Today's Scripture:
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Drew was just a little guy. He wasn't in school yet, but he was old enough to know the universal truth: when the doctor gives you a shot, it hurts. Pam, his mom, prepared him for his visit to the doctor by explaining immunizations - how they hurt a little but in the long run they can keep people from getting ill. Instead of the shot hurting Drew, she explained, the shot would actually be helping Drew. Little Drew remembered his mom's words as he sat on the table. He squeezed his blue eyes shut as the doctor approached. Tears rolled down his cheeks when he felt the prick of one needle, then another. Little Drew quietly sobbed the whole time, while his little voice rang out, "Thank you. Thank you for making me better."

Life isn't always ideal. Sickness, trials, and discouragement sometimes seem to dog you. Nevertheless, thank God in all circumstances, the good times and the not-so-great ones. Like little Drew, tears might be rolling down your cheeks as you say, "Thank you, God. Thank you."
Selah people' and friends when you thank God, even through pain, amazing things happen in your heart. Somehow you find the grace and courage to be glad that God is still God - when life is good, and when it isn't.
"Let us choose today to say "Thank you, God" no matter what comes our way. God is still God in all circumstances and He will never forsake you."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC