These things did not really come from me and my people. Everything comes from you; we have given you back what you gave us.
1 Chronicles 29:14
"Mom, can I have five dollars?" The five-year-old boy looks expectantly into his mother's eyes. "What do you need with five dollars?" she asks. " I want to buy you a present." The mother, when she receives her son's five-dollar present, won't be five dollars ahead of the game. But that's not the point anyway. Her son's gift is an expression of his love for her. It's his way of saying he would love to shower her with gifts if only he could. That gesture does more to strengthen their relationship than any other exchange of goods and money could.
Any gift you offer up puts you in the position of that five-year-old boy.
You can't give God anything that isn't his already.
When you offer up your talents for God's service, you're giving back talents that came from God. When you drop money in the offering plate, that's money God gave you first. And that's a wonderful expression of love for God.

The point isn't that you're helping God out. The point is that you're acknowledging that everything is his; by giving a portion of it back to him, you begin to appreciate even more the portion that he freely gives you to use. That expression of love is what pleases God and builds your relationship with him ~ not because you've met his needs, but because you have come to him like a child offering a gift of thanks to a loving Father.
Selah people' and friends remember it all belongs to God. God has given you all that you have and all that you need to give to others; besides, as you may have heard many times before; you can't out give God!
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"His peace I leave with you as we continue to give back to our God by giving to his church and others." "Grab one of his children and remind them just how much God loves them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)