The Lord is with me like a strong warrior, so those who are chasing me will trip and fall; they will not defeat me.
Jeremiah 20:11
Do you ever feel picked on ~ like someone is out to hurt you? Maybe a teacher, boss, fellow student or co-worker has it in for you. Maybe a gossip is spreading lies about you or someone close to you. Maybe a bully has chosen you for a target; I remember as a kid being both one of the youngest and yes the smallest boy in my class...always a target and always having to stand up for myself and sometimes fight or be a victim.
Jeremiah knew a thing or two about that. The powers that be in his society didn't appreciate his style of truth-telling, and he found himself on their bad side. In fact, they threw him in an empty cistern - a big, dark underground tank for storing rainwater - and left him there to die (until a friend came to rescue him). Another time he was thrown into the stocks for public humiliation. That's when Jeremiah spoke the words: 
"The Lord is with me like a strong warrior, so those who are chasing me will trip and fall."
God was Jeremiah's defender, in spite of the trouble Jeremiah found himself in. God is your defender too, your strong warrior. It is good to know that God is your bodyguard, not so much in a physical sense, but more in the sense of helping you know how to handle tough situations.
As you rely on God to protect you when you are hurting, he will direct and strengthen you to get through any situation.
Your enemies will trip and fall while you stand firm. It may not be today, but you can trust in God's justice. Where you are in fear lay it aside a our Lord has your back and will help you say what you need to say and do what you need to do, if only you put your trust in him. Bring those close to you closer and those who are trying to harm you to submission.
My Selah people' and friends choose today to lay your troubles before God, and see how he delivers you. I will be in prayer for you and you be in prayer for me. Stop by our website to check our calendar of upcoming ministry opportunities at also a quick link to our audio library of sermons at .Special thanks to our Ski trip planning board', which met last night...looks like 46 eager travellers so far heading to the mountain for this fellowship opportunity.
"His peace I leave with you and you grab someone and share that peace and be sure to tell them that God Loves them!"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)