Today's Scripture:
Do not be fooled: "Bad Friends will ruin good habits."
1 Corinthians 15:33
Friendships are usually based on acceptance. You will gravitate toward the people who accept you. Acceptance could cause your friends to choose you rather than you choosing your friends. Make a conscious effort to choose your friends rather than just choosing acceptance.
Real friends don't just accept you , they love you. Friends have each other's best interests at heart. Friends care enough to be honest and to build each other up. A true friend will risk losing you as friend in order to confront issues in your life that are harmful or destructive to you. A true friend will value you more than the friendship.
Your friends have more influence on you than anyone else in your life.
Just ask my friend Johnny. He bangs his head and admits that he can make the right choices, until he gets around a certain group of friends. They make it too easy and daring to do the wrong thing and he falls prey to the peer pressure. Friends who share your standards and your beliefs will encourage you in a positive way. Friends who don't share your standards and beliefs are more likely to cause you to fall away from your beliefs than to rise up to yours. You can influence friends who don't know about God by including them in your cycle of godly friends rather than spending all your time with their friends. Choose your friends wisely.
Selah people' and friends of Selah true friends are a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. Good friends can bring out the best in you. Take time to evaluate whom you are friends with and why. Choose today not only to have and be good friends but know that in doing so you may help lead a friend to Christ.
"Peace be with you as God's forgiven people." Grab one of your friends today and tell them just how much God loves them!
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)