Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Escape Route...

Today's Scripture:

The only temptation that has come to you is that which everyone has. But you can trust God, who will not permit you to be tempted more than you can stand. But when you are tempted, he will also give you a way to escape so that you will be able to stand it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

Many verses in the Bible ask you to do things that sound impossible. Love your enemies. Deal with your anger before the day ends (this has kept my wife & I best friends for over 22 years). Give generously, even to strangers. Don't regard the opposite sex with lust in your heart. Forgive those who've hurt you. A common response may be, "Nice sentiment, but this is the real world. You don't know what I'm up against." It is true the world is filled with temptations, enticements to take a self-centered approach toward pleasure and personal gain. But appearances are deceiving.

Any choice that leads you away from God leads you away from the life your heart truly longs for.

Trusting God is the antidote for making bad choices in life. You are not alone in your struggle. I write this from first hand experience so you can trust me when I tell you are not alone and others have been where you are and come through, you will too. Everyone faces pressure, both internal and external, to make choices that dishonor God. Even Jesus was tempted in some ways you are. Yet Jesus put into practice the truth promised here. God faithfully provided an escape route from temptation, and Jesus took it.

You have the same opportunity for victory. Be on the lookout for God's escape route when temptations come your way. Your escape may come through the power of prayer, accountability with others, or avoiding situations that lead you away from God instead of toward him. Whatever the escape route, God has promised that you will have the ability to make the right choice.

Selah people and friends memorizing this verse in 1 Corinthians is a great way to become more aware of the temptations you face and of the God-given options you have to avoid surrendering to them.

"God's blessing be upon you as He reveals the way out of whatever the struggle you find yourself in as we close out 2008 and awake tomorrow with a new day and a new year in 2009. Join me as we make this the best year ever by placing ourselves in God's hands fully!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gift of Life

Do you know the way to eternal life?...
How about God's grace?

Today's Scripture:

By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Grace sets Christianity apart from every other religion in the world. Charis, the Greek word for grace, literally means "free gift." That's what God promises, a gift of eternal life with no strings attached, one that you can't receive any other way than through the unmerited generosity of the Giver. You can't gain eternal life through good works or lose it through bad. Faith in Jesus is the only channel through which you can receive this priceless gift. I know sometimes men and yes women can find it difficult to ask for directions and though a GPS is a great tool if your looking for Uncle Bubba's (Paula Deen's Brother) Oyster House, it is not going to help you find your eternal way.

Yet God was extending the way through His grace long before Jesus or GPS systems came to earth. It began in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve chose to turn away from God, he allowed them to suffer the consequences of their own actions, but the depth of his love for those he had created would not let that be the final word. He extended the free gift of grace by promising to send Someone who could redeem, or pay for, what had been done. He fulfilled that promise through Jesus.

Good works are evidence of a growing faith in God and demonstrate the power of God's grace to transform a life. Good works bring honor to God, blessings to others, and joy to the one who performs them. But they have no power to open the doors of heaven. Remembering this truth will turn any urge to brag into an occasion for praise.

Selah people' and friends when comparing Christianity with other religions, focus on God's grace. Explaining God's free gift to you will help others understand you don't put yourself "above" them. Everyone's imperfect and therefore in need of God's grace.

"Peace be with you as you remember that God's grace has given us the gift."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Back in NC...great to be home!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Life-or-Death Decisions

The road of life gives us many choices good & evil...which way are you going?
Today's scripture:
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life.

Deuteronomy 30:19

After forty years of wandering through the desert, the Jordan River was all that stood between the people of Israel and the Promised Land. Most of the generation Moses called together to speak to on that day had never known the Egyptian captivity of their parents. Their home had been the desert, and their hope had been the land across the Jordan. From where the Israelites stood, it looked like the hard times were finally over. Stability and prosperity lay ahead.

Yet Moses knew that even in a land of promise and plenty, every individual had a choice. The choice Moses shared with the people of Israel is the same choice God gives every indvidual today. You can make a choice to follow God and recieve the benefits of an obedient life. Or you can make a choice that dishonors God and reap the natural negative consequences of your actions.

Although crucial to determining your eternal destiny, accepting or rejecting God's gift of salvation is only one choice you make in this life.

Every minute is filled with choices, choices that draw you closer to God or farther away from him.

Choosing life means choosing God. When you choose life, you prevent curses (which are simply the opposite of blessings) from taking hold. Moses's words are a reminder that your choices, both big and small, matter. My good friend and I would say mentor or advisor of sorts Ms. Sallie Westbrook went to be with our Lord this morning...I just read this after a three day fast from my technology while celebrating a family vacation. I dedicated this message from God to her memory and ask that like her we too choose wisely. Choose life!

Selah people' and friends God's grace gives you the freedom to choose between good and evil. God's love allows consequences to act as a guide, helping you make decisions that honor God while improving the quality of your life.

"Peace be with you as you make those Life-or-Death decisions..."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) {Via mobile: Jacksonvile, Florida...Back at Mama's house!}

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Panic Attack

I have no idea who this guy is...but what I do
know is that peace and worry cannot coexist!

Today's Scripture:

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4: 6-7

Worry is a stealthy, yet formidable, enemy. Worry can creep into your life quietly, masquerading as an acceptable human response to living in an imperfect world. But worry is neither acceptable nor harmless. Worry is a dangerous diversion that leads you to focus on your problems instead of on, God, who loves you and is in control. There is an easy, effective way to eliminate worry ~ pray.

Praying about both the big and small things in your life is a way of constantly realigning your point of view with God's perspective. Prayer is more than simply asking God for help. It is also a time of worship and thanks. Thanking God for his past help and blessings is a gift to yourself, as well as to God. Every thank-you serves as a personal reminder of God's love and faithfulness in your life, and it provides you with a source of comfort, strength, encouragement, and peace.

