God created human beings in his image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female.
Genesis 1:27 NCV
Clear skin. A perfect body like the olympians we discussed a couple Sunday's back. The right clothes. If your like many at whatever age, but especially the 12 to 22 year olds, you spend a lot of time thinking about your appearance. That goes for guys as well as the gals. Your peers have a habit of judging one another by appearances. On top of that, the media seem determined to convince you and I that our looks are the most important part of who we are. Think of how many of the ads on TV or in magazines are for things that are supposed to make you look better. TV shows and movies are full of beautiful people. Magazine covers feature the most attractive guys or girls.
It may be hard to believe sometimes, but ultimately it doesn't matter what other people think about the way you look.
You are made in the image of God. You are patterned after the Creator of the universe, but not in the way you look. After all, you can't see God. It is your inner self that reflects God's image ~ your character, your creativity, your capacity for love.

I was reminded of this yesterday after church when my wife and I planned a renovation of our office at home. We wanted to make the space more kid friendly and when I got into it I found what needed to be done first was to purge what was within. From working on this last night with each file, book and item I removed from the space was a cleansing of clutter and things no longer needed there. I think often when we look at things on outside appearance alone it can all look good, but often within if were not happy or clean then we can't get to the image that God has intended for us. This ties in with the saying of... "Get your own house in order, first,"as it is a must if you are going to be able to reflect God's true image to others.
Make it a habit to correct your "vision" when you check your image. Learn to see God in you. (He is there, look deeper!) Learn to see what God loves about you. Learn to remove what stands in your way of seeing Him clearly.
When you look in a mirror, the image you see reflected there isn't the real you ~ certainly not the whole you. The most important reflection is not the one you see in the mirror; the most important is the reflection of God's image in your life. You have a lot to show the world: your heart and soul reflect the God of the universe. That's an image you can be proud of.
You Selah people' and friends are more than what you see in the mirror. If you really want to make an impression on people, show them what you have on the inside!
Please be sure to check out our church website and calendar of events at http://www.selahchurch.com/ and for a link to our recent sermons from Selah Christian Church try: http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008 . Thanks for stopping by and please come again.
"Peace be with you and remember you "have the look", so share that and a hug with someone today and let them know that Jesus Loves them."
Your Pastor ~
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)