The tongue is a small part of the body, but it brags about great things. A big forest fire can be started with only a little flame.
James 3:5
One sentence, even one word, has the power to heal or hurt. Imagine walking through the school parking lot and overhearing your name. Though you keep walking, your ears tune in, hoping to hear a kind word, but there is also a concern that you are about to be slammed. Sometimes school seems like a soap opera that plays out with exaggerated words, lies, and half-truths.
James gave an account of how powerful words could be. He used three analogies to make his point. Most horses weigh from eight hundred to one thousand ~ plus pounds and are strong enough to plow fields or carry a full-grown man for miles. Yet, the horse is controlled with one small piece of metal called a bit and a leather bridle that fits over the horse's head. You can harness the wild strength of a horse with something that a horse could trample. Like the bit and bridle, the rudder on a ship is small in comparison to the ship itself, but it is tiny, a spark alone has the ability to start a blaze.
Your tongue, the words you say, steer your life in one direction or another. Like the spark, one offhand remark can do major damage. Words reflect the true condition of a person's heart and maturity. Make sure your verbal contributions are uplifting, encouraging, and honest.
Selah people' and friends of Selah be the one to spread the good news about others. Use your words to build people up. Your carefully chosen words can even heal someone who is hurting.
"God's peace I leave you with for now and ask that you take it and use the message in it to share a good word to a friend, a family member or a stranger who needs a word of encouragement today."
Stop by our website if you get a chance at http://www.selahchurch.com/
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)