique opportunity for God to reveal himself in a more powerful way to you and to those around you.

Selah people' and friends when you feel that God isn't answering a heartfelt prayer, take a fresh look at the situation. Ask yourself how God's power is evident through your problem. Thank him for what you learn as you persevere.

"Peace be with you and I as we look to God reminds us that his grace is sufficient."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Remeber Me

Do we remember with gratitude the gift of forgiveness?

Today's Scripture:

As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.

1 Corinthians 11:26

Every time you take part in Communion at church, you are preaching a silent sermon. The message you are sharing proclaims the truth that Jesus willingly gave his body and his blood through death on a cross so you could spend eternity with him. It is a message that carries multiple emotions. Sorrow over Jesus's suffering. Joy over his resurrection. Gratitude for the gift of forgiveness and eternal life.

The power of remembrance can become meaningless ritual if you allow your actions to become automatic.

That is when you cease to proclaim, or to make public, the message Jesus shared during his Last Supper. It was at that final meal with his disciples that Jesus first used bread and wine as symbols for his own sacrifice. It was there that he explained that his broken body and spilled blood sealed God's New Covenant with his followers. The Old Covenant that temporarily covered a person's sins through animal sacrifice was null and void. The New Covenant of absolute forgiveness was available to all.

Jesus asked his followers to keep on proclaiming this message until his return to earth. While verbal messages communicate to the masses, the silent sermon of verbal messages is actually one you and I preach ourselves. It is a consistent reminder to stay focused on the basics. You commune with Jesus by looking back at what he did. You look forward to when you'll meet face-to-face. You look within to see what needs to be changed or confessed because of what Jesus has done for you.

Selah people' and friends different churches celebrate Communion in different ways. The how isn't as important as the why , and 1 Corinthians 11:26 clearly points you the the why. Keep it in mind every time you have the opportunity to celebrate the Lord's Supper.

"His Peace I leave with you as we remember with gratitude the gift He offers of forgiveness and eternal life.

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What's in a Name?

Moses wanted to know who God was?
Today's Scripture:
God said to Moses, "I am who I am."

Exodus 3:14

To the people of Israel, a name was more than an identification for an individual. It was a statement about who that person was. When Moses (whose name means "taken from the water") met God for the first time via the burning bush, Moses wanted to know God's name. Moses wanted to bush, Moses wanted to know God's name. Moses wanted to know who God was. God's reply was "I am." Derived from the Hebrew verb to be, this name let Moses know that the One he was speaking to was unlike anyone else.

God not only is, but he always was and always will be.

God alone was never created, and he exists totally independent from anyone or anything else. "I am" is the one unchanging, eternal God.

The Jewish people considered God's name so holy that they refused to say it aloud for fear of using it in a way that dishonored him. In the New Testament, however, Jesus not only spoke God's name, but he also used it to refer to himself. The people listening immediately tried to stone Jesus. They knew God's words in Exodus. They understood that Jesus was calling himself God.

When God told Moses his name, God revealed the essence of who he is - and confirmed in advance that the same essence was in his Son. In the same way that God introduced himself to Moses, this verse introduces you to God. It assures you that the "I am" of the universe is active and involved in life here on earth.

Selah people' and friends understanding God's eternal nature, and that Jesus is wholly God, gives you the same assurance it did Moses. "I am" is with you, steadfast and unchangeable.

"Peace be with as you follow the great "I am."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Intimately Known

We are knit together by God...

Today's Scripture:

You made my whole being; you formed me in an amazing and wonderful way.

Psalms 139: 13-14

You were a planned pregnancy. You weren't a random egg that just happened to be fertilized by a random spermatozoon. You were-and are- a beloved child, wanted, planned for, and created with a specific purpose and place in this world long before you even entered it. Psalm 139 gives evidence to that fact and is an important touchstone to hold on to any time your self-worth begins to waver.

The Hebrew word created means much more than "made." It conveys the joy and pride that come from acquiring an exquisite handmade possession. You were made by an almighty hand with great thought and care. This process is described as "fearful" because of how indescribably awe-inspiring it is. Just thinking about this miracle is enough to bring you to your knees.

That's exactly what it did to David, the writer of this psalm. As David thought about the individual attention to detail God took in creating him, God's goodness and power overwhelmed him. His automatic response was to praise God for what he'd done. Consider the miracle of your own creation by considering David's words. Think about the intricacy of the inner workings of your body, your unique physical frame, and the specific personality traits that make you, you. Then do as David did. Thank god for who he created you to be and for the purpose he has for your life.

Selah people' and friends your value isn't determined by your performance, your appearance, or your position in this world. Your value was determined the moment God put his love for you into action by knitting you together.

"Peace be with you as you share you personality and humor with others just as God intended. Grab someone today and tell them just how special God thinks they are and just how much he loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Be sure to stop by our church website at and listen to our online sermons at:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Children at Heart

They are weak but he is strong!!!
Today's Scripture:

Jesus said, "The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like a little child."

Matthew 18:4

Jesus's disciples were waiting for a response. They had just asked Jesus an important question, one they sincerely wanted an answer to. It wasn't exactly spiritual in nature. It had to do with position and power. The disciples wanted to know who out of the twelve of them would be the greatest in God's kingdom. Jesus answered them by inviting a small child to sit on his lap. That child became an object lesson in how highly God values humility.

When it comes to power and position, children are at the bottom of the pecking order. I see this frustration in my own son Luke who is five years old...he is the youngest child on the farm and therefore carries the burden of being the least of the least. Children are dependent on others to fill almost every need. They are eager to learn, because they recognize their own ignorance and helplessness. They innocently believe everything they are told, and they share their love freely. Their goal isn't to be the best. Their goal is simply to be who they are. This is the kind of humble, authentic response that God desires from his own children.

Jesus's poignant words reveal that God's kingdom is vastly different form earthly kingdoms. In it, servants, not celebrities, are honored.

Jesus cam to earth to make it possible for God's heavenly kingdom to begin on earth.

Take a lesson from the child in Jesus's lap. God to God fully aware of your need and your dependence on him. That's the starting point for nurturing a childlike, humble heart.

Selah people' and friends it is good to want to do great things, but only for the right reason - to bring honor to God, not yourself. Let Jesus's words help you weigh your motives anytime you long to be praised.

"Peace be with us as we come to Jesus as children of the most high God."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Competitive Edge

Don't let anything get in your way of success!

Today's Scripture:

I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.

1 Corinthians 9:27

The people of Corinth knew all about the self-discipline it takes to become a top athlete. Every two years, the city of Corinth held the Isthmian Games, similar to the Olympics in Athens. Potential athletes trained hard for ten months. If they didn't complete the training or if they broke the rules, they were disqualified from participating in the prestigious competition.

The apostle Paul wanted his readers to understand the same principle was true when it came to going the distance in life. He filled the ninth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians with boxing and running illustrations that allude to the Isthmian Games. But verse 27 lies at the heart of the passage. It explains why self-discipline is crucial for Christians.

When God asks you to do something, you want to be spiritually up to the task.

You don't want anything to get in the way of your success. That includes any bad habits, uncontrolled passions, or lazy attitudes.

I know from personal experience through sheer self-effort, you can discipline your body for athletic competition. Disciplining your body and your soul for spiritual challenges is possible only with God's help. Ask God to show you if there is any area where your lack of self-control could interfere with what he wants you to do. Use Paul's words as an inspiration to gain better discipline in that area.

Selah people' and friends much like a star athlete who leaves fans disillusioned by acting inappropriately, a Christian who behaves inappropriately can turn others away from God. Let Paul's words remind you that undisciplined words or actions can have serious consequences.

"Peace be with you as you and I go the distance with God's help."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A New Command!

God commands us to Love one another...

Today's Scripture:

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13: 34-35

God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which would be the Law for thousands of years. These commandments were simple and direct. Among other things, the people of Israel were to have no other gods; they were to avoid robbery, murder, and adultery, and they were to honor their mothers and fathers.

Even though there were only ten commandments, they were difficult to follow. Throughout the Old Testament, God's people repeatedly broke his laws and experienced the consequences of their actions. Jesus came to earth to renew God's covenant, but this time with the entire earth. And Jesus came teaching a new commandment: "Love one Another."

Although this may sound simple, it's the hardest thing to do, particularly when we understand the commitment needed to follow the second part: "As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

How did Jesus love us? By coming from heaven to save us, and dying for us on the cross.

Following Jesus' new commandment to love means that we must be willing to lay down our lives for others. So how have we done in some two thousand years since Christ taught this new commandment? How are we doing today? Not very well.

People still fight, rob, and steal (as two of my Fairfax police friends Brad & Buzz Weeks can attest), and nations still engage in wars against other nations. Even churches, the places where one might expect that Jesus' and the agape love - I shared about in Friday's blog - would remain supreme, there are political fights and turf battles that seem more petty than some of the struggles outside the church. In some churches, division over styles of music can lead to all-out "worship wars," with those who prefer traditional hymns attacking those who prefer more contemporary worship choruses. I hear from coworker daily about churches from all denominations loosing sight of God's vision. In others, disagreements about how money is raised and spent can be allowed to weaken the bonds of love.

Jesus said, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." If that's the case, people looking at the church may be justified in wondering if those who call themselves Christians are truly his disciples. So what can we do now to make Christ's new command a reality in our lives? We can't erase two millennia of religious infighting and hatred overnight. But with each new day, we can begin living our lives as if love mattered.

Selah people' and friends please know that it could involve big things. One powerful example of this love was apparent when relatives of victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center forgave the terrorists who were responsible for killing nearly three thousand people. It could involve small things, too. When you're driving your car like I was last night heading to UNC hospital and someone just pulls in front of you, can you forgive him for his rudeness and lack of ability to drive and even better yet, pray for him? At church or outside his wall I challenge each of us to remember, that living as if love mattered means practicing charity toward those who have different views about music, money, politic or other people. Let us follow this new command from Christ and truly "Love one another!"

"Peace be ours as we live more like Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Love That Never Fails

Our Heavenly Father loves each of us unconditionally!

Today's Scripture:

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

1 John 4:16

When it comes to love, the Greek language is incredibly descriptive. It has four different words to distinguish between four kinds of love: the love of friends, familial love, sexual love, and unconditional love. This last kind of love, agape, is the one mentioned most frequently in the New Testament. It describes a love bestowed on those who are undeserving, in spite of the possibility of rejection or heartbreak. Agape is so unique that, outside the Scriptures, it is found in only one ancient Greek text, where it describes parents' unshakable love for their only child.

God loves you like an only child. His love can't be earned or lost. He loves you simply because you are his. If you are reading this little Selah blog today for the first time or the 160th please note the agape love is why I write. This is just a brief glimpse of this most high God that chooses each of us to love as his children even when we don't choose him and when we don't even know he is right by our side all the way. God is more than the source of agape. He is agape. His very essence, his nature, is love, given without obligation or expectation. He loves unconditionally because that is who he is.

Abide means "to dwell." When you invite God's Spirit to dwell in you, agape takes up residence.

This gives you the ability to love others the same way God does, without condition. Whether you choose to use that ability is up to you. Unconditional love can lead to disappointment and sorrow. It led Jesus to the Cross, but that choice ultimately led to a victory that could not be gained in any other way. Allow Agape to help you love unconditionally. Others will catch a glimpse of God through you. On a recent visit I had the opportunity to share God's agape love with someone who did not want it but received it just the same. Don't let that opportunity pass you by today when God calls on you to do the same.

Selah people' and friends, to share agape , you have to dwell in God and he in you. That kind of intimate relationship grows through spending time together in prayer and studying Scriptures.

"Peace be with you as you share the love that our heavenly Father has for us unconditionally."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Seize the Moment

Are you putting yourself in a bad spiritually alert!

Today's Scripture:
Be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times.

Ephesians 5:15 -16

Life is filled with opportunities - and obstacles that can prevent you from grabbing hold of them...road blocks, thin ice or just bumps or other hazards get in the way. The secret to making the most of your life lies in making the most of your time.

The first three words hold the key: be very careful. In the original language, this admonition is much stronger and fuller than what sounds here like a mother's passing comment to her kids as they head outside. The words describe a way of living (or "walking," as the Bible often describes it) that is precise, accurate, and deliberate. It involves both forethought and a heightened sense of awareness. It's similar to the way you drive a car. You need to be constantly attentive, responding appropriately to the ever-changing situations you find yourself in. You swerve to avoid hazards, brake for pedestrians, and follow the rules of the road. Your skill, knowledge, and vigilance help you make wise decisions at a moment's notice.

To live wisely you need to do the same thing. You need to face each day spiritually alert.

You need to recognize evil, so you can avoid it like a dangerous hazardous in the road.

At the same time, you need to be on the lookout for opportunities to show love to others and to God - and to grab hold of them. The good news is that God is in the car with you, as Carrie Underwood sings "Jesus take the wheel." His Spirit will help guide your daily journey toward a life full of well-utilized opportunities.

Selah people' and friends when you start your proverbial car; recall the words from the book of Ephesians. They can be a reminder to keep your eyes open for opportunities to make a positive difference throughout your day.

"Peace be with you my brothers and sisters as you follow the path that God has for you. If you've made a wrong turn chose today to get back on the right path."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Never Ending Story

Have heard the good news...Listen to the never ending story!
Today's Scripture:
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

John 3:16 has been nicknamed "the Little Gospel." That's because it condenses the message Jesus came to share into a clear-cut sentence, answering one of the big questions every individual has to face: is there life after death? God's answer to that question is a resounding yes. That truly is "good news," which is what gospel literally means.

When you love someone, that love motivates you to give. The same is true with God.

God loved the people the people of the world so deeply that he had to put that love into action. He did that by sending the very best gift He could ever give, a true part of himself ~ Jesus.

Before any gift can be enjoyed, it has to be accepted. People accept God's gift by accepting who Jesus is. That's what belief is all about. But God doesn't stop there. Accepting Jesus comes with an extra bonus gift. That gift is a life that never ends. That gift isn't something people have to wait and open later. Its reality takes hold the moment people accept God's "good news" as part of their lives. From that moment on, they experience a life that will not end with death but will continue beyond it as they grow ever closer to the One who loves them so deeply ~ and gave so much because of that love.

Selah people' and friends consider a few of the countless ways God has shared his love with you. This generosity will extend from this life into the next. Take a few moments today just to say thanks.

"Peace is yours for the asking when you call upon the Lord and believe."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finding Your Heart's Desire

What do you desire? My children wanted snow.

Today's Scripture:

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

At first glance, the words from Psalm 37 feel a bit like a blank check. They seem to say, "Enjoy God and get everything you want." But instead of a promise of prosperity, the words are a proclamation of a profound truth: the closer you draw to God, the more your desires will reflect his own.

This oft-repeated verse is part of an acrostic psalm, where every other line begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Although each verse in Psalm 37 contains its own unique insight, all the verses work together to convey one important message. Those people who are wise have no need to worry during times of trouble.This psalm gives you four practical ways to defeat worry when evil people seem to be getting ahead: (1) trust in the Lord, (2) commit your way to the Lord, (3) wait on the Lord, and (4) delight in the Lord.

The focus of the psalmist's words is delighting in the Lord. The Hebrew word for delight is much more powerful than its English counterpart. Here it means "to find exquisite joy." To delight in God is to find your deepest pleasure, your highest ecstasy, and your richest fulfillment in life through your relationship with him. This is an ongoing process as you delight in him afresh each day. As your relationship deepens, what is dear to God's heart becomes dear to your heart. This aligns your prayers with God's will.

As your prayers are answered, you discover that your deepest desires are fulfilled.

Selah people' and friends I know today as my children were delighted to see the snow on the ground and spent time making snow angels, snow ball fights and yes a snowman...we gave thanks for our special time we had to be together. Any time you and I desire something that you know would also delight God, spend a moment thanking God for how he's helping you grow to be more like him take time to share His blessing with someone else.

