Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Worth Telling About

Today's Scripture:

I don't care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me-to tell people the Good News about God's grace.

Acts 20:24

Paul prepared to go to a place where he knew he would be imprisoned and beaten, maybe even killed, for his beliefs. None of these things deterred him from going. Paul would rather face pain and imprisonment that give up his task of telling people about Jesus. To Paul life was worthless if he couldn't be telling others about Jesus.

Paul knew that without Jesus in their lives, people would be separated from God forever. And being separated from God prevented them from living life to the fullest. It was the most important thing people needed to know.

In some countries today there are places where it is illegal to talk about your faith in Jesus. The Christian Church functions in underground home churches. There are even places where pastors and Christians are imprisoned for talking about their faith. At the same time, the number of new Christians is growing at an astounding rate in these places. The people in those countries know it is worth risking their lives to spread the love of God. They know that God introduces forgiveness and mercy into life as they embrace the unconditional love he offers. In good times and in bad,

The assurance that a person's life counts for something ~ that there is a God who loves them ~ is the greatest gift.

Selah people' and friends please know that someone is dying to know about the love of God. Before my son Luke was born one of my employees who is a twin and shares that she is a prophetess :Martha Carlton(her sister is Mary), anyway she came to let me know that my son would be a far greater preacher than I and would reach thousands more people and that it was my calling to train him up and prepare to share his gift. I'm not sure what God's plan is but I respect when he gives someone a word to share and they do just that. I will continue to train my son regardless if is called into ordained ministry or not. I challenge you as I do him, my daughter, my wife and all my church family to; Share what you know about God. However small and insignificant you may think it is God will take it and multiply it and his kingdom on earth as well as in Heaven.

"His peace I leave with you today, take that same peace as you share it with another." Stop by http://www.selahchurch.com/ and if you've missed our service listen online at : http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Good Things

Today's Scripture:

Every good action and every perfect gift is from God. These good gifts come down from the Creator of the sun, moon, and stars, who does not change like their shifting shadows.

James 1:17

It is important to be clear about what comes from God and what does not. The good that happens in life comes from God. The bad comes either from Satan or from your choice to do something opposite of what is pleasing to God. What comes from God is a result of his flawless judgement and is given from a pure spirit of love.

The greek word for perfect in James 1:17 is defined as "finished, wanting for nothing, brought to an end, complete."

God's good may be a process rather that an immediate response or action.

That is, this process may involve a complex set of actions and events to bring your good to fruition. If you rely on God while you endure what may seem like a bad process, you are likely to find that when it is over you are more complete and wanting for nothing.

The kind of good that God gives is distinct from the good anyone else would give. The kind of good that comes from God encompasses not just right now, but all space and time. His good is based on more than the circumstance you might find yourself in. In the midst of a painful situation, you may question why all this bad stuff had to happen to you. What you may or may not realize is that God did not cause any of the bad stuff to happen, but that he can use the bad stuff for good if you allow him to.

Selah people' and friends please don't let the bad stuff in life make you doubt for one moment the goodness of God. His plan is to give you the best things in life. Please stop by our Selah Church website at www.selahchurch.com and you can listen to past sermons online at this link: http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008

"Peace be with you and be sure to share God's grace and peace with someone else today."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Eagle Scout

A special court of honor for a special young man Jonathan Jones at Smith Chapel UMC.

We wish our congratulations and blessings to him and his family.

Rev Patrick Muston

God's Plans Are Good...

Today's Scripture:

We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan.
Romans 8:28

Imagine Jake's surprise when, in his junior year of high school, his parents announce that his dad will be interviewing for a new job. Jake is a star quarterback on his football team and a leader very involved both on and off the field at school. He has a great group of friends who are looking forward to doing their senior year up in a big way. It's tough to see how a move to another city during his senior year could possibly be in Jake's best interest. For me this story really touches close to home growing up in the military specifically the United States Marine Corps, it is a given that you will have to move and that you will have no power or say in when or where. For me personally it is why I moved to North Carolina from Texas.

Romans 8:28 refers to the kind of good that ultimately glorifies God. If a situation causes you to draw closer to God, it can be identified as good. Paul wrote this in a letter to a group of people in Rome who believed in Jesus but whom he had never met. He wrote the letter to encourage them and to clearly state the truth about Jesus. He wanted to affirm to his readers that God was good and that all of the things that happen in life play a part in God's plan.

God's goodness for you includes more than just temporary happiness or granting your immediate wish.

God's good is for the long term. It might include a lesson in patience and endurance during a time when you are being tested. God's good may even include suffering that results in a stronger character or a more compassionate heart. God takes every part of your life and uses it for the ongoing good of your life and his plans.

Selah people' and friends like jagged chunks of colored glass, God puts the pieces of your life together to form a radiant and beautiful stained glass window. God can make your life a work of art. Stop by our Selah Church website at www.selahchurch.com and check back here tomorrow as we will update at link to our sermons online.

