Today's Scripture:
God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain, because all the old ways are gone.
Revelation 21:4
Chapter 21 in the book of Revelation is a visual and emotional masterpiece describing heaven. I have been blessed to have been taught classes on this by my former Pastors Rev Jim Murphy and Rev Neal Wingfield, also by our own Dr. John Tart and at Barton College by Rev. Jerry Burton. There are layers of precious stones found there including sapphire, emerald, topaz and more that form the foundation of the city. The city walls are pure gold. The streets are pure gold so polished that they appear to look like glass. There will be light everywhere. The light will come from God himself. The most incredible part of heaven may not be what you and I see; it may be what is missing that most demands our attention.
In heaven you will not find sin, Satan, or death. Anything in your present life that causes you pain, sadness, or even difficulty will vanish. Ignorance, idle gossip and words of untruth and misunderstanding will give way to complete understanding. Fear will be replaced by peace. Complete healing will occur, restoring every person. Nothing will wear out or decay; everything will be made whole and perfect. There will be no more good-byes. Best of all, death, both natural and violent, will cease to exist. Tears will no longer be needed.
It is great comfort to know there will be a time and a place as God has promised where the worst of your present circumstances will be gone.
Selah people' and friends for you, all the questions will be answered, and your faith will be complete. He will touch your face, wipe your tears, and welcome you to a joyful and abundant eternity.
Happy endings are not just a fairy tale. Ending up with God guarantees that you and I will live happily ever after and eternally with the One who loves us the most.
"His peace be with you today and always, as I once again ask you to share his love with another who may be experience the tears of today."
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In Christ service...Your Pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)