Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009 ~ Mary, the Lord's Servant

What is God asking you to do?

Today's Scripture:

Mary said, "I am the servant of the Lord. Let this happen to me as you say!" Then the angel went away.

Luke 1:38

Mary was probably only fourteen or fifteen years old when she learned that she was to become the mother of Jesus. She was years ahead of many women - and men, too - when it came to trusting God. Imagine how she must have felt. The man of her dreams had finally proposed. She was eagerly planning for the big wedding and happily-ever-after. Then God asked her to do something unbelievably difficult.

Mary was intelligent. As the angel explained the scenario, Mary immediately understood what this meant in light of the big picture. Pregnancy outside marriage meant she would be disgraced, possibly even stoned to death. Her family would suffer from that scorn; perhaps they would disbelieve her or turn on her. By placing her reputation in God's hands, Mary was risking the loss of the man she loved and the glorious future that was starting to unfold in her life. If she decided to trust God, her whole life might fall about her in ruins.

But Mary was a woman of faith and trust. No negotiations. No whining. No pleading for a guarantee that her life would come out all right in the end.

She just asked one technical question, "How can this impossible thing happen?" And then she responded, " I am the Lord's servant. May it be unto me as you have said."

Mary's response to God as recorded in Luke 1:38 is an excellent model for women to emulate. God would like the same faithful and trusting response from you.

Selah people and friends God may ask you do things that will seem impossible. But as you trust and follow Mary's example, "May it be unto me," and you'll find that he walks with you through the impossible situations.

"May you and I be more like Mary in yielding to what God has called us to do in His names sake."

Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile

Audio Sermon link for August 9th, 2009 can be found on our media site below...Note: this week's music is our closing hymn shared by the congregation "Pass It On".

Click link below.