"Peace be with you as you remember God's plans are good and we must grab someone and share just how much God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Follow Jesus...

Today's Scripture:

We know that a person is made right with God not by following the law, but by trusting in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus, that we might be made right with God because we trusted in Christ. It is not because we followed the law, because no one can be made right with God by following the law.
Galatians 2:16

Think about the rules that govern our behavior in your school or at your job. They help teachers, managers and administrators maintain order by giving them a standard to hold students' and employees conduct against. Most students are there to learn and to get along with their peers, but for those who don't share that attitude, the rules serve as an external motivation to behave as if they did. If all students and workers treated their teachers, bosses and fellow students with love, always treated others the way they would want to be treated themselves, there would be no need for rules.

Of course, since as young Miley Cyrus sings as Hannah Montana'~ "Nobodies Perfect", rules are necessary. But even if the rules can cause people to behave well, no set of rules can make much change on the inside of a person. Not even God's laws do that. God's laws are a standard for how you should behave toward other people. If you follow the laws of God, you will be doing your part toward creating a just and orderly world.

If you obey God's laws perfectly, you will behave like a perfectly loving human being that was created in his image.

Selah people' and friends the laws of God also serve another purpose. They show you how far you have to go. Every time you break one of God's laws - and you will - you are faced with the fact that you can't do it on your own. You see that you need a new heart. Only God can reach into your life and make you into the kind of person that laws say you ought to be.

Trust Jesus to give you a new heart ~ a heart that truly desires to follow God's laws. Remember to stop by and visit our church website at http://www.selahchurch.com/ and to take time to share the Jesus in you with the Jesus in them.

"God's peace I leave with you as we continue to follow and share Jesus!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friends Reflect Who You Are...

Today's Scripture:
Do not be fooled: "Bad Friends will ruin good habits."
1 Corinthians 15:33
Friendships are usually based on acceptance. You will gravitate toward the people who accept you. Acceptance could cause your friends to choose you rather than you choosing your friends. Make a conscious effort to choose your friends rather than just choosing acceptance.
Real friends don't just accept you , they love you. Friends have each other's best interests at heart. Friends care enough to be honest and to build each other up. A true friend will risk losing you as friend in order to confront issues in your life that are harmful or destructive to you. A true friend will value you more than the friendship.
Your friends have more influence on you than anyone else in your life.
Just ask my friend Johnny. He bangs his head and admits that he can make the right choices, until he gets around a certain group of friends. They make it too easy and daring to do the wrong thing and he falls prey to the peer pressure. Friends who share your standards and your beliefs will encourage you in a positive way. Friends who don't share your standards and beliefs are more likely to cause you to fall away from your beliefs than to rise up to yours. You can influence friends who don't know about God by including them in your cycle of godly friends rather than spending all your time with their friends. Choose your friends wisely.
Selah people' and friends of Selah true friends are a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. Good friends can bring out the best in you. Take time to evaluate whom you are friends with and why. Choose today not only to have and be good friends but know that in doing so you may help lead a friend to Christ.
"Peace be with you as God's forgiven people." Grab one of your friends today and tell them just how much God loves them!
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Attempting to Define Our Faith...

Today's Scripture:
Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.

Hebrews 11:1

Faith isn't an easy word to define because faith is an indefinable quality that goes beyond words. The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. In that original text it said that faith is "the substance of things hoped and the evidence of things not seen ." The word substance in Greek is hupostatis, which means a structure under something, a foundation, a steadfastness of mind. Faith is the firm foundation on which you rest everything you know about God.

The Bible provides knowledge and history about God. It is filled with truth that is not changed by circumstance. The Bible clearly states who God is, that he is truth and holiness. He doesn't change. Knowing who God is and knowing about his character is not enough. The Bible says even demons know who God is.

Without faith you would be limited to the here and now. You would know God only by what you could see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. There is so much about God that goes beyond your limited human senses. No one was present for creation. The Holy Spirit is unseen and can't be touched or heard or smelled or tasted. I shared the senses with my 5 year old Luke as told me each one and how they work. You and I can't use our own abilities to define and know faith. Faith is grounded in the truth of the Bible.

Faith is accepting your experience with God while combining it with the certainty of the Bible.

Selah people' and friends are you putting your faith in what you can see with your eyes, or in what you know to be true from the Bible? Faith isn't just wishful thinking. It's substantial. It's strong enough to build a life on. Will you join me today in holding firm to such Faith and sharing it.

"Peace be with you as we grab hold of our Faith...and share it with all we can as true Disciples of Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Power Of Our Words

Today's Scripture:

The tongue is a small part of the body, but it brags about great things. A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame.

James 3:5

One sentence, even one word, has the power to heal or hurt. Imagine walking through the school parking lot and overhearing your name. Though you keep walking, your ears tune in, hoping to hear a kind word, but there is also a concern that you are about to be slammed. Sometimes school seems like a soap opera that plays out with exaggerated words, lies, and half-truths.