Peace and worry cannot coexist. Where worry is the potential enemy, peace is the faithful sentinel guarding your mind and heart. There is nothing passive about the word guard. It's a Greek military term that paints a picture of a stronghold being protected by a vigilant garrison of watchmen. Much like some of the best offensive linemen I ever had the joy to quarterback, you knew they had your back, your front and your entire being in their protection. When you allow prayer to defeat worry in your life, God's peace will be your watchman through any and every situation.

Selah people' and friends at the very first sign of worry, practice the life-changing principle found in Philippians 4:6-7. Tell God what you're anxious about. Thank him for who he is, for what he has done, and for the peace he provides. I can hear the song in my head "Have a little talk with Jesus." Remember when worry first comes tell him about it!

"Peace come over you and stand in the gap between you and worry. Take time today to grab someone...anyone hug them and tell them just how much God loves them."
Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile: Orlando, Florida - The Magic Kindom ~

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Inside Story...

Today's Scripture:

It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you - the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God.

1 Peter 3:3-4

The women of ancient Rome were much like many women today. They worked hard to be beautiful. Elaborate hairstyles made up of tiny knots plaited with gold and jewels and then piled high on the head were all the rage in biblical times. Once drawback was that fashionable Roman women feared going to sleep lest they muss their hairdos. But those women wholeheartedly believed that their passion for fashion was worth the extra effort, because beauty was what they thought was going to keep their husbands faithful, satisfied with them alone.

Fashion trends today tend toward plastic surgery, excessive dieting, and a closet full of haute couture clothing. Women's (and yes even men's) motivations haven't changed much at all in some two thousand years. People strive to look beautiful so that others will perceive them as valuable and desirable. The apostle Peter directed his readers to refocus from external beauty to internal beauty. From what fades to what is eternal. From what pleases men to what pleases God.

True lasting beauty is found in a heart that rests secure in God's love. That gentle and quiet spirit doesn't need to strive for attention. It is adorned with spiritual instead of physical riches. I spoke in my blog yesterday of honoring our body as God's temple, but I want to clarify that when we do that it should be to care for what God has given us and to give him a Holy place to come into. Not for others to say "Check him out" or "Check her out!"Authentic inner beauty, and not artificial glamour, attracts others to what is truly valuable - the unique person whom God holds precious in his sight.

Selah people' and friends Peter's words are not a call to dowdiness. They are merely a reminder to keep your priorities straight when it comes to becoming a beautiful person. Concentrate on what matters most - the inside, not the outside.

"Peace be with you as you focus on your beauty that is inside you, that is what counts the most to Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Via mobile: Rolling toward Orlando, Florida ~ Next stop Disney World.

Friday, December 26, 2008

God's Dwelling Place

We must remember our body is God's Holy of Holies...
Today's Scripture:

You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

In Paul's day, the city of Corinth was infamous for sexual debauchery and decadence. There was even a slang Greek verb that meant "to act like a Corinthian," which implied that one took part in sexual immorality. The church of Corinth, though filled with true believers in Jesus, continued to struggle with the sinful excess of its culture. In response to the church's repeated failure to set itself apart for God instead of blending into Corinthian society, Paul directed his comments in a letter to this struggling church. His words today, as well as then, are good heart-and-body check for every believer.

Thanks to Jesus's sacrifice, your body is now God's home. In the Old Testament, God's presence stayed physically close to his people by dwelling in an elaborate temple complex. God dictated every detail of the temple's construction, as well as strict rules on how to keep it holy and fit for his use. I recently had a chance to help one of our high school members get started on a new weightlifting program. As a former educator and football coach I never realized that those skills would be so beneficial in my ministry work. It is truly biblical for us to take care of and build up our bodies for Him. God's Spirit dwelled in an especially sacred part of the temple called the Holy of Holies. In Greek, this place was called naos. Paul used that same word here. Your body and mine are God's Holy of Holies.

When a guest comes to your home, you honor that guest by putting things in order and doing all you can to make that person feel comfortable. By taking care of yourself physically and mentally while steering clear of sexual sin, you are doing the same for God. You are giving your heavenly Father a warm welcome home.

Selah people' and friends your body is a sacred place where God's spirit dwells. How you treat yourself physically is a reflection of the kind of dwelling place you desire to offer the Father, who loves you. When I was younger I had it wrong I thought I did take care of myself by building muscles, speed and the same time however I was tearing down God's house in my sin through bad choices. Join me in seeking to build temples that honor ourselves and make a house that God would be proud of.

"Peace be in your temple as you honor it and God."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Via mobile...Clark's Fish Camp ~ Mandarin, Florida

"Watch out for the Gators!"

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Empty Tombs

Jesus proved that we can expect more after the grave!

Today's Scripture:

If Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!
1 Corinthians 15:17

The moment Jesus rose from the dead, everything changed. How God related to people in the Old Testament (by speaking to the whole nation through prophets) gave way to the New (by speaking to people individually through his Spirit).God forgave the sins of those who chose to follow him. Death was defeated. Eternal life was certain. There was absolute proof Jesus was who he said he was, God and Savior.

The apostle Paul's words to the Corinthian church remove the option of believing the Bible as a collection of morality myths. His words do not allow for Jesus to be regarded as a prophet or a good teacher.

Either Jesus rose from the dead, proving he was who he said he was and that he did what he said he would do, or your faith is useless.

Paul, the writer of 1 and 2 Corinthians, went on to say that if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then Christians are to be pitied as the most miserable people on earth because they base their faith, their hope, and their purpose in life on a lie.

History says otherwise, however. More than five hundred witnesses saw Jesus alive after he died on the cross. The bodies of other great religious leaders, such as Buddha and Mohammad, remain dead in their graves. Only Jesus lives beyond the grave. This important verse is subtle reminder that because of Jesus, one day you will too.

