Today's Scripture:
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit,
Ephesians 5:18
I was inspired in this morning's devotion by all the young people heading back to school or perhaps college for the first time. Many will be influenced by their friends or perhaps people they don't even know to drink or try things that will impair the judgement that God has given them. I know this first hand from going to a victory party after a big football game win or a fraternity party with my brothers. For you it may be folks getting together to tailgate before the game or a simple get together of friends at some one's house with parents away or even a simple dorm room. I share this thought encouraged by Marvin William of our daily journey.
When we think about “Living Under the Influence” Driving a car or another vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs can lead to tragedy and—of lesser consequence—a traffic ticket. Depending on the degree to which a person’s mental and motor skills are impaired, their offense will be labeled a DWI—driving while intoxicated; OWI—operating while impaired; DUI—driving under the influence (of alcohol and/or drugs). Sadly, each year thousands of people die or are injured or arrested because of the effects of mixing driving and drugs or alcohol. Paul urged the believers at Ephesus, as followers of Jesus Christ, to live under another influence.
In Ephesians 5:18, the apostle Paul said, “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life.”
Unfortunately, just as it is today, getting inebriated was a common practice among the people of the ancient world. An intoxicated person was no longer in control of his words and actions. The apostle continues, “Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.” What did he mean? Paul was telling the Ephesians that being in Christ meant being controlled and influenced by the Holy Spirit.
The grammar is helpful here. The phrase “be filled” is a present imperative in the Greek language. This means that being controlled by the Holy Spirit was a command for the Ephesians—it was to be a continuous, everyday experience. Paul wanted the church of Ephesus to experience the Spirit’s guidance, control, and power to live for Jesus every day. The result of being filled with the Spirit was life and inner joy through worshiping and thanking God—not the destruction and death that comes from drunkenness.
The grammar is helpful here. The phrase “be filled” is a present imperative in the Greek language. This means that being controlled by the Holy Spirit was a command for the Ephesians—it was to be a continuous, everyday experience. Paul wanted the church of Ephesus to experience the Spirit’s guidance, control, and power to live for Jesus every day. The result of being filled with the Spirit was life and inner joy through worshiping and thanking God—not the destruction and death that comes from drunkenness.
Often as a pastor I am asked where in the bible does it say someone will go to hell if they have a drink. I am quick to answer by asking the question "whom do you worship?" If you need to down three before you can talk to spouse about a problem then your worshipping and taking your problems to what is inside the bottle. If you need a couple to help you unwind after a hard day at work or school again your worshipping what is inside the bottle. If you think you need to drink, take a pill or smoke something to get it inside you to allow you to have a good time then you are worshipping whatever that may be and not God. He is loving but He is selfish and wants you to be under His influence. In my 40 years many of my worst moments have been the times I chose to be under the influence of something other than God. I'm thankful today that since Oct 21, 1994 He has helped me put those negative influences behind me. Now I can truly say that ~ "I am filled with the spirit!"
Selah people' and friends let’s pursue a LUI life—“living under the influence” of the Holy Spirit. As we remain under His control, our words and actions will influence others for Jesus.
"Know today that God will give you all you need to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit. Think of all that He has planned for you the next time you raise your glass. Fill your cup with all He has to offer."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile