Today's Scripture:
When I was helpless, he saved me.
Psalm 116:6
As youngsters, we neighborhood kids would play street football...I remember Donald, Anthony, Frank, Ronnie, Edwin the crew of guys and yes thinking back a girl (Nicole Wagner comes to mind) or two that played hard. The minute we got home from school we'd pile off the bus, drop the books and hit the pavement.
My friend Ant who lived in the trailer right across the street had an older brother who played on the high school team and had a great arm; he too had a passion for football. As soon as he pulled in the driveway with his car we'd start yelling for him to come and play ball. He like myself couldn't resist. Out of fairness he'd always ask, "Which team is losing?" Then he would join that team, which often would be mine. I loved making those acrobatic catches that just made people ask how'd he do that. His appearance in our huddle changed how we played, it changed the whole ball game. He was confident, strong, and most of all, he had a plan. I know he influenced my field generalship as I grew and made that transition to being the older kid with more than just a good arm, but a plan.
We'd circle around Tim, and he'd look at us and say, "Ok boys, here is what we are going to do." The other side was groaning before we left the huddle. You see, we not only had a new plan, we had a new leader.
Selah people' and friends Ant's older brother Tim brought new life to our team and hope to some defeated warriors. God does precisely the same. We didn't need a new play; we needed a new plan. We didn't need to trade positions; we needed a new player. That player is Jesus Christ, God's first born son.
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"Peace be with you as you allow God to call the plays in your life.
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)