Selah people' and friends remember through Jesus's death He paid the price for people's transgressions, Jesus's resurrection is evidence of God's acceptance of that payment. Let Paul's words help keep you grounded in the historical facts that support your faith.

"Peace be your guide as you are reminded that we have so much more to look forwarded to after the grave, if we have Christ as our Savior."
Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile from Jacksonville, Florida

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Watching and waiting...

Today's Scripture:

See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
James 5: 7-8

God's timing is always perfect. He parted the Red Sea when his people needed it most - when they were trapped between the rushing waters and an approaching army. God allowed the water to flow again, but only after Moses and the Israelites had made it safely across. God provided what the people needed at the precise moment that it would make the greatest difference.

From a human vantage point, it isn't always easy to recognize that opportune moment. Waiting for God's answer, when your own internal timer has already gone off, can make you feel as if God isn't listening or he simply doesn't care. When you find yourself in that situation, take a lesson from this important verse in James and put yourself in a farmer's shoes. You can't rush a perfect harvest or an answer to prayer. As a farmer waits for the fruit of his labor, he doesn't just sit around complaining about how long the growing season is. He continues to work. He trusts God, and his patience grows right along with his fruit.

James provides a valuable tip for those who wait. He advises you to establish your heart, which means "to firmly plant your life and expectations in the fertile soil of God's truth." There is a bountiful harvest as certain as the fulfillment of God's promises: the Lord will return; the hard times you face will end; and God will answer your prayers when the time is right.

Selah people' and friends the image of a patient farmer is an encouraging visual picture for prayer. Picture every prayer as a seed planted in God's will. As you wait, picture them ripening, trusting in God's perfect harvest time.
Peace and patience of a farmer be with you as you sew the seeds of your faith."
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via remote...Swansboro,NC~Grandma's House aka."The friendly city by the sea"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Piecing Life Together

Is God part of your life? Where you put him?

Today's Scripture:

May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul, and body - and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23

A jigsaw puzzle is made up of multiple parts. It is only when these parts are put together, when the puzzle is whole and complete, that you see the picture it was designed to display. Your life is the same way. Your life is made up of many complex components: family life, church, job, hobbies, physical health, emotional state, present circumstances, past experiences, hopes for the future, relationship with God. It would be easy to feel that your life is fragmented, like unconnected pieces of a puzzle that don't seem to fit. But that isn't the way you were designed.

God designed you to be whole and complete, where every part of your life interconnects with his love and his plan.

This doesn't happen automatically or overnight. That is why the apostle Paul asked God to help the people in the church at Thessalonica to continue to move closer toward wholeness in their lives. He recognized that people cannot achieve the process of maturity that leads to wholeness through self-effort. It requires the power of God. Paul's prayer is one you need to pray for yourself.

Ask God to help pull the pieces of your life together according to his original design. As you choose to keep God at the center of your life, you'll find your own unique "picture" becoming more complete. Your job, your relationships, and your dreams work together, linked to one another because they are each solidly linked back to God.

Selah people' and friends let Paul's prayer make you more aware of the big picture behind what's going on in your life. Ask God to help you get a better glimpse of what that really is.
Please stop by our church website to stay up to date on upcoming events, photos and other ministry opportunities.

"Peace be with you as you assemble the pieces of your life and display the blessings God has planned for you and others."

Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Job Description: Excellence

Today's Scripture:

In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people.

Colossians 3:23

Work is a noble calling. God commends people for doing it well, and he also does work himself. When God created the world, he worked. The excellence of his work is evident in everything he made. He even took a day off to review the results of his efforts and declared them "good." God continues to work, sustaining what he created that very first week in the world's history.

Since God created you in his image, work should be a part of your life. Doing it well reflects God's creativity and character. It is easy, however, to lose your motivation when a job is difficult or you become bored with doing the same thing day after day. Paul's words to the Colossians can help you keep your work in its proper perspective.

Working the best you can literally means working "out from the soul."

You are not working simply to pay the bills, please your boss, or pass the time of day. God set this job in front of you. When you do your job well, God notices, even if no one else does.

This section of Colossians was originally directed toward slaves. It encouraged them to remain positive and productive, even if they were working in bondage under a tyrant. If a slave, who could be beaten even if he did a job well, could strive for excellence by maintaining a Colossians 3:23 perspective, certainly it is something you and I can do in whatever job that is facing us today.

Selah people' and friends focus on God's perspective throughout the day and imagine at all times that he is your boss. If you are in our neighborhood today I invite you to join us at Selah Christian Church as we go caroling tonight at 6:15pm. We will meet at our church fellowship hall and depart to cover the surrounding community at 6:30pm 12/22/2008. We will return and share in food, refreshments and yes more fellowship with one another. God bless you and yours!

"Peace be with you as you continue to reach for excellence in whatever job God has placed before you."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Wayne Memorial Hospital

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Stop, Look,Listen, and Trust

The tapestry of human emotions can be found in the Psalms...

Today's Scripture:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea..."Be still, and know that I am God."

Psalm 46: 1-2,10

The Psalms are a tapestry of human emotions. The poetry of prayer weaves together anger, fear, joy, longing, despair, praise, and passion. These verses sum up God's response to those prayers. Their truth is the thread of peace and comfort that runs through the entire book of Psalms, as well as the rest of the Bible - and the life of every individual who walks with God.

God's answer to those who are emotionally troubled is brief and straightforward: stop and remember who is on your side.

Psalm 46 talks about earthquakes felling mountains, cities being destroyed, nations being in an uproar, kingdoms crumbling. It talks about the final destruction of the world itself. The overall tone of the psalm is anything but quiet and still. One sentence, however, says to "be still", and the focal point of emotion changes from outside chaos to internal rest. That's why this psalm was written as a song. It proclaimed a message everyone needed to hear.