"Peace be with you and I as we celebrate our heart's desires with our Lord and Savior."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Buried Treasure

Wisdom is more valuable than any gold or treasure!
Today's Scripture:
In (Christ) all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are safely kept.

Colossians 2:3

In ancient Colosssae, Gnosticism was all the rage. It was a religious cult that promised salvation through secret knowledge that was said to be delivered by angels. Even the group's name was derived from the Greek word for "knowledge," gnosis. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul wanted the church to be able to discern what was false from what was true. Instead of seeking secret knowledge, Paul told people to seek Jesus - the source of knowledge itself.

Today people continue to seek the answer to life through intellectual pursuits, philosophical debate, and even angelic revelation. Yet what was true in Paul's day is still true today. Faith in Jesus is the only road to Salvation and to the secrets of life. Faith comes from knowing God through personal experience, not intellectual pursuit. Any knowledge derived from that perfect source bonds people together in love; they do not pit themselves against one another to show off what they know.

Knowing G0d encourages a state of mind that is peaceful and secure.

Yet this kind of knowledge isn't a treasure trove you acquire the moment you invite God into your life. It is something that's revealed one gem at a time as you dig deeper into the Bible. Focus on Jesus. Get to know him intimately, with your whole being. You'll find knowledge that's practical, eternal, and worthy infinitely more than any doctoral degree.

Selah people' and friends when you act on what you've learned by focusing on Jesus, you demonstrate wisdom. The more you put wisdom to use, the wiser you become.

"Peace be with you as we discern what treasure God has for us."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) ~ Looking for Snow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Follow Me...

Today's Scripture:

Jesus said, "God therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.

Matthew 28: 19-20

Discipleship is similar to an internship, where hands-on learning comes from closely following the experienced example of another. While on earth, Jesus invited twelve disciples to follow him. For three years they ate with him, drank with him, traveled with him, and prayed with him. They listened and learned through his words and actions. When Jesus rose from the dead, only eleven remained. As Jesus prepared to return to heaven, he challenged those men to put into practice what they'd learned - by making more disciples.

Jesus's mission statement, often referred to as the Great Commission, is directed to everyone who responds to his call to follow him.

In the Great Commission, Jesus outlined how his disciples should go and help others grow.

First, he explained the scope of their task. In going to "all nations," Jesus assured his disciples that no place on earth was to be exempt from the scope of God's life-changing love.

Second, Jesus instructed his disciples to baptize and to teach. Baptism is a symbol of an inner rebirth that connects new believers with a community of Christians. Teaching budding disciples to focus on Jesus's teaching assured new believers that they would live under the freedom of grace.

Teaching and baptizing a new believer begin the transformation of a new believer into disciple. However, discipleship is an ongoing process. As you help others mature spiritually, Jesus will bring you to maturity as well.

Selah people' and friends helping others find out more about God is Jesus's command for everyone who follows him. Ask God how you can help others see him more clearly.

"Peace be yours when you open your heart and your eyes to see what God is commanding you to do to help yourself and others grow in Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Helping Hands, Healing Hearts

We are called to be a sheep motivated by our shepherd!

Today's Scripture:

I tell you the truth, anything you did for event the least of my people here, you also did for me.

Matthew 25:40

Jesus's disciples questioned him about eternal life and the end of the world. Jesus and the end of the world. Jesus answered their questions with a series of parables, concluding with one about a herd of sheep and goats. In it, the Son of Man condemned the goats for not meeting his needs: leaving him hungry, thirsty, naked, and lonely when he needed their help most. The sheep were commended for doing what the goats did not - and were surprised by their reward. They didn't remember serving the Son of Man. The words of Matthew 25:40 set the record straight.
Any time people reach out to help one of God's children in need, they actually minister to God himself.

This parable is a dialogue Jesus and the nations of the world, not those who already followed him. That's why the sheep were so amazed. They were simply living out God's image in their lives by exhibiting sacrificial love - without even recognizing what they were doing. That truth is why the sheep had a lesson to teach those who already knew God personally.

This parable assumes that those who follow God will be benevolent and that they will automatically treat others as they would treat Jesus. Experience teaches, however, that isn't always the case. When you notice someone in need, recall Jesus's parable. Be a sheep, not only saved, but motivated by God's love and grace.

Selah people' and friends the parable of the sheep and goats is a reminder of how eternally significant is every act of love. Allow it to help you to more clearly see Jesus in every person you meet.

"Peace be with us all as opportunities come to allow us to help someone in need, remember this parable calls on us to do more and to see Christ in others."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Running to Win

Are you moving in the right direction...can you see the finish line?

Today's Scripture:

One thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above.

Philippians 3:13 -14

When the apostle Paul said there is "one thing I always do," it is time to sit up and listen. Paul summarized his goal in life and shared a couple of quick tips on how to persevere toward reaching it. That makes his advice not only important, but extremely helpful to those with that same goal in mind.

Paul's image of "straining toward what is ahead" and "trying to reach the goal" paint a picture of a long-distance runner whose focus on the rewards of the finish line gives him the strength to persevere, one step at a time. The goal Paul pointed to is God's call to run toward a Jesus-centered life, leaving his self-centered life behind in the dust. The prize he longed to reach was not eternal life, because Jesus's death has already achieved that. Instead, Paul pursued a mature Christian life, one that yielded rewards both in heaven and on earth.

Paul's purpose and process for perseverance provided practical applications you can use every day of your life. Put your past mistakes, victories, and self-reliance behind you. Focus your attention and energy on Jesus, not on those running the race alongside you. I had the experience while finishing a triathlon race at Parris Island, South Carolina where a marine captain passed me and shouted "don't let this old man beat you!" Let me just say it was on and God gave me wings like eagles as I was motivated and inspired by the captains words to walk him down and pass him just before the tape at the finish.

You and I must keep moving forward - your endurance will increase the harder and farther you push yourself to run. In our spiritual race we must keep the finish line in sight, as they say "keep your eye on the prize."

It doesn't mark the end of your life; it marks the beginning of an eternity spent in the winner's circle with Jesus, the One who enables you to victorious.

Selah people' and friends persevering toward maturity in you faith takes both personal effort and the transforming power of God's Spirit. God works through you and I as we do His work!

"Peace and comfort be with you as you swim, bike, run alongside our savior Jesus Christ in the race we call life. May he continue to lead you all the way."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ever by Your Side

Nothing can separate you from God...
His Spirit is just like breathing oxygen!

Today's Scripture:

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.

Psalm 139: 7 - 10

Like all the other psalms 139 voices honest, human emotion in a vibrantly beautiful, truthful, and poetic way. In this one, the psalmist asked rhetorical questions. He was not expressing a desire to get away from God. Quite the contrary. He was emphasizing that if people who wholeheartedly try to escape God's presence have absolutely no possibility of doing it, it would be even more unlikely for a person who is actively drawing close to God to wind up separated from him.

In other words, God is with you everywhere, yes everywhere~whether you want him to be or not. This truth is wonderful news for those who long for God. God is always right by your side. His Spirit transcends the limitations of physical space.

This means that you will experience God's presence in a different way than you would the presence of other people. God's Spirit is kind of like oxygen. Once you learn about God's Spirit, you know he is there by his positive effects.

Even though you can't see him, hear him, or feel him, you know that as long as you're breathing, God's Spirit is present.

God's Spirit is the oxygen that allows you to be fully alive spiritually. You can see God's Spirit move through answered prayer. You can hear his voice through words of Scripture. You can feel his touch through his gifts of comfort, peace, and joy.

Selah people and friends I close as prepare myself to end another day and another journey I've traveled with Jesus who is often referred by the name Immanuel, meaning "God with us," Psalm 139 shows that God always has and always will be "with us."

"Peace be with you as you travel with God by your side."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

When One Plus One Equals One

Marriage is a perfect union between two imperfect people...
Today's Scripture:

The Scripture says, "So a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one body." That secret is very important - I am talking about Christ and the church.

Ephesian 5: 31-32

When God created woman, he could have fashioned her out of a clump of dirt, just like Adam. He chose instead to create Eve from Adam's side. One became two. Marriage unites the two back into one, while also providing the world with a living, breathing illustration of the relationship between Jesus and the church. No wonder God views marriage as sacred and Paul regarded it as a mysterious secret.

Paul (who was never married) provided principles for a healthy marriage by simply reminding his audience to remember what marriage really is. It is more than a cultural or a legal commitment. It is a fusion that goes deeper than sexual relations.

Marriage is a spiritual union of bodies, hearts, and lives.

The Scripture Paul quoted goes back to the very first marriage between Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24). It is also quoted by Jesus in the Gospels. When you find a Scripture repeated in several places in the Bible, that should alert you to the fact that something very important is being communicated.

Paul didn't stop with repeating God's original design for marriage. He added that this unique union mimics another unique love relationship. Jesus and the church. If you are looking for advice on how to have a good marriage, you need look no farther than how Jesus and the church were meant to relate, with sacrifice and servant hood.

Selah people' and friends marriage is a perfect union between two imperfect people - and like everything else God created, marriage is intrinsically good. Don't study the world to see what marriage should be like. Instead, at Paul's words.

"Peace be with you and yours as you renew your vows made to Christ and his church, not just the ones close to you."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Church Leaders Report ~ 1-14-2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Leaning on the Lord

We are challenged to take a leap of faith and put our trust in the Lord!

Today's Scripture:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

If you are going to lean on something, the first thing you want to do is to make certain it can hold you up. The greater the risk, the more certain you want to be. You may not test the strength of every chair you're considering sitting on, but it's fairly certain that you would want to test the integrity of a bungee cord before attaching it to your feet and leaping off a bridge. Your trust in the strength and reliability of the bungee cord allows you to lean on its ability to save you. It still may take a lot of courage to go ahead and jump, however.

Believing in God is all about risk and trust. It tells you to turn away from what you're accustomed to relying on - your own strategies for making life work - and instead to trust God implicitly, even when what he's asking you to do may not make sense from a human perspective. Think about what God asked of Moses at the Red Sea or of Daniel in the lion's den. Moses and Daniel were able to rely on God instead of on their own understanding because past experience had shown them he was wholly trustworthy.

In our Christian Men's Fellowship meeting John Tart shared our program and reminded us of the need when we face sins in our life or focus on negative things. We must turn away from sin and turn on our mind to something positive like helping someone else, a verse of scripture or turn to God each time we lose focus on where we are going and who is watching and learning from us.

Every past experience was once a present choice.

God challenges you to choose wisely today. You can lean on your own limited understanding and abilities or on a God of unlimited power and love. Only one choice can take you where you really want to go.

Selah people' and friends put what you've learned into practice. List why you believe God is trustworthy, focusing on his promises and past faithfulness. Reread the list anytime you need the courage to lean on him instead of on yourself.

