Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
Matthew 5:44
There's nothing more earsplitting than the feedback you get from a microphone held too close to a speaker. The speaker amplifies any sound picked up by the mike. The mike picks up the amplified sound and sends it back through the speaker, where it is amplified again and sent back through the loop, and in a matter of a couple of seconds, you've got a noise so shrill and loud that nobody can stand to be in the room.

The hatred of two enemies is like that. Enemy number 1 picks up the meanness of Enemy number 2 and sends it back a little louder and a little shriller.
Enemy 2 gets the new, exaggerated meanness from Enemy 1 and sends it back with even greater force. The loop of hatred quickly produces something so loud and shrill that no one wants to be around the two combatants.
But a feedback loop is easy enough to correct. You just turn off the mike or hold it farther away from the speaker so it can't feed back the noise. The loop is broken. Everything falls silent. And the relief of everyone in the room is so great you can almost touch it.
When Jesus intructed his followers to love their enemies, he was teaching them to break the feedback loop of hatred.
When you do good to those who hate you, when you pray for those who treat you badly, you break the cycle of hatred and meanness, and peace prevails. Selah people' and friends can you picture someone or something in your life that is in this terrible loop? Can you break this cycle today and end all the noise and pain? I think you can, if you listen to the verse that Christ has laid before you today.
Who are your enemies? Pray for them right now. Do something good for them or at least be proactive in stopping all return of hate that they are anticipating. Return love and kindness instead as they will never see that coming. You can break the feedback loop of hatred and move one step closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
"His peace he gives to you and today I challenge you both as your pastor and friend of Christ to share it this day, as you grab another and let them know that God Loves them".

In Christ Love ~ Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)