Let the truth of these verses find a home in your heart today. When life gets busy or chaotic, it's easy to get distracted. You wind up focusing on problems instead of the One who holds the answer to your problems in his hands. When that happens, stop. Focus on who God is and how much he loves you. Share your own heartfelt psalm of prayer with God of power and compassion. Be still and know God is near.

Selah people' and friends the words in Psalm 46 hold incredible power when it comes to knowing God is near in any and every situation. Memorize them. Meditate on them. Keep them close at heart for when you need them most. Be sure to check in at our church website for ministry opportunities, photos or sermons online at

"Peace be with you as you take the time to stop, look, listen and trust our savior."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Living Life to the Fullest

The good shepherd would like for us to have so much more!
Today's Scripture:
Jesus said, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
John 10:10

Jesus often used parables and metaphors to help people get a better picture of the principles and truths he was talking about. He referred to himself as things like a vine, a lamb, or a bridegroom. He also described himself as the Good Shepherd. He wanted his followers to understand the difference between how a good shepherd cares and sacrifices for the benefit of his sheep, while thieves and hired hands use sheep only to benefit themselves. Jesus wanted them to know he was a leader who always had his followers' best interests at heart.

Jesus proclaimed the end result of this tender care for his sheep, which makes the verse one of the most important verses in the Bible. It is Jesus's statement of purpose; it is his promise to those who follow him. That includes you. What Jesus promised is life. Not just ordinary, breathing-in-and-out, making-it-by-the-seat-of-your-pants life, but an authentic, eternal, hang-on-to-your-seats-because-another-miracle's-coming abundant life.

The kind of abundance that Jesus promised is a measure of the quality of life, not the quantity of possessions.

You can't measure this abundance in square footage or bottom lines. Jesus promised to provide a surplus of what makes life worth living- things like love, grace, guidance, forgiveness, and joy. These are Jesus's gifts to you, a life that is overflowing with riches of the heart that no one can ever take away.

Selah people' and friends keeping in mind Jesus's promise to you of abundant life gives you reason for constant hope and thanks. It also fosters contentment by helping you find joy in the abundance of what matters most.

Stop by our Selah Church website at . You can check out our upcoming events, view photos or listen to a past sermon.
"Peace and happiness is my prayer for you as you allow God to show you how to live your life to the fullest."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Praying Like Jesus...

Today's Scripture:
You should pray like this: "Our Father in heaven, may your name always be kept holy. May your kingdom come and what you want be done, here on earth as it is in heaven. Give us the food we need for each day. Forgive us for our sins, just as we have forgiven those who sinned against us. And do not cause us to be tempted, but save us from the Evil One."

Matthew 6: 9-13

These verses are some of the most-often-repeated words in the Bible. Various Bible translations differ on a word here or there, but the heart of the Lord's Prayer remains the same. Right before Jesus shared how to pray, he emphasized how not to pray. One of the things he said not to do was repeat the same words over and over again without thinking about what is being said. That's exactly what many people do with the Lord's Prayer.

Use the Lord's Prayer the way Jesus intended. Let it help you better understand, and put into practice, three vital elements of prayer ~ Please note if you take nothing else from any other blog remember these : praise, petition, and confession. Jesus's prayer began with thanks for who God is, a Father deserving honor. Then Jesus requested help by sharing personal needs, both physical and spiritual. He asked for the basic provision of food, as well as for the protection and the strength necessary to do what God wanted. He also prayed for the needs of others, asking that their lives would align more with God's desires.

Jesus had nothing to confess, but he knew those listening did, so he modeled how to ask for forgiveness. Confessing where you've failed keeps communication with God honest and open and helps you become more merciful to those who fail you.
As Jesus demonstrated, prayer is simply inviting God to play an active role in your life.

Selah people' and friends the Lord's Prayer is Jesus's most concrete lesson on prayer. Pray as Jesus did. Share your deepest concerns with God, and invite God to make your heart and your will more like his.

Stop by our church website at to check out our upcoming events, photos or listen to a sermon online.
Peace be with you as you take time out to Pray like Jesus."
Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blade of Truth

Today's Scripture:
God's word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way into us, where the soul sand the spirit are joined, to the center of our joints and bones. And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.

Hebrews 4:12

The Bible is not your ordinary book. Like a surgeon's scalpel, it has the power to slice through lies to expose raw truth. It can prick a guilty conscience, heal a broken heart, or open eyes that have long been blind to God's existence. The verse in Hebrews is like the Bible's warning label. It lets you know that what you're holding in your hands should be handled carefully - and that it will leave a reader or listener a changed person.

That's because the Bible is much more than merely print on paper. The Bible is alive with the power of God's Spirit. Like Jesus, its genesis is both fully human and fully divine. Though ordinary people wrote it, God worked through those writers in an extraordinary way. Throughout the Bible's sixty-six books of history, prophecy, and guidelines for living written over a period of six hundred years by more than thirty authors using three languages, there is a consistency of purpose about God and his plan that mere coincidence could never achieve.

The Bible is not a reference book to teach you about God.

The Bible is an invitation to connect with God in a personal way - and to learn more about yourself in the process.

The more time you spend reading the Bible and meditating on how God wants you to apply what you've read, the more you'll learn to recognize the whisper of God's Spirit in your life and to see his hand at work in the world around you.

Selah people' friends get to know God better by becoming better acquainted with the Bible. Reading one psalm and a chapter from one of the Gospels each morning as you rise or evening as you lay down to rest is a great way to begin.

"Peace and Joy I pray for you and also wisdom and Christ cuts through what ever it is in your life that is holding you back from his true blessings."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Special Delivery

Today's Scripture:

The Word became a human and lived among us. We saw his glory - the glory that belongs to the only Son of the Father - and he was full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

The day God came to earth is much more than a sweet tale on which to base a holiday. It is a miracle of dynamic proportions, and John tells the wonder of it all. God himself came to live on earth. That is the heart of the Christmas story. The God of the universe made his home here on earth so that people could better understand him, connect with him, and experience his kindness. The Word is God's most intimate, and informative, communication with those whom he created.

