Today's Scripture:
We know that a person is made right with God not by following the law, but by trusting in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus, that we might be made right with God because we trusted in Christ. It is not because we followed the law, because no one can be made right with God by following the law.
Galatians 2:16
Think about the rules that govern our behavior in your school or at your job. They help teachers, managers and administrators maintain order by giving them a standard to hold students' and employees conduct against. Most students are there to learn and to get along with their peers, but for those who don't share that attitude, the rules serve as an external motivation to behave as if they did. If all students and workers treated their teachers, bosses and fellow students with love, always treated others the way they would want to be treated themselves, there would be no need for rules.
Of course, since as young Miley Cyrus sings as Hannah Montana'~ "Nobodies Perfect", rules are necessary. But even if the rules can cause people to behave well, no set of rules can make much change on the inside of a person. Not even God's laws do that. God's laws are a standard for how you should behave toward other people. If you follow the laws of God, you will be doing your part toward creating a just and orderly world.
If you obey God's laws perfectly, you will behave like a perfectly loving human being that was created in his image.
Selah people' and friends the laws of God also serve another purpose. They show you how far you have to go. Every time you break one of God's laws - and you will - you are faced with the fact that you can't do it on your own. You see that you need a new heart. Only God can reach into your life and make you into the kind of person that laws say you ought to be.
Trust Jesus to give you a new heart ~ a heart that truly desires to follow God's laws. Remember to stop by and visit our church website at http://www.selahchurch.com/ and to take time to share the Jesus in you with the Jesus in them.
"God's peace I leave with you as we continue to follow and share Jesus!"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)