John 15:5
I write this blog as election numbers come in and our future leaders are being decided. In the Old Testament, grapes were a symbol of fruitfulness or abundance accomplished when God's people followed him wholeheartedly. Jesus used the familiar Old Testament analogy in John 15:5. He told his followers that he wanted them to have abundance in all aspects of life. He wanted them to be fruitful by telling lots of other people about God.
On a grapevine, if the branch is connected to the vine, it can get all the water and nutrients it needs to produce huge clumps of big fat grapes. If the branch is broken off from the vine, any grapes on the branch spoil and go bad. The branch itself will wither and die if it is not a part of the vine. A grapevine paints a serious picture about how important it is for you to stay connected to Jesus.
To get to know someone and stay connected to that person, you have to spend time with him. The same is true about God. When you read the Bible, you will read the written form of God's words and thoughts. When you pray, you are talking to God. When you worship, you are honoring God and acknowledging how great and holy he is. All of this binds your heart to God. The only time a branch can live and produce fruit is when it is connected to the vine, when it is part of the vine. The same is true for you. When you are connected to God, your life will produce fruit.
Selah people' and friends are you trying to live a good life in your own strength? If so, you're headed for total burnout. If you are looking to our political leaders of state and country as a party line or certain candidate you too are headed for disappointment and going to be let down. Choose this election day to connect to the Vine, Jesus. There you will receive strength for the life God has you to and our leaders that are selected too will gain power he allows them to control. May we be lifted by the hope of Christ!
"Peace be with each of us and peace be with our country. God Bless you and God Bless America as our new leaders prepare this day to lead us in the blessing that God has for us."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)