Today's Scripture:
Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.
Ephesians 4:32

Paul challenged believers to treat one another as God treated them. Whether people deserve it or not, they should be treated with kindness. If God can love and forgive you, then you , too, can love and forgive others.
Jesus lived out this principle. Zacchaeus overcharged people on their taxes and kept the profits for himself. No one liked that dishonest, greedy man, but Jesus went to his home and shared a meal with him. As a result of that small kindness, Zacchaeus changed his ways and dedicated himself to living more like Jesus. On another occasion, Jesus shared a conversation with a woman at a well. He asked her for a drink of water. This woman had a bad reputation. Their conversation inspired her to change her life and share all Jesus told her with the people in her village. As a resuld, not only was her life changed, but the people of her village believed in Jesus too. Jesus accepted the most unacceptable people. No matter waht a person did or was, Jesus offered forgiveness and the opportunity to live a new life.
There is nothing that gets a person's attention more quickly than showing undeserved kindness to him.
At school or work there might be someone who has hurth you or who is regarded as unacceptable. The kindness and forgiveness Jesus offered to you changed your life. By extending forgiveness to others, you can help change lives too.
Selah people' and friends if you find it hard to forgive other people, remember what God has forgiven you.
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"Peace and his grace I leave with you as you grab another brother or sister and share God's love with them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)