It is interesting that such a pivotal verse about Jesus does not even contain his name. That's because Word was a powerful symbol in both Greek philosophy and Jewish tradition. The Greeks referred to logos or Word as the creative force that brought the world into being. Everyone at that time understood that referring to Jesus as the Word was the same as calling him the eternal Creator.

If you're going to believe in this eternal Creator, you need to understand who he is. The biggest mistake people make about Jesus is to minimize either his deity or his humanity. My good friend and mentor Rev Neil Wingfield shared that in our liturgy when we light the candles each Sunday for worship that one of the candles represents the humanity and the other the divinity of Christ.

In his earthly life, Jesus was both fully God and fully human.

John emphasized this point throughout his entire Gospel. Although both the Old and New Testaments are filled with important verses about Jesus, John 1:14 clearly states who Jesus is and what he wants to impart on you and I.

Selah people' and friends Jesus's humanity enabled him to relate to your human problems, while his divinity gave him the power to help you overcome them.

"Peace be with you as we receive the blessed special delivery of Christ both in his humanity and in his divinity."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The One and Only...

Today's Scripture:

You must worship no other gods, but only the Lord, for he is passionate about his relationship with you.

Exodus 34:14

The Israelites saw God part the Red Sea and save them from captivity in Egypt. But soon afterward, they gave up on the God who'd rescued them. They chose to worship a golden calf instead. When Moses returned from receiving the Ten Commandments, he saw the Israelites- God's people - engaged in idolatry. Moses threw the tablets to the ground, shattering them just as the people had shattered God's first commandment - to worship only God.

God thankfully is a God of second chances, however. God gave Moses new tablets and reiterated his commands. Those commands are as important today as they were for the Israelites, because God designed his commands to build relationships with him and with the people around you. Obeying God's commands helps you to love well.
The first commandment, that God alone is to be worshiped, is at the heart of them all. God doesn't ask you for worship because his ego needs stroking. He asks it because worshipping him alone is the best thing that could happen to you. You don't have to kneel before a golden calf to worship idols.

An idol is anything for which you have a deeper devotion than for God.

An idol could be power, money, comfort, pleasure, even religion. Worshipping God above everything else keeps life in the proper perspective. God is passionate about his relationship with you. Worshipping him alone helps you become more passionate about him.

Selah people' and friends consider what's important in your life. Weigh your relationship with God in light of everything else. Ask God to help you identify anything that you give higher priority to than getting to know him better. A young person lifted up a prayer request one Sunday for "Spiritual Growth". Are you growing? Have you made God the one and only? Why not join me and others and start today?

"Peace be with you as you serve the one true God."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sharing Your Strength

How can you share your strength with others?

Today's Scripture:
I'm eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours, In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other.

Romans 1:12

God is not the only One with the power to bless. You, too, can build others up by showing them special favor, which is what a blessing really is. One way is through the gift of encouragement. Paul expressed his desire to share this valuable gift with other believers who lived in Rome. He'd never met them, and neither had any of the other apostles. But that didn't stop Paul form longing to comfort and strengthen others who shared his faith in God.

Paul's words are a practical example of God's love at work.

Love cannot exist in a vacuum.

You have to share it. When you encourage others by your loving example, actions, words, or prayers, you'll discover that your gift comes with a bonus. You will in turn, be encouraged. In the Greek language, to encourage means "to share your strength with others" as well as " to be mutually comforted." The more you take the opportunity to cheer on and support those around you, the more you'll experience the joy that love can bring.

God has used Paul's words and the example of his life to strengthen and inspire people for more than two thousand years. You never know when a simple word of encouragement to a friend or even a stranger will cause a ripple effect that will be felt throughout eternity. Put the principle behind Paul's words to the test today. God can turn your simple gift of encouragement into a tremendous blessing.

Selah people' and friends be encouraged, and act on what you've learned. Strengthen others by sharing how much they mean to you and to God.

"Peace be with you as you share the strength God has given you and be a blessing to you have with others."

Your pastor,
Rev Muston

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Missing the Mark...

Are you falling short of the mark?

Today's Scripture:

All have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard. Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away sins.
Romans 3:23-24

As a freshman at Swansboro High school my track coach introduced me to one of my events that earned me my first varsity letter it was the pole vault. When a person competes in the pole vault, he is focused on doing one thing ~ jumping higher than the mark where the pole's been set. Once he has jumped, there can be only two outcomes. He either cleared the mark or fell short. If he failed in his attempt to clear the pole, whether he missed by an inch or a foot doesn't matter. He still failed.

The same is true with sin. The Hebrew word for sin literally means "to miss the mark." Everyone sins by choosing to go his own way instead of God's way. Some people miss God's mark by an inch; others by a mile. How close you come doesn't matter. Close isn't close enough. The moral pole god has set for you to clear is a high one; it is so high that it's impossible to continually clear it on your own. a perfect, holy God can't embrace anything less than perfect.

The good news is that this perfect and faultless God is also perfect and loving.

That's why he provided a way for you to clear the bar more consistently, as well as a means for you to avoid a penalty when you miss the mark.

It is important to recognize that everyone sins. Shift your focus to the future, not the past. I'm almost 26 years past my first pole vault attempt and thankfully I'm no longer limited to just my little high school to reach for heights the opportunities are limitless. Because of Jesus, guilt and the fear of punishment no longer weigh you and I down. We are now free to jump higher than ever before.

Selah people' and friends when you miss the mark, ask for God's forgiveness, learn from your mistake, and keep moving forward.

"Peace be with you as you and I strive to reach the mark that Christ has set for us."

