Monday, September 29, 2008

Good Things

Today's Scripture:

Every good action and every perfect gift is from God. These good gifts come down from the Creator of the sun, moon, and stars, who does not change like their shifting shadows.

James 1:17

It is important to be clear about what comes from God and what does not. The good that happens in life comes from God. The bad comes either from Satan or from your choice to do something opposite of what is pleasing to God. What comes from God is a result of his flawless judgement and is given from a pure spirit of love.

The greek word for perfect in James 1:17 is defined as "finished, wanting for nothing, brought to an end, complete."

God's good may be a process rather that an immediate response or action.

That is, this process may involve a complex set of actions and events to bring your good to fruition. If you rely on God while you endure what may seem like a bad process, you are likely to find that when it is over you are more complete and wanting for nothing.

The kind of good that God gives is distinct from the good anyone else would give. The kind of good that comes from God encompasses not just right now, but all space and time. His good is based on more than the circumstance you might find yourself in. In the midst of a painful situation, you may question why all this bad stuff had to happen to you. What you may or may not realize is that God did not cause any of the bad stuff to happen, but that he can use the bad stuff for good if you allow him to.

Selah people' and friends please don't let the bad stuff in life make you doubt for one moment the goodness of God. His plan is to give you the best things in life. Please stop by our Selah Church website at and you can listen to past sermons online at this link:

"Peace be with you and be sure to share God's grace and peace with someone else today."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)