Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Don't Worry, Pray

Today's Scripture:

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks.

Philippians 4:6

Time spent worrying is a waste. An hour spent worrying whether so-and-so really likes you. Twenty minutes spent worrying whether you studied hard enough for your history test.

God already knows your needs and your desires; in fact, he knows them better than you do. If you know and trust God, you will turn all your worries over to him. Your confidence in God will result in thankfulness for his abilities.

Your worries will be replaced by peace as you thank God for taking care of you. Pray, do what you can, give God your worries, and rest in the assurance that God can help you solve any problem you have, from dating and friendships to schoolwork. Resting in God's abilities is much better than stressing about things.

Knowing that God can handle anything, you will be able to thank him when things are good and when things are bad. Since he is always looking out for your best interests,

you can be certain that God will show you the joy in the midst of the most difficult situation.

Paul described it this way: God's peace, which is so unprecedented that it defies human understanding, will keep your heart and mind bound to Jesus. When you pray, you focus your heart and your mind on the endless capacity of God rather than on the strain of your circumstance. Your fears and concerns are replaced by the might of God who hears your prayers.

Selah people' and friends you have a God who cares about every single thought, concern, and moment of your life. Turn your worries over to God rather than lugging them around yourself.

"Peace be with you today as you choose not to worry, but instead to pray giving the burden over to God to make a way for you."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile ~