Today's Scripture:
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
On the tour of the Linville Caverns caves in our own North Carolina mountains, there is a spot where the guide turns off all the lights. It is so dark that you can't see your hand in front of your face. Then the tour guide lights one match. It is amazing how one tiny bit of light can penetrate even the darkest place.
The Bible can do the same for you. The Bible will light the way as you go along in life. When a crisis comes along, you can go to the Bible to find the way to handle it. Jonah's crisis occurred when he disobeyed God. As a result he was swallowed by a whale. Reading Jonah's story can shed some light on what to do when things go bad. The Bible can direct you in dealing with the gray days that life will bring. If you begin to doubt God, you can read about Peter; who struggled with doubt on more than one occasion. Even though he spent three years with Jesus, he had trouble believing all he had seen and heard about the power of God. Peter's story will bring light to your life and push out the darkness that doubt brings.
The Bible is like the match in a cave. One verse can pierce the darkness.
The Bible is filled with real stories about real people who lived real lives.
They had to deal with parents and friends and betrayal and confusion just as you do. God provided direction, guidance, and comfort to them then, as he does to you now.
Selah people' and friends if you aren't already systematically reading the Bible every day at least digest a verse per day like this blog offers, then as you grow you can start with Proverbs. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. There are thirty-one chapters, so within a month you will have finished the book. Just as the Bible has a real story for you commit your life to be a light unto others as God show you the light unto your path.
"Peace and light be upon us as we ponder the direction God is leading and study His word."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)