Jesus sat down and called the twelve apostles to him. He said, "Whoever wants to be the most important must be last of all and servant of all."
Mark 9:35
The disciples, the followers closest to Jesus, got caught arguing about which one of them was the greatest. Jesus had frequently shown them that following God wasn't about being great or first; it was about serving others and putting the needs of others first. To be great in God's kingdom, you have to put other people first and yourself last.
Putting others first is more than the occasional random act of kindness where you do something nice for someone. It is living your life with other people's needs first, not just sometime, but all the time. At home you might offer to fix a meal or wash the dishes for your family, or you could consider your family's schedule first before making your own plans. Those of you at school could invite someone who normally sits alone to sit with you or to study with you and your friends.
Putting others first involves listening and hearing what they really need. Putting others first involves listening and hearing what they really need. Putting others first requires treating everyone equally regardless of their status, their past, or popular opinion.
In addition to putting others first, you can go a step further by serving others too.
By putting ohers first, you will be in a position to serve others. Make it your goal to serve instead of being served. God's love comes alive for other people when you serve them. You become a living example of God's love. As you selflessly serve others, you will become the kind of great person that Jesus was hoping for in his disciples. You will be a great servant to others.
As I type these words Selah people' and friends ~I am being called to join the line waiting to eat at the Hood family reunion being held at Selah Church ~ I ask you if you put others first, logically speaking you will be last, just as I'm sure to be in the food line. Join me today as His servant at the end of the line and see what needs to be done for the people in front of you. God will amaze you with how much ahead you will be when you accept being last!
"Peace be with this day and this week as you grab one of His children and share just how much God loves them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~(PreacherPatrick)