God shining light in the dark on my way to Duke...
Today's Scripture:
Your word is a lamp to my feet and light for my path.
Psalm 119:105
For little children, darkness can bring about feeling of anxiety and fear. Darkness can harm adults, too, making us lose our way and exposing us to danger. As I type this blog the dark has fallen and I hear nurses and others speaking of their fear to go to the parking deck alone due to the dark.
I know hikers who have been forced to sleep out in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains after the sun quickly set and darkness engulfed any signs of a trail. Those hardy souls who are adventurous enough to brave Alaska's frigid winters encounter more than their share of darkness. The sun doesn't shine for days at a time, leaving hikers unusually vulnerable and bringing disorder to those huddled safely inside who are desperately trying to figure out if it is morning or evening.
Closer to home, even a brief power outage at the Muston home can turn a familiar room into a potential disaster are full of obstacle that seem to lurch out at your shins or your head. And who among us hasn't experienced the momentary frights that can occur when we are awoken by an unusual noise in the hallway during a pitch-black night?
I read once of a missionary who told of a tribe who traveled at night and would tie candles to a string to provide just enough light for them to see the next step or two in front of them.
Our lives often seem like pilgrimages on rough trails winding through dark and dangerous lands. But God's Word is like a candle that clarifies our path and shows us the way.
The Bible is God's matchless revelation to us. Since the invention of the printing press the Bible has been the best selling book in the world. For millennia before people copied its contents onto papyrus, parchment and to memory so they could share it wise words with others. Brave souls have risked their lives to spread it message and light and even gone to their deaths rather than deny its teachings.
Selah people' and friends God has given us the Bible, and with its illumination, we can confound the darkness of our world. What darkness are you facing as you read this? Know that God can provide you a light. We thank you God for sharing your Word with us. May its words find a home in our hearts and a light in our paths.
"Peace be with you as you embrace the light of God...Psalm 119 is the longest book in the Bible and this verse is just one of many bright spots God has for us if we will take the time to get into His Word."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via Mobile third floor: Duke Medical Center ~ Durham, NC