James gave an account of how powerful words could be. He used three analogies to make his point. Most horses weigh from eight hundred to one thousand ~ plus pounds and are strong enough to plow fields or carry a full-grown man for miles. Yet, the horse is controlled with one small piece of metal called a bit and a leather bridle that fits over the horse's head. You can harness the wild strength of a horse with something that a horse could trample. Like the bit and bridle, the rudder on a ship is small in comparison to the ship itself, but it is tiny, a spark alone has the ability to start a blaze.

Your tongue, the words you say, steer your life in one direction or another. Like the spark, one offhand remark can do major damage. Words reflect the true condition of a person's heart and maturity. Make sure your verbal contributions are uplifting, encouraging, and honest.

Selah people' and friends of Selah be the one to spread the good news about others. Use your words to build people up. Your carefully chosen words can even heal someone who is hurting.

"God's peace I leave you with for now and ask that you take it and use the message in it to share a good word to a friend, a family member or a stranger who needs a word of encouragement today."

Stop by our website if you get a chance at http://www.selahchurch.com/

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You Know You Belong

Today's Scripture:

If someone obeys God's teaching, then in that person God's love has truly reached its goal.

1 John 2:5

When you fall in love, no one has to tell you to talk to the person every day. You do it to be near that person and to be a part of that person's life. The person you are in love with doesn't have to tell you what to do to please him or her. You make it your mission to know what pleases the person you love, and you do it. Doing things the way your friend wants is not a chore, it's a joy. In a similar way, your response to God's love leads to obedience. It isn't forced.

Obedience is your voluntary surrender to the goodness of God's ways.

The irony of obedience is that the more you know about God, the more you are motivated to make sure that nothing separates you from him. His ways represent the best life has to offer you.

Be sure that you have turned control of your life over to God. John said that your willingness to comply with the laws and the guidance God provides for your life is evidence of your love for God. If your obedience is a result of your own ability to follow rules, you have missed out on what God intended. As you fall in love with God, his laws and direction will cease to be rules and will become a gift of love. Your complete surrender to him is your assurance that his love is being made perfect in you.

Selah people' and friends answer honestly: Do you work harder at pleasing yourself or pleasing God? Your obedience is evidence of what really matters to you. I was once told and have shared in a sermon before that we should read the word like we read a Love letter...read it often, read it with care, read between the lines and read with the knowledge that the one who wrote it loves and cares for you. Choose today to reunite with a God who loves you and wants you to know that you belong.

"Peace be with you as you are embraced by God's love for you and be sure to share that Love with someone you meet."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, September 22, 2008

There Is a Way Out

Today's Scripture:

You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations.

1 Corinthians 10:13

By modeling your life after Jesus and following God's ways, you will have options when temptation comes your way. God doesn't tempt people, but temptation is a part of life. The Bible has story after story about real people who faced real temptation. Some of their stories are examples of mistakes others have made. As you read their stories, you will be helped to avoid the mistakes they made. Many of their stories outline plans for successfully avoiding temptation. Their stories will give you practical advice, encouragement, and wisdom to face temptation and win.

One of the first things I learned about defense as a boy starting out in martial arts was not to punch or kick my adversary, but instead, whenever possible to just walk or run away. Your best defense against temptation is the same to run from it.

The story of Joseph is a great example. When Potiphar's wife tempted Joseph with sexual advances, he literally ran right out of his jacket to get away from her. God provides you with wisdom and a sense of right and wrong. By leaning on the laws or commandments found in the Bible, you will be equipped to recognize temptation when it comes your way. Recognizing temptation is one way you can avoid temptation.

By hanging out with other people who love God, you will be better prepared to fight temptation. Good friends and a solid church family will hold you accountable and will support you as you live a life that is pleasing to God. True friends can pray with you and for you. Friends are another way God helps you face temptations. Temptations may come your way, but God provides the people, the knowledge, and the way out.

Selah people' and friends of all ages when you're in a place where you're being tempted, the way out of temptation is often literally the way out of the place where you're being tempted. This is not complicated get up and walk out. Nothing says you have to just sit there and take it! The time to act if before you yield to the temptation and then are filled with regret and need of repentance.

"Peace be with you and remember to grab someone today and tell them how much God loves them and that there is always a way out!"

Also, don't forget to stop by our share our website with a friend at : http://www.selahchurch.com/

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Be Strong...

Today's Selah Church Blog is dedicated in memory to Malik Armwood and his family. Here with us but a short time and gone to be with our Lord and Savior.

Today's Scripture:

Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.

Joshua 1:9

What are you afraid of? Our world can be a scary place. Hardly a month goes by without a report of violence at a school or university campus somewhere. And even if you feel physically safe at school and home, there are other fears that teens and adults face every day ~ fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of a future bearing down with new and strange experiences and challenges.

When God told Joshua to be brave, he didn't say. "You have nothing to fear." No there is plenty to fear. What he told Joshua was that he would be with him wherever he should go. God's presence makes you brave and gives you strength to face whatever fears life sends your way. If God is for you, who can stand against you?

