Are you willing to put God first and allow Him to use you for His purpose?
Today's Scripture:
Since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship.
Romans 12:1
An old story pictures a young, recently converted woman waking in the morning. As her eyes open and mind clears, she repeats a little ceremony she does every morning. Without getting out of bed, she prays: "This bed is the altar; I am the sacrifice. I give you my life to you this day, O God, all of today. Use me as you wish. I am your servant." With those words, she gets up, dresses, and goes into her day ready to serve God and to respond when she hears his voice in her heart.
As a servant of God, think of yourself as a sacrifice to him. Paul wrote to the Roman believers to encourage them to give themselves to God in this way.
Personal sacrifice is a voluntary thing; God doesn't demand it from you.
Paul merely encouraged the Romans to take this step, and his words encourage you and I to do the same -every day, if necessary. I and others call this taking up our cross. This is the best way to worship God, by giving yourself to him.
You make this sacrifice through a simple choice: choose to tell God you want him to use you for his purposes. Ask him to work in your life, to lead you, and to empower you. You may not notice the difference immediately, but as you live for him day by day you will see it. New energy and enthusiasm will flood your heart. A great desire to get involved in his work in the world will grip you. Perhaps in joining a church like our little church as Selah is God's call for you. Maybe He is calling you to be more active with youth or the men's and women's ministries, perhaps in outreach to others in your community.
Yesterday after I put my kids to bed and was in prayer and meditation I read a prayer from a priest by the name of Fryar Santos that inspired me to share this devotion on "Sacrifice". Please read it and see how it speaks to you and your journey with Christ.
A Prayer to God, for the Grace of Letting Go
Loving God, I give you thanks for having called me to this great and wonderful adventure called seminary life.While my heart is filled with joy and my spirit with great excitement, I am slowly discovering that this path I have chosen asks that I give up many things which have already become part of my life.And let me be honest with you, I’m not finding it easy at all.It is not always easy to let go of what I’ve gotten used to, Lord.
It’s difficult to let go of late night outings with my friends instead of studying.It’s difficult to let go of mornings when I can stay in bed instead of going to prayer.It’s difficult to let go of the good food I enjoy at home.It’s difficult to let go of the freedom to go wherever and do whatever I please.It’s difficult to let go of my friends, especially that girl whom I like so much.It’s difficult to let go of those moments when I choose to be by myself instead of having to deal with others in the community.It’s difficult to let go of my biases, prejudices, and ideas that give me comfort and security.It’s difficult to let go of many more things, old habits really die hard.
This new life scares me at times too.How do I know all this letting-go will bear fruit?How do I know that giving up all these things will result in my becoming happy with the path I have chosen?How do I know that letting go of my former ambitions and dreams will really allow me to give my life entirely to you? How do I know that all this sacrifice will make a good priest out of me?How do I know that I will not fall later on and cause pain and sorrow to your church?How do I know that this is your will for me and not something I merely imagine?
Speak, Lord, your servant listens.Let me put my trust completely in you. Allow me to see that though the initial stage of my journey may be dark, difficult, and uncertain,your presence is more that enough to calm my fears,to lighten my burden, and to give me the strength and courage to stick to this path that I have chosen,in the firm conviction that you who have called me asked me to let go of many things that have given comfort and security to my life will give me in their stead, the greatest consolation there can be: the knowledge that wherever I go, whatever happens, whomever I become,you will always be there to love, guide, and protect me.
– Amen.
Selah people' and friends give yourself up to God's leading, will, and purpose. This is the truest and surest route to the blessings he plans to give you in this life.
"May we yield today to the sacrifice that will please God. Commit to a life that will lead to eternal joy with Christ."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile ~ Mt.Olive, NC