allow Christ to transform you right where you are?
Today's Scripture:
Do not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2
"I want to be a better person." " I wish I wouldn't react or feel that way all the time." "I can't stop myself. It just happens, and then I feel wretched." Most women have said such words and want desperately to be different than they are. Bad habits, stress reactions, harsh responses make women feel guilty. But you can overcome such character traits.
God can make you a new and different person, and he can tame that tiger in your soul. Notice what Paul said in his letter to the Romans. He said you shouldn't be conformed to or in harmony with the world. Rather, you should be "transformed by the renewing of your mind." That "renewing" is the crucial idea here. You are renewed by giving your life - your habits, your thoughts, your words - over to God. You commit yourself to listening to him and seeking what he wants for you. Gradually, day by day, God's Spirit works in your heart to change you.
A woman who lived in an arid climate wanted grow grass in here yard. But it rained rarely. She planted the seeds, but they never grew, except in one place. The little patch of ground outside her kitchen window grew lush grass. What was difference? Everyday, she doused that part of her yard with the dishwater.
Selah people' dousing your mind with Bible knowledge, talking to God, and listening for his voice will transform you. Like that little patch of grass, you will grow a renewed mind that loves the good and does right.
"Attention those who a seeking to be renewed...may we allow God to take over our habits, thoughts and words. He will transform us into something better than we could ever imagine."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC
Audio Sermon link for August 16th, 2009 can be found on our media site below...