Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Extra Mile

I'd like to dedicate today's post to the family of Patricia Midgette as she called on me to come minister to her and her family as they lost her grandson Calib. Please lift special prayer during this tragic time for them losing a small child.

Today's Scripture:

Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.

Matthew 5:41

You know the drill; "If everyone just does his or her part, we'll be finished in no time." Okay. But you can pretty much be sure not everybody's going to do his or her part. "Leave the campsite as clean as you found it." I remember learning that very early by my father and again as a scout. But somebody out there is going to leave it dirtier than they found it. The point is, unless there are at least some people who are willing to do their share, the people who don't do their fair share are going to end up messing things up for everybody else. The job won't get done. The campsite will become a junk pile.
The same is true of your relationships. In theory, if everyone would just meet in the middle, everyone would get along great. But unfortunately, not everyone gets all the way to the middle. It may be because that person is hardheaded, or maybe he or she has a legitimate difference of opinion about where the middle is. Either way, if you go only to the middle and no further, there's going to be a gap in the relationship. You may feel you've done your share, but the relationship is still broken. I remind couples during our time of counceling preparing for a wedding, that when we marry it is not a 50/50 proposition each party must be committed 100% for it to succeed.
You keep your relationship healthy not by meeting in the middle, but by going the extra mile. That way, even if you and another person disagree about the exact location of the middle, you have plenty of margin for error. You can still meet, even if it's not exactly in the middle.
Selah people' and friends don't be one of those people who spend more effort arguing about whose job it is than they would have spent just picking up the other person's slack. Sometimes going the extra mile is easier than haggling over what's your fair share.
"Peace be with you and I ask again to lift up special prayer for Patricia's family in this very tragic time and know that there is power in our prayer."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)