Today's Scripture:
Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.
Matthew 7:12
You're almost to the passenger door of your friend's car when a voice rings out behind you: "Shotgun!" Talk about a moment of decision. Do you open the door and get in the front ~ after all, you've got the other guy boxed out ~ or do you follow the unwritten rule of car passengers everywhere? The one who calls shotgun rides shotgun. The one who's too slow sits in the back with your friends old discarded fast-food wrappers and the driver's gym bag, where you can't quite hear the conversation between the driver and the front-seat passenger.
The real problem, of course, is the whole tradition of calling shotgun. It's the exact opposite of the golden rule: "Do unto others what you want them to do to you." It allows a person to put himself or herself first with no more justification than the fact that he or she was thinking about sitting in the front seat when everybody else was thinking about something else.
The injustice you feel when somebody else calls shotgun and expects you to get in the surest way to be rewarded (the reward of the front seat, for instance) is going to lead to resentment and anger. But if you treat others the way you would want to be treated, you contribute to the greater peace and harmony. You discover that front seat and back-seat don't matter nearly as much as getting there together.Selah people' and friends is there some area of your life where your unfair insistence on getting your way has spoiled things for another person ~ or maybe yourself? As the word tells us take the lesser seat in order to receive the true peace of mind that God wants for us. Try treating that person the way you would have liked to be treated.
"Peace be with you as you give God's blessing away in the way that you would like to receive it back."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)