Today's Scripture:
Every time you criticize someone, you condemn yourself. It takes one to know one. Judgmental criticism of others is a well-known way of escaping detection in your own crimes and misdemeanors.
Romans 2:1
Elizabeth prided herself on all the things she did right. She performed her job well, and received regular promotions and accolades for the work she did. She went to church every Sunday. She kept her apartment neat and tidy, everything in its place. She never let men try to take advantage of her, and she had an honest desire to remain pure until she got married.
Laurie, on the other hand, made every mistake possible. She was easygoing, freewheeling, and never saw a drink she wouldn't slurp down. Every time Elizabeth saw Laurie hanging out in the lunch room and gossiping, she prayed that the woman would be caught by the boss and reprimanded.
The Pharisees were so religious that God's commands weren't enough for them, and they added a bunch of their own rules that they thought religious people should follow.
Because they followed these rules, they thought they were better than anyone else. The Pharisees didn't really love God; they tolerated him.
Elizabeth bowed her head in prayer and confessed her poor attitude to God. Immediately a new sense of freedom flooded her heart, and she realized Laurie was just another worker who had her own problems and difficulties.
Selah people' and friends it's hard not to judge. When you find yourself putting others down, take a look into your own life. Then act with mercy and understanding.
"Look in the mirror before you leap to put down another. We all fall short of God's glory and must work at being there to pick each other up and not waiting to pounce and knock our brothers and sisters down."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Wayne Memorial Hospital ~ Goldsboro, NC