Today's Scripture:
If someone obeys God's teaching, then in that person God's love has truly reached its goal.
1 John 2:5
When you fall in love, no one has to tell you to talk to the person every day. You do it to be near that person and to be a part of that person's life. The person you are in love with doesn't have to tell you what to do to please him or her. You make it your mission to know what pleases the person you love, and you do it. Doing things the way your friend wants is not a chore, it's a joy. In a similar way, your response to God's love leads to obedience. It isn't forced.
Obedience is your voluntary surrender to the goodness of God's ways.
The irony of obedience is that the more you know about God, the more you are motivated to make sure that nothing separates you from him. His ways represent the best life has to offer you.
Be sure that you have turned control of your life over to God. John said that your willingness to comply with the laws and the guidance God provides for your life is evidence of your love for God. If your obedience is a result of your own ability to follow rules, you have missed out on what God intended. As you fall in love with God, his laws and direction will cease to be rules and will become a gift of love. Your complete surrender to him is your assurance that his love is being made perfect in you.
Selah people' and friends answer honestly: Do you work harder at pleasing yourself or pleasing God? Your obedience is evidence of what really matters to you. I was once told and have shared in a sermon before that we should read the word like we read a Love letter...read it often, read it with care, read between the lines and read with the knowledge that the one who wrote it loves and cares for you. Choose today to reunite with a God who loves you and wants you to know that you belong.
"Peace be with you as you are embraced by God's love for you and be sure to share that Love with someone you meet."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)