Notice also that God commands bravery and strength. That seems strange in a way. How can you command a person to feel something? Either you feel brave or you don't feel brave, right? But the bravery that God commands is more than a feeling. It's faith. God commands Joshua ~and yoy and I~to be brave because bravery is evidence that a person believes that God will do what he has said he would do.

To wallow in fear is to say that you trust your own feelings more than you trust the God who has promised to take care of you.

So be courageous. That's an order.

Selah people' and friends remember the times that God has seen you through. God's faithfulness is the basis of your courage. Stop by and visit our Selah Church website: www.selahchurch.com

"Peace, grace and hope be with you as you anwser God's command to go forth with courage and witness your faith to others."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

More Than Words...

Today's Scripture,
Always remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings. Study it day and night to be sure to obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything.

Joshua 1:8

Following the rules can be hard for our youth and especially are teens. You feel you're ready to be totally independent and do things your own way, but your parents and teachers and bosses are still trying to control you with rules that can seem arbitrary or unfair. I spent today washing cars with our youth group and leaders for a fund raiser. I could see how independent my youth were and how difficult it is for them at times to understand why we ask them to slow down or watch out and follow the simple rules we had laid down!

Sure, some rules really are arbitrary or unfair. But most rules exist for a good reason. Take the rules of the road. They are limiting. They don't let you drive on the left side of the road or on the sidewalk. But if you keep within the few limits of the law, you have freedom to drive wherever you want to. The laws are there to protect everyone's freedom, not to take it away.

The same is true of God's laws. They don't exist to spoil your fun, but ensure that you succeed. That's why God told Joshua to study his teaching day and night and to obey it ~ so he would be wise and successful. God wants the same thing for you. Within God's guidelines there is tremendous freedom to live a happy and fulfilling life. Step outside those guidelines, and you might run into a head-on collision.

It's human nature to question the rules. Every now and then, it might even be appropriate to speak up and challenge human rules that seem unfair or not well thought out. But you can be sure that God's rules exist to lead you on to greater happiness. God's laws are just part of his love for you.

Selah people' and friends God's laws are more than simply rules to memorize, God' laws are the way he cares for you. Allow God to show you how much he loves you by reading his laws in the Bible.

"His Peace I leave with you to pass on to others."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Forgive Because He Forgave You!

Day 23 in our 100 day journey...

Today's Scripture:
Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.

Ephesians 4:32

Paul challenged believers to treat one another as God treated them. Whether people deserve it or not, they should be treated with kindness. If God can love and forgive you, then you , too, can love and forgive others.

Jesus lived out this principle. Zacchaeus overcharged people on their taxes and kept the profits for himself. No one liked that dishonest, greedy man, but Jesus went to his home and shared a meal with him. As a result of that small kindness, Zacchaeus changed his ways and dedicated himself to living more like Jesus. On another occasion, Jesus shared a conversation with a woman at a well. He asked her for a drink of water. This woman had a bad reputation. Their conversation inspired her to change her life and share all Jesus told her with the people in her village. As a resuld, not only was her life changed, but the people of her village believed in Jesus too. Jesus accepted the most unacceptable people. No matter waht a person did or was, Jesus offered forgiveness and the opportunity to live a new life.

There is nothing that gets a person's attention more quickly than showing undeserved kindness to him.

At school or work there might be someone who has hurth you or who is regarded as unacceptable. The kindness and forgiveness Jesus offered to you changed your life. By extending forgiveness to others, you can help change lives too.

Selah people' and friends if you find it hard to forgive other people, remember what God has forgiven you.

Stop by and visit our Selah Church website: www.selahchurch.com

And if you would like to listen to one of our recent messages click the following line:


"Peace and his grace I leave with you as you grab another brother or sister and share God's love with them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Good Life...

Today's Scripture:

"I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future."

Jeremiah 29:11

God is in control of the future ~ your future in particular. God has your future planned. God knows everything you will do. God has a plan for you that he won't give up on.

The prophet Jeremiah wrote a letter to a group of people who believed in God but who were exiles in a country far from their home. The letter contained good news and bad news. God promised he had a good plan for their lives; however, they would first have to endure the consequences of not obeying God. God wanted them to know that everything they experienced was in his control and part of his plan.

There is no limit to the possibilities in your life when you Dream big and take your dreams to God. With his unlimited power and resources, nothing is impossible. Your part in his plan is to believe in God and obey him. Believe God can do anything, and never give up hope. You will be amazed at how much God can do in your life. God has a plan for where you will go, to school, whom you will marry, and what kind of job you will have. Not only does God have knowledge of your future mate and career, but he also knows what you need to do. Your future will be more than you hoped for with him involved. Isn't it a comfort to know that your future rests not on your own abilities, but on God's?

