Third from the left my SAE fraternity brother and friend Special forces officer Terry Schappert has served on multiple tours to Iraq. He and his men have given so much for you and I to have freedom. How do we give?
Today's Scripture:
Give freely to the poor person, and do not wish that you didn't have to give. The Lord your God will bless your work and everything you touch.
Deuteronomy 15:10
If you've ever lifted weights, you understand the saying "No pain, no gain." You build muscle mass by pushing your muscles beyond what they can now do. Actually, you're making tiny tears in the muscle that are filled in with more muscle. And that hurts. your ability to give grows in much the same way. When you give a little more than you thought you could ~ when you give till it hurts ~ God always fills in the gaps, bulks you up. And as you get stronger, it gets easier to do the heavy lifting that generosity requires.
You can give in different ways. You can give peace to your family by being ready on time or getting off work long enough to go on a family outing. You can give time to your church by helping out with a project or serving in the nursery. You can give comfort to your friends by listening to them. You can give support to someone in need by praying for that person. You can give pride to your community by picking up trash.
When you give more than you thought you could, you have to rely on the power of God to provide what you don't have. God always comes through, even if it's not in the same way you were expecting.
Selah people' and friends remember when you give sacrificially, you put yourself in a position to watch God do amazing things. What better way to grow into a spiritual heavyweight yourself?
The more you give to God, the more blessings you receive. You can't out give God, but it might be interesting and fun to try. Remember to check out our church website at: http://www.selahchurch.com/ and if you've miss our service our audio library at : http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008 .
"Peace and Joy be with you as we give beyond what is easy...remember today to grab some and let them know that God loves them"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)