"Peace be with you as you let go of the trust you have in your strength and instead turn your eyes upon Jesus and his word when you take the wrong turn and head in the wrong direction or get discouraged."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Misguided Love...

Have you got two tickets to paradise?

Today's Scripture:

Those who love money will never have enough. How absurd to think that wealth brings true happiness! The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what is the advantage of wealth- except perhaps to watch it run through your fingers!

Ecclesiastes 5: 10-11

The book of Ecclesiastes includes one of the most important financial truths you'll ever hear. If you love money and the things it can buy, better budgeting, a higher-paying job, or even a winning lottery ticket can't make you happy or alleviate your financial worries. The only deciding factor that you can really depend on is to decide to pursue a fresh, new focus.

Love focuses on what it desires. When you desire God, you spend your time and energy getting to know him better and doing what please him. When you desire money, you spend your time and energy fueling and atmosphere of greed, instead of nurturing a sense of contentment. A deep desire for wealth can tempt you to do things you normally wouldn't consider, like cheating, lying, or stealing. You don't need to do anything illegal to fall for temptations like these. All it takes is holding on to the riches God has given you with a tight grip instead of opening your arms, and hoarding your blessings instead of sharing them.

The book of Ecclesiastes is all about how meaningless life is apart from God. Pursuing riches more vigorously than a relationship with your God.

Pursuing riches more vigorously than a relationship with your God will lead you to only one place - an impoverished life. (Even if your bank account seems to say otherwise!)

Instead of focusing on money, focus on God, the source of wealth. Thank him for how he has blessed you, and share what he has so generously given. You will find yourself rich in joy and contentment.

Selah people' and friends money promises more than it can ever deliver. God will never do that to you. The treasures he promises his children are both certain and eternal. Join me and the rest of your Selah family in putting our hope in the One who will not depreciate or let you down.

"Peace be your guide as we grow in Christ and invest in our future...long term."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Moving On

Stop...holding on to the past!

Today's Scripture:

The Lord says, "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?"

Isaiah 43: 18-19

The people of Israel made plenty of mistakes and suffered generations of consequences. They'd been slaves in Egypt, wandered the desert for forty years, and were presently at war with Assyria. Because of repeatedly disobeying and distancing themselves from God, they'd lived with crippling fear, enemy invasions, and backbreaking bondage off and on for centuries. Along with words of rebuke and warning, the prophet Isaiah offered those desperate people words of hope, which summed up the heart of his message.

Through Isaiah, God promised his people he was doing something fresh and innovative. The Hebrew word for new conveys both expectancy and optimism. It describes something "unprecedented in its wonderful character." The promise that this new thing would "spring up" meant it would happen gradually, like the germination and growth of a beautiful wildflower. Its fulfillment would require patience, but its eventuality was sure. That fulfillment would be realized in Jesus.

To be able to look forward with joy, the Israelites needed to let go of the past. The same is true for people today.

Learning from the past is useful. Dwelling on the past is destructive.

It keeps your focus on thing you can no longer change and off what God is doing right before your eyes. Follow Isaiah's advice to the Israelites. Forget what's behind you. Move freely forward toward the good that is sprouting right beneath your feet.

Selah people' and friends letting go of past mistakes - yours and those of others - may involve forgiveness, repentance, and reconciliation. Let Isaiah's words encourage you as you work through emotional or relational roadblocks.

"God be your guide as you stop dwelling on the past and choose to move on."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Message to the Masses

He has the whole world in his hands!

Today's Scripture:

God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.
Psalm 67: 1-2

The Bible is filled with examples of how God blesses his people. In the Old Testament, God's blessings were typically physical ones, expressed in the form of personal provision, protection, and prosperity. In the New Testament, God's Spirit promised even richer blessings, such as peace, comfort, joy, hope, and eternal life - not to mention God's greatest blessing of all, the gift of his Son.

Like any loving father, God blesses his children simply because he loves them and delights in giving them pleasure. However, Psalm 67 reveals an even greater purpose behind God's gifts:
God's blessings can provide the world with tangible evidence that he is active, involved, and graciously good.

One lesson this psalm teaches is that there is nothing wrong with asking God for his blessings It also gives an Old Testament, God primarily blessed the one distinct group of people he chose to demonstrate his love to and through - the people of Israel. Yet even then, God loved all the nations of the earth and wanted them also to experience his blessing of salvation. As the Israelites drew closer to God, their desires better reflected God's own. The same can be true for you. As God's love for the world fills your heart and your prayers, ask him to use every blessing he bestows on you to provide others with a clearer picture of who he is.

Selah people' and friends consider the fact that every blessing can be a tool. Ask God to help you use your blessings wisely, in ways that draw others closer to him.

"Peace is God's merciful message to us all."
Your Pastor

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Servant's Heart

Today's Scripture:

In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:5

Modern culture encourages individuals to fight for their rights, push their way to the top, and always look out for number one. Jesus demonstrated a different way to approach life, with the attitude of a servant who lays aside his rights for the benefit of others. In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul challenged the Philippians to make a counter cultural choice and to follow Jesus's example.

To understand what it means to have the attitude and actions of Jesus alive and working within you, read the Gospels. Note how Jesus treated people. Note his patience, his compassion, and his sacrificial perspective on his heavenly form in order to bless others. He continually asked his Father for "thy will," not "my will," to be accomplished. Out of anyone who ever lived on this earth, Jesus had more reason to demand that others put him on a pedestal than anyone else. He deserved to be honored and served. Instead, out of an attitude of humility, he chose to be the servant of all.

