Today's Scripture:
Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.
Hebrews 11:1
Faith isn't an easy word to define because faith is an indefinable quality that goes beyond words. The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language. In that original text it said that faith is "the substance of things hoped and the evidence of things not seen ." The word substance in Greek is hupostatis, which means a structure under something, a foundation, a steadfastness of mind. Faith is the firm foundation on which you rest everything you know about God.
The Bible provides knowledge and history about God. It is filled with truth that is not changed by circumstance. The Bible clearly states who God is, that he is truth and holiness. He doesn't change. Knowing who God is and knowing about his character is not enough. The Bible says even demons know who God is.
Without faith you would be limited to the here and now. You would know God only by what you could see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. There is so much about God that goes beyond your limited human senses. No one was present for creation. The Holy Spirit is unseen and can't be touched or heard or smelled or tasted. I shared the senses with my 5 year old Luke as told me each one and how they work. You and I can't use our own abilities to define and know faith. Faith is grounded in the truth of the Bible.
Faith is accepting your experience with God while combining it with the certainty of the Bible.
Selah people' and friends are you putting your faith in what you can see with your eyes, or in what you know to be true from the Bible? Faith isn't just wishful thinking. It's substantial. It's strong enough to build a life on. Will you join me today in holding firm to such Faith and sharing it.
"Peace be with you as we grab hold of our Faith...and share it with all we can as true Disciples of Christ."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)