Today's Scripture:
Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
James 4:7
The devil is referred to by many names throughout the Bible - accuser, tempter, deceiver, slanderer, enemy, Satan. One thing the Bible never calls him is a mythical creature. He is as real as God himself. There's no point in resisting someone who isn't there.
You and I need to know more, however, than that Satan exists. We need to know exactly what to do to defeat Satan. On the same day you aligned yourself with God, you gained this "adversary," which is what the word Satan literally means.
Satan has no personal interest in you. His only aim is to hurt God.
One way he tries to do that is by trying to hurt the ones whom God loves. Satan is only a prideful, fallen angel. He isn't all-knowing or all-powerful. Yet he can still wreak havoc, causing you to doubt God's love or tempting you to go down the wrong road.
But you can stop Satan in his tracks. First, submit to God. In the original language, submit is a military command that means "to get into your proper rank." That's accomplished by humbly putting every aspect of your life under God's loving authority. Only then are you prepared to defeat the devil. Resist is also a military command that means "to stand bravely against." I guess from these illustrations you can tell that I grew up in the Marine Corps with a drill instructor for a father...Note that to stand brave' we must stand against our adversary by recalling biblical truths. Strengthen your resolve through prayer. Turn your back on anything that entices you to turn away from God. Satan will flee from the battle before it has even begun.
Selah people' and friends Satan has no future. Jesus assured Satan's ultimate defeat by dying on the cross. The potential skirmishes that James alludes to are nothing more than diversionary tactics from an opponent who is destined to lose.
"Peace and strength be yours as we wage war against Satan who has no chance when we come with the full and holy power of God.
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile: Wayne Memorial Hospital ~ Goldsboro, NC