Your attitude influences your decisions and actions and, ultimately, the effect they have on the lives of others.

A selfish, self-centered attitude will eventually lead to self-destruction. A humble, God-centered attitude will lead to deeper personal peace and a greater positive impact on the world around you. It also will bring joy and honor to God, who dearly loves you. Help keep your attitude in check by keeping this in mind.

Selah people' and friends love is the motivation behind the attitude that you and I are asked to emulate. The closer you draw to God, the deeper your love will grow and the more like Jesus your attitude will become.

Be sure to stop by our church website and view our recent photos added on our "home" and "events" pages, check in to see all our upcoming ministry activities...

"Peace be with you as you embrace the heart of a servant that God has given you."

Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Light In The Dark...

God shining light in the dark on my way to Duke...

Today's Scripture:

Your word is a lamp to my feet and light for my path.

Psalm 119:105

For little children, darkness can bring about feeling of anxiety and fear. Darkness can harm adults, too, making us lose our way and exposing us to danger. As I type this blog the dark has fallen and I hear nurses and others speaking of their fear to go to the parking deck alone due to the dark.

I know hikers who have been forced to sleep out in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains after the sun quickly set and darkness engulfed any signs of a trail. Those hardy souls who are adventurous enough to brave Alaska's frigid winters encounter more than their share of darkness. The sun doesn't shine for days at a time, leaving hikers unusually vulnerable and bringing disorder to those huddled safely inside who are desperately trying to figure out if it is morning or evening.

Closer to home, even a brief power outage at the Muston home can turn a familiar room into a potential disaster are full of obstacle that seem to lurch out at your shins or your head. And who among us hasn't experienced the momentary frights that can occur when we are awoken by an unusual noise in the hallway during a pitch-black night?

I read once of a missionary who told of a tribe who traveled at night and would tie candles to a string to provide just enough light for them to see the next step or two in front of them.

Our lives often seem like pilgrimages on rough trails winding through dark and dangerous lands. But God's Word is like a candle that clarifies our path and shows us the way.

The Bible is God's matchless revelation to us. Since the invention of the printing press the Bible has been the best selling book in the world. For millennia before people copied its contents onto papyrus, parchment and to memory so they could share it wise words with others. Brave souls have risked their lives to spread it message and light and even gone to their deaths rather than deny its teachings.

Selah people' and friends God has given us the Bible, and with its illumination, we can confound the darkness of our world. What darkness are you facing as you read this? Know that God can provide you a light. We thank you God for sharing your Word with us. May its words find a home in our hearts and a light in our paths.

"Peace be with you as you embrace the light of God...Psalm 119 is the longest book in the Bible and this verse is just one of many bright spots God has for us if we will take the time to get into His Word."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via Mobile third floor: Duke Medical Center ~ Durham, NC

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Gospel of Creation

Have you crossed the bridge to knowing who is the Creator?

Today's Scripture:

From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.

Romans 1:20

The Milky Way, the Great Barrier Reef, the northern lights, the miracle of birth...the universe is filled with wonders that humans cannot replicate on their own, wonders that humans cannot replicate on their own, wonders that point to the existence of Someone as Creator. People disagree over who this Creator is and whether he is actively involved in the world today. Yet the intricacy, orderliness, and sheer awesomeness of the natural world confirm what the human heart has felt since the dawn of time - there is more to this life than meets the eye.

What is visible proclaims the existence of something invisible.

Some people have rejected or forgotten this truth, but that doesn't make it any less true.

~I can still remember and picture the day my daughter Madeline was born and I took her into my arms...I went to church that next Sunday to share the joy with my congregation and as we sang "He Touched Me" I wept knowing yes He truly touched me. ~

Paul discussed in his letter to the Romans how people knew God was there but did not thank him or give glory to him for what he'd done. They chose instead to go their own foolish ways. The good news is that God is real. His fingerprints are everywhere, and you can understand more about who he is by simply studying what he's made.

Knowing about God's character is not the same thing as knowing him. However, recognizing there is a God is the first step in seeking him. Through the wonder of creation, God has left no room for any one's choosing to do anything less.

Selah people' and friends you can make the truth found in Romans more real to you by exploring the world around you, thereby discovering new things about God's character in your community, in your home and yes in your heart. Praise God for everything you learn.

"Peace be with you as you discover the Creator and share his love by grabbing someone today and telling them just how much God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) ~ photo taken by phone from bridge in Florida.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eternal Will and Testament..."Mediator"

Today's Scripture:

Christ is the mediator of the new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance - now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant.

Hebrews 9:15

Words like mediator, covenant, and inheritance in the book of Hebrews give the impression of a legal document. Actually, the entire book of Hebrews as I learned when studying under Colman Markham differs in writing style from the rest of the letters in the New Testament. It's unknown author presents a thesis-like case, methodically stating why faith in Jesus is a logical and God designed spiritual progression from Judaism.

The verse at the heart of what the author wanted his readers to understand proclaims that Jesus is both a mediator, "someone who makes peace between tow parties," and a testator, "someone who determines the conditions and benefits of the inheritance he leaves behind." The words testament and covenant are interchangeable. The Old Testament and the New Testament could just as easily be called the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, since the two parts of the Bible really focus on covenant. Under the Old Covenant, or Old Testament, God accepted the sacrifice of animals as a way to cover up the wrongs people had done. Under the New Covenant, the wrongs were permanently erased by a different kind of sacrifice - Jesus's gift of his own life.