Selah people' and friends your life is in God's hands. What are you hoping for? Share your hopes with God and prepare to be amazed, because he has more in mind for you than you can ever imagine.
New: If you click on the "follow" gadget at the lower right of the blog page you can be updated instantly each day when the blog updates.
Please stop by our church website at http://www.selahchurch.com and tell a friend about us and the many ministries of Selah Christian Church.

"Peace and blessing be with you...please share your good life by grabbing someone and tell them that God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Extra Mile

I'd like to dedicate today's post to the family of Patricia Midgette as she called on me to come minister to her and her family as they lost her grandson Calib. Please lift special prayer during this tragic time for them losing a small child.

Today's Scripture:

Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.

Matthew 5:41

You know the drill; "If everyone just does his or her part, we'll be finished in no time." Okay. But you can pretty much be sure not everybody's going to do his or her part. "Leave the campsite as clean as you found it." I remember learning that very early by my father and again as a scout. But somebody out there is going to leave it dirtier than they found it. The point is, unless there are at least some people who are willing to do their share, the people who don't do their fair share are going to end up messing things up for everybody else. The job won't get done. The campsite will become a junk pile.
The same is true of your relationships. In theory, if everyone would just meet in the middle, everyone would get along great. But unfortunately, not everyone gets all the way to the middle. It may be because that person is hardheaded, or maybe he or she has a legitimate difference of opinion about where the middle is. Either way, if you go only to the middle and no further, there's going to be a gap in the relationship. You may feel you've done your share, but the relationship is still broken. I remind couples during our time of counceling preparing for a wedding, that when we marry it is not a 50/50 proposition each party must be committed 100% for it to succeed.
You keep your relationship healthy not by meeting in the middle, but by going the extra mile. That way, even if you and another person disagree about the exact location of the middle, you have plenty of margin for error. You can still meet, even if it's not exactly in the middle.
Selah people' and friends don't be one of those people who spend more effort arguing about whose job it is than they would have spent just picking up the other person's slack. Sometimes going the extra mile is easier than haggling over what's your fair share.
"Peace be with you and I ask again to lift up special prayer for Patricia's family in this very tragic time and know that there is power in our prayer."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not Just Looks

Today's Scripture:

God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart."

1 Samuel 16:7

Jock.Geek. Queen bee, Stoner. Snob. If you can figure out what category to stick a person in, that's all you need to know. Or is it? Categories or clicks don't tell you anything about what's inside a person. And yet that's who a person really is. Heart, character, soul ~ they're all on the inside. The inside is what God sees when he looks at a person.

When the prophet Samuel went to Jesse's house looking for the next king of Israel, he put young David in the same categories that David's family put him in; the little brother, the shepherd boy, certainly no king. But God told Samuel to look again. In David's heart, God saw the man who would lead his people to greatness.

Sure, it's hard ~ maybe even impossible ~ to see what's inside another person. But that's the point. When you put people in a category, you've written them off, as if you've got them all figured out: she fits in Category X, so I know she's going to do this, believe that, and feel that other thing. But people are never that simple. On the inside, they're just as complicated as you are.

So be careful when you dismiss another person with a flippant "I know his type." Samuel and Jesse and David's brothers thought they knew David's type, but he was one in a million. So are you. So is everybody you've ever known.

Selah people' and friends; today I challenge us to pick one of the social groups at your school or in our community or at work ~ pick one of the groups that you think you really "know their type." Commit to get to know at least one of those people as an individual...as the child of God that they were created to be.

"His peace I leave with you and ask that when your really getting to know these children of God that you pass it on to them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, September 15, 2008

You Are God's Project

Today's Scripture:

God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.

Phillippians 1:6
You've done it again. You've fallen into that old habit, committed that pet sin one more time. I know what you're thinking...preacher why bring this up on Monday morning? I mean you either were at church or not yesterday, the weekend has come and past but today you start all over. After confessing the same thing a hundred times, promising yourself and God you'd never do it again, here you are. Same song, hundred and first verse. You're ready to tattoo a big "L" on your forehead: it's looking like you're going to be a loser forever.
But if you're in Christ, that's not who the Bible says you are. Teh Bible says you're headed for perfection. God has begun a good work in you, and he will see it through to the end.
When God looks at you, he sees the finished product he's making out of you.
Of course it's discouraging to commit the same old sins you've tried to overcome before. But don't give up. Because as you work to be more like God, it's really God who is at work in you. Each time you mess up and fall down, just promise yourself that you will pick yourself up and keep trying, because one of these days you're going to succeed with God's help.
Selah people' and friends when you've messed up, it's natural to think that your low self-image reflects what God must think about you. You need to learn instead to let God's opinion of you shape your self-image. He is perfecting you; he's not finished yet, but he thinks you're worth the trouble. That's not to say that you shouldn't be bothered by your sins. The conscience that speaks up when you've done wrong comes from God. Let that bad feeling you have turn you back to God and a new sart. Don't let it turn you inward, to self-pity, discouragement, and defeat. God will finish what he's started.
What are the pet sins and bad habits that make you feel like a loser? Give them to God once again.
Remember to stop by and visit our church website at:http://www.selahchurch.com/
If you'd like to listen to our latest sermon message visit this link:
"His peace I leave with you as you ponder His word for you today. Remember take time to grab someone and tell them just how much God loves them."

Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

If You Want to Be First, Be Last...

Today's Scripture:

Jesus sat down and called the twelve apostles to him. He said, "Whoever wants to be the most important must be last of all and servant of all."

Mark 9:35

The disciples, the followers closest to Jesus, got caught arguing about which one of them was the greatest. Jesus had frequently shown them that following God wasn't about being great or first; it was about serving others and putting the needs of others first. To be great in God's kingdom, you have to put other people first and yourself last.

Putting others first is more than the occasional random act of kindness where you do something nice for someone. It is living your life with other people's needs first, not just sometime, but all the time. At home you might offer to fix a meal or wash the dishes for your family, or you could consider your family's schedule first before making your own plans. Those of you at school could invite someone who normally sits alone to sit with you or to study with you and your friends.

Putting others first involves listening and hearing what they really need. Putting others first involves listening and hearing what they really need. Putting others first requires treating everyone equally regardless of their status, their past, or popular opinion.

In addition to putting others first, you can go a step further by serving others too.

By putting ohers first, you will be in a position to serve others. Make it your goal to serve instead of being served. God's love comes alive for other people when you serve them. You become a living example of God's love. As you selflessly serve others, you will become the kind of great person that Jesus was hoping for in his disciples. You will be a great servant to others.

As I type these words Selah people' and friends ~I am being called to join the line waiting to eat at the Hood family reunion being held at Selah Church ~ I ask you if you put others first, logically speaking you will be last, just as I'm sure to be in the food line. Join me today as His servant at the end of the line and see what needs to be done for the people in front of you. God will amaze you with how much ahead you will be when you accept being last!

"Peace be with this day and this week as you grab one of His children and share just how much God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~(PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

From Stress to Joy!

Today's Scripture:

As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands.

Psalm 119:143

When the pressure and stress of life are building, joy is a welcome find. The pressure to fit in and the stress of grades, homework or work can get anyone down. Few people like to be told what to do, and yet when God asks you to do something, it's different. It's different because God asks you to do the things that will make your life easier and more enjoyable in the long run. His requests are based on his deep love and true concern for your life.

When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, he replied that people should first love God and then love others. A practical example of how God's commands can bring you joy is found as you focus each day on loving God and loving others. Something happens when you turn the focus away from yourself. By turning the focus on others, you spend less time stressing about yourself. Plus, it feels good to love other people. What are you stressing about today? You can lift this up to God and be free of this stress. Will you do that for yourself and those around you?

Selah people' and friends...God's instructions are a loving plan for a successful, enjoyable life. God knows the challenges you face and what you are going through right now as you read this blog. He asks you to be honest and respectful. God wants you to put him first in your life. By following his directions, you will avoid and eliminate problems and confusion in your life.
God's commands are a guide to living a fabulous life.

Living in your own strength is a good way to get worn down. Embrace God's plan for your life and begin today to live in the joy it brings.

"Peace be with you as you lay down your stress and raise up the joy that God has for you. Be sure to grab someone today and tell them that God loves them, just as He loves you."
Please visit our church website: http://www.selahchurch.com

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Let's Be Honest!

Today's Scripture:

Do not spread false rumors, and do not help a guilty person by giving false testimony.

Exodus 23:1

If you've ever been the subject of a rumor at school or at work, you know how a rumor can take on a life of its own. It races around the cafeteria or break room and down the hallways like a lit fuse racing toward a stick of dynamite at the other end. Who knows what kind of damage it'll cause when the whole thing blows? Even the person who started the rumor ~ whether intentionally or unintentionally ~ has no control over it once it gets started.

When you spread a rumor, you are actually helping someone else hurt another person.

You get yourself involved in someone else's guilt. Sure, I know it's hard to keep a juicy tidbit to yourself. But when you do resist the temptation to gossip ~ even more, when you refuse to believe bad things about another person without hard eveidence ~ you make a big difference in the atmosphere around you, which also reveals your character to all those you come in contact with. You are suddenly part of the solution rather than part of the problem. My daughter shared the devotion for our youth group about a year ago entitled "Words can hurt"...she really brought out the point to me that our words are really powerful, not just for good but for evil as well. May we seek to build up others and not knock them down.

God established laws that strengthen families, friends, and communities. At the heart of all good relationships is a trust built on honesty. Lies and rumors destroy trust and ignite all kinds of bad feelings like anger, revenge, and hate. Rumors and lies erode the foundation of honesty. God's laws are designed to ensure that people treat one another with fairness and honesty. Life is a lot easier when your parents and friends and teachers or co-workers trust you. If you want to inspire that kind of trust, make honesty your goal at all times.

Selah people' and friends the next time you hear a hurtful rumor, take a stand; believe the best about others unless there's clear evidence that you should'nt. You might be surprised at the impact you can have by refusing to pass along a rumor.

