Today's Scripture:
Your word is a like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105
Sometimes everyone comes at you all at once with demands, and you feel overwhelmed. The women's group at church telling you that you need to help missionaries. The local schools say you need to be involved in helping our kids and grand kids or raising funds to better educate them - whether you have any or not. The nonprofit organizations and ministries call on you to volunteer. We know retired people have plenty of free time to devote to such worthy causes...I've been told by several they would get more rest if they went back to work. Perhaps like me your employer expects you to spend extra time at the office. Watchdog groups may beg you to stand for their causes all very good but where is all your life going? My father-in-law Rufus tells me "you give your life away". These words of wisdom from a man who has lived much longer than I have. Pretty soon, if we allow it a man or woman can feel like a spinning top.
Guidance is a critical part of following Jesus. He wants you to know what he desires you to do. He wants you to include him in the decisions you make in your life. The way to do this is through the Bible.
The Bible is like a lamp. It lights up the path ahead so you can see.
The Bible is like a flashlight or a lantern that lights up only a few feet ahead, but it will light up enough of your road to enable you to see God's purpose for you each day. Pray first, and then reach for your Bible. Talk to God about the demands on your life, and ask for his help. God will use the Bible to show you where you need to go, and the Bible will give you wisdom to make the right choices.
Selah people' and friends you will have a tough time discerning what path to take. Through the Bible, you will gain the insight and wisdom needed to make good, right decisions. Let the light of its truth direct your path.
"May you next step be in the direction that Christ has for you...use His word to light your path. Don't wait another day or another step!"
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC
Audio Sermon link for August 16th, 2009 can be found on our media site below...
"The Table Of Life" - John 6: 51-58
Note: this week's special music is a special piano solo by our Worship Leader Lee Ann Higgins.
Click link below. http://selahmedia.tripod.com/