Be sure to stop by and visit our church website at and check out our upcoming events, photos and listen to our online audio sermons.

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Joint Venture...

It takes all of our parts to fill the body of part is more important!

Today's Scripture:

What we have is one body with many parts, each its proper size and in its proper place. No part is important on its own.

1 Corinthians 12:20

Your body is the perfect picture of how God designed community to work. Every part is independent and is vital to the health and strength of the other parts. If your lungs took the day off, your brain would cease to function. If your muscles went on strike, your feet wouldn't be able to get you out of bed and off to work or school.

Paul's picture of the cooperative human body illustrates how every individual is vital to the health of God's church as a whole. It also demonstrates how every part is significant. One part isn't more important than another. You should not regard the person who preachers on Sunday morning as morning as any more important than the one who cleans the building or the one who turns on the heat before the service. Each individual is necessary...we are all part of the body of Christ.

Every gift God gives has a purpose and a place to help fulfill his perfect plan.

People often encounter two pitfalls when they evaluate their significance by comparing their gifts with others': (1)they believe their gifts are too small or too big, or (2)they feel that what they do really doesn't matter or that everything or that everything would fall apart without them. Paul's words in 1 Corinthians guide you toward the true measure of significance on this earth comes solely from what you are a part of - God's body here on earth.

Selah people' and friends understanding your significance, and the significance of others, will help keep a humble, realistic view of yourself. It will also enable you to work more harmoniously in community with others. I have a story that I used to share with my daughter when she was little that we called "the big toe" story. It is late as I write this blog but I will share a special blog with it later today. Check out our church website at and special thanks to all who helped or prayed for our Live Nativity. We had over 926 come through.

"Peace be with you and I as together we serve our Savior as the parts of the body that God created us for."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Heart Transplant

God offers us a new heart...

Today's scripture:

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

Ezekiel 36:26

A beating heart is a sign of life. Physically, your heart beats regularly. But spiritually, until you get to know God firsthand, your heart is flat-lining. God promised the prophet Ezekiel (along with everyone who chooses to follow God) the ultimate heart transplant-replacing stone with flesh. This "flesh" is humanity as God originally created it, which is more than simply being human. It is the promise of being fully alive-physically, emotionally, and spiritually-in both this life and the next.

The people of Israel believed a person's "heart" reveals who a person really is. The heart cannot put on airs or be something it is not. It is the emotional and spiritual center of every individual.

When God's Spirit becomes the center of people's lives, the Bible says that they are "born again."

Along with a new heart comes a new start.

However, this heart transplant is possible only through the power of God's Spirit. Trying to become more loving, generous, and kind through self-effort can never bring a heart of stone to life. Only God's gift of his presence can jump-start a heart into permanent change. God's Spirit at work in you and I enables us to hear God's voice as he guides our decisions, to see his hand as he moves through circumstances, and to fulfill his plans for you and I to become the persons he created us to be.

Selah people' and friends through God's words to Ezekiel, you are given a beautiful metaphor to help you understand what happens when God's Spirit comes into your life you are fully alive for the very first time. I'm so thankful God has given me this new life and the opportunity to serve with others like you to spread His Love to all whom we come in contact with.

"Peace be with you as you allow God to open your new heart up to share with others"

Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Peril of Pride

Today's Scripture:

Though the Lord is supreme, he takes care of those who are humble, but he stays away from the proud.

Psalm 138:6

In the ancient Middle East, there were many myths about powerful monsters and primeval sea creatures. One canaanite legend told of a sea monster named Rahab who fought against God's creation of the universe. The word rahab is Hebrew for both "acting stormily" and "arrogance." In the same way that the sea creature refused to believe God's power could be greater than its own, arrogant people believe they can succeed in life solely by their own strength.

The bases for human pride are as much a myth as that sea creature. Physical abilities, IQ, talents, and accomplishments are all gifts.

You can add effort to what God has given you, but the basic building blocks are all courtesy of him.

Basing your life on a myth is bad enough. However, the most destructive thing about pride is that it acts like a God-repellent and pushes God away from the center of your life. As God keeps his distance from the proud, his gifts of guidance from the proud, his gifts of guidance, wisdom, and comfort move out of reach. While God notices pride right away, you may be aware of its presence. Ask a close friend if he or she sees evidence of pride in your life. Ask God to help you become more aware of your true motives, and then battle pride with the truth of who God is. The more you come to know and understand him, the more accurate a picture you'll have of yourself - and the more humility will replace pride in your life.

Selah people' and friends whenever you feel pride raise its arrogant head in your life, picture the sea monster, Rahab, battling ~ and losing to ~ God's supremacy.

"Peace be with you as you face and battle the monsters and storms of life that we face each day."

I invite you to stop by our website at also if you are close by we will have our 2nd LIVE NATIVITY with close to 100 of our members in costume showing the life of Jesus in 11 different scenes. It will be December 12th & 13th from 6pm to 8pm.

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jesus' Legacy of Peace

Today's Scripture:

Jesus said, " I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid."

John 14:27

In the Jewish culture, the Hebrew word shalom is a customary greeting for both "hello" and "good-bye". Shalom means "peace" and so much more. It implies a wish for health, prosperity, and wholeness, as well as a wish for an absence of both internal and external strife.

As Jesus prepared to say good-bye to his closest friends on the night of the Last Supper, he bid them shalom. Jesus's words of farewell were far more than a traditional blessing. They were a gift only the Prince of Peace himself could offer. Jesus offered his followers peace of mind and heart, a peace unlike that of the world they knew, which depended on favorable circumstances. Jesus's offer of peace depended solely on his followers' relationship with him.

These words of Jesus are like his Last Will and Testament. In the same way that a will records how to divide possessions among the survivors of the one who died, John 14:27 is a record of your inheritance.

Jesus bequeathed a priceless treasure to all those who follow him, including you.

In fact, his gift has set you up for life ~ both this one and the next. That's because the wholeness found in Jesus's gift of peace is at the heart of true happiness. As you pursue peace by pursuing Jesus, you'll find you are holding the true key to living the good life.

Selah people' and friends Jesus's gift of peace offers you an alternative to fear and worry, a foretaste of heaven available here and now. As with any inheritance, you have to accept it and use it to enjoy its true benefits. If you've put this on lay-away as I remember Momma taught us to do with school clothes...stop putting it off. Choose today to enjoy this eternal gift!

"Peace be with you as you accept the legacy of Christ.

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Than Meets the Eye

Where has God placed you and how will it help you grow?
Today's Scripture:
We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

The apostle Paul had a difficult life. He was beaten, imprisoned, stoned, whipped, slandered, and shipwrecked. Through it all, however, he continued to tell others with joy, hope, and conviction about what Jesus had done. God had called Paul for his purpose. Paul knew God was at work behind the scenes, transforming every circumstance into something that would bring glory to God and good into Paul's own life.

Paul said "we know" with assurance. He did not write "we hope" or "we feel" or even "we pray."

God's loving involvement was, and is, an irrefutable fact. When Paul spoke of those people whom God calls for his purpose, Paul was talking about every child who responds to the call of his or her heavenly Father. In the same way that an earthly father cannot show a child something wonderful until the child responds to his call to "come here," God promises to work only wonderful things in the lives of those who follow him.

The good that God worked in Paul's life, and that he vows to work in yours, is not a promise of perfect happiness. It is a promise of eternal purpose. God's plan for you to know him and to spend eternity with him is steadfast. In addition, God will use the pain and the disappointment in your life. He will use them to do something beautiful, to turn heartache into strength and sorrow into into joy.

Selah people' and friends when you are facing difficult circumstances, remember that God is at work transforming everything that happens, both good and bad, into something beneficial for you.

Stop by our church website at you will find information about events, photos, audio sermons to listen or download. We also invite you to come to our Live Nativity with close to 100 cast members and 11 scenes telling the story of Jesus life. It will be December 12th & 13th from 6pm to 8pm.

"Peace be with you as you acknowledge God is with you in all things."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fully Forgiven?

Today's Scripture:

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

Being a scapegoat is not a job most people would volunteer for. After all, it implies taking the blame for what others have done. But in the Old Testament, God offered forgiveness to his people in exactly this way. The priest would lay his hands on the head of a goat symbolically transfer onto the scapegoat the blame for the sins the people had committed. The priest then sent the animal into the wilderness to take the people's offenses far away. Once the scapegoat removed the people's sins, God in his holiness could once again draw near to the people he loved.

In the New Testament, a different kind of scapegoat appeared-Jesus Christ. As God's Son, he willingly chose to bear the offenses of the whole world, to take the blame for everything the people had done against God since the dawn of time and until the end of it. Jesus was innocent of the sins and transgressions of the people, and yet, as the scapegoat, he took the punishment for them all so that his beloved people could be spared.

The great hope and promise of this verse is that it tells you exactly what you need to do to allow Jesus to be your scapegoat, which opens the door to God's forgiveness in your life. To confess simply means "to agree". Take a few moments each day to agree with God about how well your thoughts, words, and actions have lined up with what he desires for your life. Yesterday in our sermon we discussed John the Baptist's message of repentance and following the call that God has for each of us.

We must move forward with confidence, fully forgiven and free from guilt.

Selah people' and friends once God forgives you, all traces of your past offenses are gone. His forgiveness wipes away any feelings of guilt or blame. I was so blessed to here that a friend and co-worker of mine made her first time commitment to Christ this weekend. We have discussed God and her personal relationship with him many times. She said the biggest thing she felt was such relief that she could lift all her burdens and really get that piano sin and hurt off her back.

"Peace be with you as confess and are forgiven."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Others First

We are called to put others first...
Today's Scripture:
When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Paul was writing to the Christians in Philippi from a prison in Rome. Paul had started the church in Philippi on his second of three missionary journeys. He encouraged the Christians there to continue their good work. Paul told them to be interested in the lives of other people more than in there own lives. He encouraged them to think and act like Jesus. Jesus considered the needs of other people more important than his own needs. Even though he was God in human form, he served others.

Jesus could have been and done anything he wanted to. He could have been a political success and risen to the position of earthly king. The possibilities for wealth or personal fame were endless. Instead he chose to spend time with people who were lost, lonely, sick, and hopeless. He used his power to heal and save others. He did ordinary things like attending a wedding or eating a meal with friends. In one of his most humble moments, he washed dirty feet of his disciples so they might understand how important it was to serve others and remain humble.

Jesus never considered himself better than anyone else, even though he was.

His life was a phenomenal display of humility. Put others first by treating everyone the same. Take the initiative to put the best interest, of others first.

Selah people' and friends putting others first goes against your very nature. In fact, in your own strength, you can't even do it -not on a consistent basis. If you're going to obey this command, you're going to have to turn it over to the One who succeeded in putting others first for a whole lifetime. Today in our sermon I shared how singer Chris Thomlin pointed out that we are all Christ creations much like a guitar was created for the purpose of playing music on you and I were created for a special purpose. Choose today to seek what God has planned for you and to do what he has called you to do for others.

"Peace be with you as you seek to place others first. Grab someone and tell them just how much God loves them."

Be sure to stop by our website an see all the upcoming activities, photos or to listen to our sermons online or download:

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What Jesus Did...

Jesus sacrificed for us all...reach out your arms
and receive his love and joy!

Today's Scripture:

He was wounded for the wrong we did; he was crushed for the evil we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds.