"Recieve his Peace and go forth to show his love to others and you share your faith and your character by making a choice to not spread words that hurt."

Stop by and visit the following links:

Selah Christian Church Disciples of Christ Website ~

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Already knew...

Today's Scripture:

The Lord spoke his word to me, "Before, I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose."

Jeremiah 1:4-5

"Nobody understands me." It's the universal cry of the teenager. You're not always sure you understand yourself, and you're sure your parents, teachers, even your preacher and maybe even your friends, don't understand where you're coming from. But I remind you today that young or old God knows you! He made you, and he made you for a purpose. Even if you feel confused and misunderstood, God never loses sight of what he made you for.
God knew what color your eyes would be, what your favorite food would be, and who you would grow up to be even before your mom and dad met. God chose your family and your birthday and yes your purpose. God loves you just the way your are. You are unique and important to him. Nothing about you is a surprise to God. You are useful and valuable to God.

You are the one person who can do what God designed you to do.

As you seek God and serve him, you will begin to understand his purpose for your life. It won't be clear all at one time; God probably won't speak to you with a booming voice from the heavens or shine a brilliant light on your forehead. But isn't it good to know that you were set apart for some holy purpose before you were ever born? God knows the plans he has for you.

Selah people' and freinds remember In God's eyes no one can take your place. You are the perfect one-of-a-kind combination of qualities and characteristics that he created.

Please check out the following links if you have a chance:

Church website: http://www.selahchurch.com/

Link to the Church leaders weekly newsletter: http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/church%20leaders%20report%209-10-2008.doc

"Peace and happiness I leave with you. Just as God has great plans for you share this "good news" with someone else today who may be struggling.

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Become a true Child of God

Today's Scripture:

To all who did accept him and believe in him he gave the right to become children of God.

John 1:12

Christian music artist Geoff Moore will tell you that the moment he held Anna Grace in his arms, he had the clearest picture of what it really meant to be a child of God. Geoff and his wife, Jan, traveled across miles and over oceans to claim their adopted daughter from an orphanage in China. To this day Geoff is moved and overcome with emotion when he describes how he was overwhelmed with love for this little girl whom he knew nothing about only from what he could see in a picture. ~ My wife Jennifer and daughter Madeline and I spend time ourselves watching the adoption stories' of many who go to the far corners of our globe for just such an opportunity to find a child of their own. ~ For Geoff it did not matter to him where she came from or where she was found. He is her father, and she is his precious child. That's the way it is with adoption. The child is deliberately chosen. Adoption is no accident or something that just happens. Adoption is an act of compassion and fulfillment and love.

God loves you more than you can imagine.

Adoption is a picture of God's love for you. Your adoption in a new birth.

You are not born again physically; you are born spiritually into God's family. You are his child, and he is your good Father. In addition to his everlasting, abundant love, he provides guidance and protection.

Selah people' and friends please know that God accepts you as his child just the way you are. Just as Anna Grace did nothing to earn Geoff's and Jan's love, you don't need to do anything to earn God's love. Where you come from or what you have or don't have does not matter to him. What matters is that you reach out for him. He simply takes you into his arms an claims you as his child once and for all time.

Reach out to God today with the heart of a child. He will welcome and love you as his very own. Stop by our Selah Christian Church website if you have a chance at: http://www.selahchurch.com/ and if you've missed a service or are to far to come be sure to listen to our messages online at: http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008

"Peace be with you as you reach out to God, and as always remember to Pass it on!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It All Belongs to God

Today's Scripture:

These things did not really come from me and my people. Everything comes from you; we have given you back what you gave us.
1 Chronicles 29:14

"Mom, can I have five dollars?" The five-year-old boy looks expectantly into his mother's eyes. "What do you need with five dollars?" she asks. " I want to buy you a present." The mother, when she receives her son's five-dollar present, won't be five dollars ahead of the game. But that's not the point anyway. Her son's gift is an expression of his love for her. It's his way of saying he would love to shower her with gifts if only he could. That gesture does more to strengthen their relationship than any other exchange of goods and money could.

Any gift you offer up puts you in the position of that five-year-old boy.
You can't give God anything that isn't his already.
When you offer up your talents for God's service, you're giving back talents that came from God. When you drop money in the offering plate, that's money God gave you first. And that's a wonderful expression of love for God.

The point isn't that you're helping God out. The point is that you're acknowledging that everything is his; by giving a portion of it back to him, you begin to appreciate even more the portion that he freely gives you to use. That expression of love is what pleases God and builds your relationship with him ~ not because you've met his needs, but because you have come to him like a child offering a gift of thanks to a loving Father.
Selah people' and friends remember it all belongs to God. God has given you all that you have and all that you need to give to others; besides, as you may have heard many times before; you can't out give God!
Rember to stop by and visit our church website: http://www.selahchurch.com/ and you can also listen to our service online via our skydrive at: http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008 .
"His peace I leave with you as we continue to give back to our God by giving to his church and others." "Grab one of his children and remind them just how much God loves them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, September 8, 2008

It Is Good To Give...

Third from the left my SAE fraternity brother and friend Special forces officer Terry Schappert has served on multiple tours to Iraq. He and his men have given so much for you and I to have freedom. How do we give?

Today's Scripture:

Give freely to the poor person, and do not wish that you didn't have to give. The Lord your God will bless your work and everything you touch.

Deuteronomy 15:10

If you've ever lifted weights, you understand the saying "No pain, no gain." You build muscle mass by pushing your muscles beyond what they can now do. Actually, you're making tiny tears in the muscle that are filled in with more muscle. And that hurts. your ability to give grows in much the same way. When you give a little more than you thought you could ~ when you give till it hurts ~ God always fills in the gaps, bulks you up. And as you get stronger, it gets easier to do the heavy lifting that generosity requires.

You can give in different ways. You can give peace to your family by being ready on time or getting off work long enough to go on a family outing. You can give time to your church by helping out with a project or serving in the nursery. You can give comfort to your friends by listening to them. You can give support to someone in need by praying for that person. You can give pride to your community by picking up trash.

When you give more than you thought you could, you have to rely on the power of God to provide what you don't have. God always comes through, even if it's not in the same way you were expecting.

Selah people' and friends remember when you give sacrificially, you put yourself in a position to watch God do amazing things. What better way to grow into a spiritual heavyweight yourself?

The more you give to God, the more blessings you receive. You can't out give God, but it might be interesting and fun to try. Remember to check out our church website at: http://www.selahchurch.com/ and if you've miss our service our audio library at : http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008 .
"Peace and Joy be with you as we give beyond what is easy...remember today to grab some and let them know that God loves them"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus!

Today's Scripture:

All those who stand before others and say they believe in me, I, the Son of Man, will say before the angels of God that they belong to me.

Luke 12:8

Jesus vigorously addressed hypocrisy ~ saying one thing and doing the opposite. Even the twelve disciples, who knew Jesus personally and walked with him every day for three years, fought with their own hypocrisy. It was difficult to say they believed that Jesus was the King, the Savior whom the Bible predicted. They risked imprisonment or death for what they believed. Jesus understood the danger they faced; he even knew they would deny knowing him at times. But he still expected them to love him and believe in him enough to fearlessly acknowledge and proclaim him as Savior.

Jesus invested three years of his life reaching and training the disciples, knowing that after he was gone they would be the ones who continued to spread the word about God. He knew they would risk embarrassment, and even death to tell other people about his love and about his plan for every person. They needed to know how central they were to the survival of the truth about God.

You are precious to God and he is watching over all you do, including the times you stand up for what you believe in.

Selah people' and church friends...God will watch over you when you step out of your comfort zone to tell others about God. As you talk about what you believe, you are continuing the tradition of what the disciples bravely started.

Your voice raised in praise of who God is will be heard here on earth in heaven. Shout out what you believe. Your words count. Carry the message to all who will listen and don't just say it with your lips, but more importantly speak it with the way you live your life for Christ each day, in the classroom, at work on or in the fields don't sit back but Stand Up For Jesus!

"His Peace be upon you as we grow up in his Discipleship and remember to grab someone along the way and tell them just how much God loves them!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

God Will Amaze You!

Today's Scripture:

Lord, I have heard the news about you; I am amazed at what you have done. Lord, do great things once again in our time; make those things happen again in our own days. Even when you are angry, remember to be kind.

Habakkuk 3:2

God has a pretty amazing reputation. Habakkuk had heard stories about how God had rescued his people from terrible trouble. Based on God's reputation, Habakkuk boldly asked God to do it again. In Habuakkuk's prayer, recorded in chapter 3 verses 2-18, he recalled some of the incredible things God had done over time.

By recounting the fantastic ways God had rescued his people in the past,Habakkuk reassured himself that God would rescue his people again. Habakkuk recalled how in the past God caused an ocean to separate so God's people could walk safely across to the other side and avoid being captured by their enemies. Habakkuk prayed that God would do something of that magnitude to rescue the people of his time.

You can read about God's reputation throughout the Bible. It is a story that continues today because God continues to do amazing things. God listens to your prayers at any time of the day or night. He inspires people to write and record music for you to listen to. He causes the sun to rise and start each new day.

God is an endless source of amazement. Be bold like Habakkuk and ask God to do for your generation what he has done in the past.

Based on his reputation, you will not be disappointed with his response. Selah people' and friends as tomorrow we celebrate Grandparent's day remember we serve the same God who blessed and amazed them. Let us be ready for him to amaze us and the generations to come.

Write down or recall a few of the fabulous ways you have been thrilled and Blessed by God. Keep the list handy as a source of encouragement.

"Peace and blessings to you grab someone hug them and tell the that God loves them."

In Christ service...Your Pastor,

Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)