A last will and testament is valid only after someone dies, and then it is irrevocable. That means Jesus's death guaranteed your inheritance.

Jesus saved your life by substituting his own in payment for every wrong you've ever done and ever will do.

Because of this, you will receive what you never could have earned on your own - the ultimate freedom of living a life that never ends.

Selah people' and friends Jesus's testament to you and I is not only a guarantee, but it is also a true source of encouragement. When God makes a promise, it's like a legal document. He will fulfill every word.
"Peace be with you as you remember that God has an eternal inheritance waiting for you and for me."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Battle Plan

Today's Scripture:

Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

James 4:7

The devil is referred to by many names throughout the Bible - accuser, tempter, deceiver, slanderer, enemy, Satan. One thing the Bible never calls him is a mythical creature. He is as real as God himself. There's no point in resisting someone who isn't there.

You and I need to know more, however, than that Satan exists. We need to know exactly what to do to defeat Satan. On the same day you aligned yourself with God, you gained this "adversary," which is what the word Satan literally means.

Satan has no personal interest in you. His only aim is to hurt God.

One way he tries to do that is by trying to hurt the ones whom God loves. Satan is only a prideful, fallen angel. He isn't all-knowing or all-powerful. Yet he can still wreak havoc, causing you to doubt God's love or tempting you to go down the wrong road.

But you can stop Satan in his tracks. First, submit to God. In the original language, submit is a military command that means "to get into your proper rank." That's accomplished by humbly putting every aspect of your life under God's loving authority. Only then are you prepared to defeat the devil. Resist is also a military command that means "to stand bravely against." I guess from these illustrations you can tell that I grew up in the Marine Corps with a drill instructor for a father...Note that to stand brave' we must stand against our adversary by recalling biblical truths. Strengthen your resolve through prayer. Turn your back on anything that entices you to turn away from God. Satan will flee from the battle before it has even begun.

Selah people' and friends Satan has no future. Jesus assured Satan's ultimate defeat by dying on the cross. The potential skirmishes that James alludes to are nothing more than diversionary tactics from an opponent who is destined to lose.

"Peace and strength be yours as we wage war against Satan who has no chance when we come with the full and holy power of God.

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile: Wayne Memorial Hospital ~ Goldsboro, NC

Sunday, January 4, 2009

All in the Family

We must take care of our family!
Today's Scripture:
Whoever does not care for his own relatives, especially his own family members, has turned against the faith and is worse than someone who does not believe in God.

1 Timothy 5:8

Paul gave advice to the young pastor Timothy on how to help organize and maintain a vital, God-honoring church. One area Paul discussed was meeting the needs of others. It seems that some members of the congregation were giving their time, energy, and resources to the church but neglecting the needs of their own families. Paul addressed this problem to help the people at Ephesus set their priorities straight.

The truth behind his words can help do the same for you and I in 2009.

Paul's warning is clear-cut and to the point: anyone who turns his back on his own family turns his back on God.

It's true that in biblical times, there were no government-run social programs to help widows, orphans, and women who had been left impoverished after their husbands divorced them. Today, people in similar situations have places to turn for help. But that doesn't alleviate the responsibility God gives each person in providing for those in his or her own family.

Providing entails more than financial responsibility. Supporting your parents, spouse, and children emotionally is equally important. When God previously commanded his children to love one another, he obviously meant that to include their own family circle. Use Paul's words as a reminder to regularly ask for God's guidance in know how to care for the people whom he has placed closest to you. Use Paul's words to better meet apparent needs as well as needs that aren't so apparent.

Selah people' and friends loving one another and caring for your family are joyous and rewarding commands from God, and He will give you guidance to do both.

Please stop by our website at .

"Peace be with you and your family as we grow together in Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Consolation Prize

Are you face-to-face with tribulation? God will comfort you...

Today's Scripture:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

The apostle Paul began his second letter to the church in Corinth just as he did his other letters, with a brief introduction that leads straight int thanksgiving. Paul's cause for thanks, however, set this letter apart. You can be thankful for comfort only if you've know the pain of suffering. Paul certainly did, and so did his Corinthian audience. So does every individual who reads these words today.

Though levels of personal suffering differ, pain and heartache are universal. Yet amid that sobering truth, Paul gave reason for praise. God's comfort is at hand in every type of trouble. The original meaning of the old-fashioned-sounding word tribulation covers a lot of ground. It can mean "distress," "affliction," "persecution," or simply "great misery." God's comfort fits any and every situation perfectly.

Through Paul, God provided even more good news: there is a positive, productive side to suffering.

As God comforts you, you learn how to better comfort others.

This is different from simply being sympathetic toward people and their problems. The Greek word for comfort implies action. It means "to come alongside and help." God actively comes alongside you with strength, encouragement, hope, and healing, and you gain the ability to do the same for others. When you are struggling with difficulty in your life, remember to reach out to God and then to others, God provides comfort to help you become a comforter like him.

Selah people' and friends when you're facing tough times, follow Paul's example. Praise God for the comfort he's already promised, and then ask him to help you use your own experience to bring comfort to someone else.

"Peace be with you whatever the trial you are facing today...I've seen so many suffering this week and several who have lost loved ones. Fight the good fight and remember we serve a God of mercies who will give us comfort."

In Christ Love and service...

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)