Today's Scripture:
You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations.
1 Corinthians 10:13
By modeling your life after Jesus and following God's ways, you will have options when temptation comes your way. God doesn't tempt people, but temptation is a part of life. The Bible has story after story about real people who faced real temptation. Some of their stories are examples of mistakes others have made. As you read their stories, you will be helped to avoid the mistakes they made. Many of their stories outline plans for successfully avoiding temptation. Their stories will give you practical advice, encouragement, and wisdom to face temptation and win.
One of the first things I learned about defense as a boy starting out in martial arts was not to punch or kick my adversary, but instead, whenever possible to just walk or run away. Your best defense against temptation is the same to run from it.
The story of Joseph is a great example. When Potiphar's wife tempted Joseph with sexual advances, he literally ran right out of his jacket to get away from her. God provides you with wisdom and a sense of right and wrong. By leaning on the laws or commandments found in the Bible, you will be equipped to recognize temptation when it comes your way. Recognizing temptation is one way you can avoid temptation.
By hanging out with other people who love God, you will be better prepared to fight temptation. Good friends and a solid church family will hold you accountable and will support you as you live a life that is pleasing to God. True friends can pray with you and for you. Friends are another way God helps you face temptations. Temptations may come your way, but God provides the people, the knowledge, and the way out.
Selah people' and friends of all ages when you're in a place where you're being tempted, the way out of temptation is often literally the way out of the place where you're being tempted. This is not complicated get up and walk out. Nothing says you have to just sit there and take it! The time to act if before you yield to the temptation and then are filled with regret and need of repentance.
"Peace be with you and remember to grab someone today and tell them how much God loves them and that there is always a way out!"
Also, don't forget to stop by our share our website with a friend at : http://www.selahchurch.com/
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)