Today's Scripture:
I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you.
John 13:34
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where two different people are friends with you, but they can't stand each other? It stresses you out doesn't it? You wish each person could see what you see in the other. You wish they would be friends just for your sake, if for no other reason.
Jesus said, "Love each other as I have loved you." He might have said, "See one another as I have seen you."
God loves you. And don't forget, he also loves that person you can't stand the sight of.
Think about what that means. When God looks at that person, he sees past all those things that drive you crazy. God loves that person in spite of his or her habits of using a bad choice of words, smacking gum or constant whining or the tendency to say mean things about you behind your back. Friends, you know exactly what I'm speaking of and at times this could be describing you...And it grieves God when you choose to see only the shortcomings in another person.
"Love one another as I have loved you." That person isn't the only one who has shortcomings. God looks past some faults in you, too, when he looks at you. What would happen if God judged you as harshly as you judge other people? You've heard people say, "Any friend of so-and-so's is a friend of mine." That's a good policy to adopt with people who are loved by the same God who loves you: "Anybody loved by God is loved by me." You know that covers EVERYBODY.
Selah people' and friends there are probably people in your life toward whom you aren't very loving. It's time to start seeing them as people whom God loves. I recently experienced several requests to be a friend to "friends-of-friends" on facebook. I noticed during the election both candidates had pages and followers. As I continued to see these opportunities pass me by I saw a familiar friend Buzz whom I had lifted with & trained triathlon with, we worked together and I had opportunity to mentor him in his calling to Christ and call him brother. I knew as we have forever connected that any friend of his is a friend of mine, just as any friend of God should be as well. Remember that God sees past yours' and my failings. Why don't you choose today to do the same and see past others failings? God calls us all to "Love One Another!"
Be sure to keep up with all that is happening at Selah Church by visiting our website at http://selahchurch.com/ ...also if you missed a service you can listen or download our sermons and also view photos of recent events, or view our prayer list there as well. If you have prayer need just fill out request online and our prayer warriors will lift it up. If you have a more private need contact me and I will be happy to assist.
"Peace and His Love I leave with you today as we all choose to love each other as Christ first loved us."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)