I don't care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me-to tell people the Good News about God's grace.
Acts 20:24
Paul prepared to go to a place where he knew he would be imprisoned and beaten, maybe even killed, for his beliefs. None of these things deterred him from going. Paul would rather face pain and imprisonment that give up his task of telling people about Jesus. To Paul life was worthless if he couldn't be telling others about Jesus.
Paul knew that without Jesus in their lives, people would be separated from God forever. And being separated from God prevented them from living life to the fullest. It was the most important thing people needed to know.
In some countries today there are places where it is illegal to talk about your faith in Jesus. The Christian Church functions in underground home churches. There are even places where pastors and Christians are imprisoned for talking about their faith. At the same time, the number of new Christians is growing at an astounding rate in these places. The people in those countries know it is worth risking their lives to spread the love of God. They know that God introduces forgiveness and mercy into life as they embrace the unconditional love he offers. In good times and in bad,
The assurance that a person's life counts for something ~ that there is a God who loves them ~ is the greatest gift.
Selah people' and friends please know that someone is dying to know about the love of God. Before my son Luke was born one of my employees who is a twin and shares that she is a prophetess :Martha Carlton(her sister is Mary), anyway she came to let me know that my son would be a far greater preacher than I and would reach thousands more people and that it was my calling to train him up and prepare to share his gift. I'm not sure what God's plan is but I respect when he gives someone a word to share and they do just that. I will continue to train my son regardless if is called into ordained ministry or not. I challenge you as I do him, my daughter, my wife and all my church family to; Share what you know about God. However small and insignificant you may think it is God will take it and multiply it and his kingdom on earth as well as in Heaven.
"His peace I leave with you today, take that same peace as you share it with another." Stop by http://www.selahchurch.com/ and if you've missed our service listen online at : http://cid-af7ecca57d126f50.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Selah%20Christian%20Church%20Sermons%202008
Your pastor,
Rev Muston ~ (PreacherPatrick)