Today's Scripture:
Jesus said, " I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
John 14:27
In the Jewish culture, the Hebrew word shalom is a customary greeting for both "hello" and "good-bye". Shalom means "peace" and so much more. It implies a wish for health, prosperity, and wholeness, as well as a wish for an absence of both internal and external strife.
As Jesus prepared to say good-bye to his closest friends on the night of the Last Supper, he bid them shalom. Jesus's words of farewell were far more than a traditional blessing. They were a gift only the Prince of Peace himself could offer. Jesus offered his followers peace of mind and heart, a peace unlike that of the world they knew, which depended on favorable circumstances. Jesus's offer of peace depended solely on his followers' relationship with him.
These words of Jesus are like his Last Will and Testament. In the same way that a will records how to divide possessions among the survivors of the one who died, John 14:27 is a record of your inheritance.
Jesus bequeathed a priceless treasure to all those who follow him, including you.
In fact, his gift has set you up for life ~ both this one and the next. That's because the wholeness found in Jesus's gift of peace is at the heart of true happiness. As you pursue peace by pursuing Jesus, you'll find you are holding the true key to living the good life.
Selah people' and friends Jesus's gift of peace offers you an alternative to fear and worry, a foretaste of heaven available here and now. As with any inheritance, you have to accept it and use it to enjoy its true benefits. If you've put this on lay-away as I remember Momma taught us to do with school clothes...stop putting it off. Choose today to enjoy this eternal gift!
"Peace be with you as you accept the legacy of Christ."
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)