A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life - life in all its fullness.
John 10:10
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. A shepherd protects his sheep from predators somewhat like my good friend and brother in Christ Fairfax, VA police officer J.P. Weeks protects innocent people from the bad guys. A shepherd stays with his sheep, guarding them from harm through the night and making sure they don't stray during the day.
Satan is a bad guy. He, like a wolf, is after the sheep. He is described in John 10:10 as a thief and a murderer. Satan is real, and he has a mission. He wants to ruin you and I. He wants to take away all the good in your life. He is in charge of evil. There is nothing good about him. The Bible says he can even appear to be an angel of light or appear to be good, but it is just a trick. You've probably noticed how things that aren't that good for you can seem mighty enticing. Satan is a master at that trick. His whole goal is to hurt people any way he can. But there's no reason to be afraid of Satan.
The Bible is clear that Satan is real and has some power, but his power is nothing compared to God's power. God is the One in control.
Satan can't win; he can only irritate, trick, and entice you to do something wrong.
He specializes in making people feel guilt, unworthiness, and complacency. You need to be aware that he exists, but you also need to be aware that the Good Shepherd protects you from Satan. Jesus drives to fill your life with goodness and joy.
Selah people' and friends there are two main errors with regard to Satan: taking him too lightly(or not believing in him at all) or taking him too seriously. Understand that Satan is real, but his power is nothing compared to the power of God.
"Peace be with you and keep Christ in the center of your life and Satan will be kept at bay."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)