Isaiah 53:5

God often works in unexpected ways. What Isaiah was predicting didn't make sense from a human perspective. It sounded cruel and unjust. It did not seem possible that one person would take the punishment for what another person did wrong. There is no way injuring one person could heal another person. Isaiah's words finally made sense the day Jesus died on the cross nearly seven hundred years later.

Isaiah talked about a person who would come to lead and save people. In Isaiah's time, most leaders were strong individuals, physically, mentally, or both. The description in Isaiah 53:5 is of someone who was beaten and crushed - not the words you would typically associate with a leader, just the opposite, in fact. The key to understanding this verse is the realization that this leader would take the pain and suffering of others in order to spare them, in order to save them from having to endure it.

You are loved so much that God devised a plan that made it possible for Jesus to bear the pain and suffering that really belonged to you. Jesus took your place. His pain and his death made it possible for you to be healed. You are healed of hurt that comes from being separated from God. I thank God for this as we lost a great friend and leader in our community this week in Mr. Robert Grantham. As I am saddened by no longer being able to talk with him face-to-face I hold to the joy that because of our savior we will have that chance again in the future.

What Jesus did ensured that you and I will enjoy a permanent and unbreakable relationship with God and have the wonderful gift of everlasting life.

Selah people' and friends God is a leader who is willing to replace your pain with joy. He loves you so much that he made sure you could be with him forever.

"Peace and joy be ours thanks to our ultimate fighter and leader Jesus' and what he did for us all."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, December 5, 2008

You Know God...

Is your path different than others? Is it the narrow road or the wide?

Today's Scripture:
No one can see God, but Jesus Christ is exactly like him. He ranks higher than everything that has been made.

Colossians 1:15

Jesus knew from an early age that he was different. He had an understanding of God that no other person had. This unique understanding was the mind of God contained inside him. This almost incomprehensible idea stated another way is this: Jesus was fully human all at once.

Paul hoped to help people gain an understanding of this matchless human named Jesus. Colossians 1 contains several verses of bite-size information to help people digest the concept of Jesus as fully God and fully human. The concept may take you a lifetime to grasp, and that is okay. Many adults still struggle with such a mind-boggling concept. Just remember that there is only one God.

Jesus was the living, breathing reality of God on earth.

For you, this means two significant things. One, you can know God by knowing Jesus. Although much of who God is remains beyond human comprehension, the Bible gives you knowledge of God as you read about the life of Jesus. Two, Jesus experienced life as a human being. He was a baby, a child, a teenager, and an adult. Jesus was hungry, frustrated, happy, and sad. He experienced the loss of family and friends. Although he never gave in, Jesus was tempted by Satan, so he understands what it is like when you are tempted. He endured physical pain. Jesus knows what it is like to be human, which means he knows what it's like to be you.

Selah people' and friends God not only created humanity, but he experienced it first hand. God knows what you are going through; allow him to be God in your life today. Choose his path and it will lead you to his kingdom.

"Peace be with you and I as we travel the road of life and really get to know God who already knows us."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile Goldsboro, NC...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

God Is on Our Team...

Today's Scripture:

When I was helpless, he saved me.

Psalm 116:6

As youngsters, we neighborhood kids would play street football...I remember Donald, Anthony, Frank, Ronnie, Edwin the crew of guys and yes thinking back a girl (Nicole Wagner comes to mind) or two that played hard. The minute we got home from school we'd pile off the bus, drop the books and hit the pavement.

My friend Ant who lived in the trailer right across the street had an older brother who played on the high school team and had a great arm; he too had a passion for football. As soon as he pulled in the driveway with his car we'd start yelling for him to come and play ball. He like myself couldn't resist. Out of fairness he'd always ask, "Which team is losing?" Then he would join that team, which often would be mine. I loved making those acrobatic catches that just made people ask how'd he do that. His appearance in our huddle changed how we played, it changed the whole ball game. He was confident, strong, and most of all, he had a plan. I know he influenced my field generalship as I grew and made that transition to being the older kid with more than just a good arm, but a plan.

We'd circle around Tim, and he'd look at us and say, "Ok boys, here is what we are going to do." The other side was groaning before we left the huddle. You see, we not only had a new plan, we had a new leader.

Selah people' and friends Ant's older brother Tim brought new life to our team and hope to some defeated warriors. God does precisely the same. We didn't need a new play; we needed a new plan. We didn't need to trade positions; we needed a new player. That player is Jesus Christ, God's first born son.

Please stop by our church website to view photos, listen to audio sermons or check out our calender of upcoming ministry opportunities...

"Peace be with you as you allow God to call the plays in your life.

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Don't Worry, Pray

Today's Scripture:

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks.

Philippians 4:6

Time spent worrying is a waste. An hour spent worrying whether so-and-so really likes you. Twenty minutes spent worrying whether you studied hard enough for your history test.

God already knows your needs and your desires; in fact, he knows them better than you do. If you know and trust God, you will turn all your worries over to him. Your confidence in God will result in thankfulness for his abilities.

Your worries will be replaced by peace as you thank God for taking care of you. Pray, do what you can, give God your worries, and rest in the assurance that God can help you solve any problem you have, from dating and friendships to schoolwork. Resting in God's abilities is much better than stressing about things.

Knowing that God can handle anything, you will be able to thank him when things are good and when things are bad. Since he is always looking out for your best interests,

you can be certain that God will show you the joy in the midst of the most difficult situation.

Paul described it this way: God's peace, which is so unprecedented that it defies human understanding, will keep your heart and mind bound to Jesus. When you pray, you focus your heart and your mind on the endless capacity of God rather than on the strain of your circumstance. Your fears and concerns are replaced by the might of God who hears your prayers.

Selah people' and friends you have a God who cares about every single thought, concern, and moment of your life. Turn your worries over to God rather than lugging them around yourself.

"Peace be with you today as you choose not to worry, but instead to pray giving the burden over to God to make a way for you."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile ~