Today's Scripture:
To all who did accept him and believe in him he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12
Christian music artist Geoff Moore will tell you that the moment he held Anna Grace in his arms, he had the clearest picture of what it really meant to be a child of God. Geoff and his wife, Jan, traveled across miles and over oceans to claim their adopted daughter from an orphanage in China. To this day Geoff is moved and overcome with emotion when he describes how he was overwhelmed with love for this little girl whom he knew nothing about only from what he could see in a picture. ~ My wife Jennifer and daughter Madeline and I spend time ourselves watching the adoption stories' of many who go to the far corners of our globe for just such an opportunity to find a child of their own. ~ For Geoff it did not matter to him where she came from or where she was found. He is her father, and she is his precious child. That's the way it is with adoption. The child is deliberately chosen. Adoption is no accident or something that just happens. Adoption is an act of compassion and fulfillment and love.
God loves you more than you can imagine.
Adoption is a picture of God's love for you. Your adoption in a new birth.
You are not born again physically; you are born spiritually into God's family. You are his child, and he is your good Father. In addition to his everlasting, abundant love, he provides guidance and protection.
Selah people' and friends please know that God accepts you as his child just the way you are. Just as Anna Grace did nothing to earn Geoff's and Jan's love, you don't need to do anything to earn God's love. Where you come from or what you have or don't have does not matter to him. What matters is that you reach out for him. He simply takes you into his arms an claims you as his child once and for all time.
Reach out to God today with the heart of a child. He will welcome and love you as his very own. Stop by our Selah Christian Church website if you have a chance at: http://www.selahchurch.com/ and if you've missed a service or are to far to come be sure to listen to our messages online at: http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008
"Peace be with you as you reach out to God, and as always remember to Pass it on!"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)