Today's Scripture:
I will bless her, and indeed I will give you a son by her. Then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.
Genesis 17:16
Most women sooner of later will seek some special blessing from God. They usually ask for something they really want. Instead of asking God for the blessing you desire, give God the opportunity to bless you the way he wants to. It is possible that God has a blessing for you that you could never imagine, but which, when granted, will make your life more beautiful and joyous than ever before.
At ninety years old, Sarah, Abraham's wife, had never had children. Probably in her earlier years, Sarah had prayed for a child. But as time wore her down and age wore her out, she probably gave up on hoping for that blessing. Even though when Abraham was seventy-five God had promised him a son (when Sarah was sixty-five), nothing happened for years. Finally, Sarah suggested that Abraham have a child with her maidservant, Hagar. Sarah and Abraham were trying to fulfill God's promise through human means, and the culture in that day approved this method of producing an heir. How many times do you and I attempt to accomplish a task on our own thinking we are helping God get-r-done?
Ultimately, though, in this case God rejected Hagar's son, Ishmael, and continued to promise Abraham that he'd have his own son through Sarah. The unexpected blessing came because Sarah wanted a child. God offered a son. Abraham wanted an heir. God made him the father of nations. God's personal blessing was far greater than the blessing Sarah sought.
Selah people' and friends your blessing may not be a longed-for son. But if like Sarah you look to the Lord, his blessing will come. And it will bless you in a unique way only the God of grace can imagine.
"40 years ago my mother and father celebrated my birth. God had even bigger plans for their son than they or I could have ever imagined. What does He have planned for you? Allow God today to surpass your limited expectations."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston