Today's Scripture:
Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7
There will be times in life when you feel that no one cares and no one is listening. It can hit you in a crowd at school or standing next to your family or friends at church. It isn't out of the question to feel lonely even when you are not alone. In those moments it is crucial to set your thoughts on what the Bible says rather than be drawn in by the emotion of loneliness.
Often it is worry that drives you to isolate yourself. Pulling away from God and from people who could support you is a natural reaction to pain and difficulty. Paul addressed this type of situation in his letter to a group of very discouraged Christians. Those people were being threatened, beaten, imprisoned, and even killed for believing Jesus was the Son of God and the eternal King. They felt abandoned by God. Paul urged them not to submit to circumstances and emotion, but to remain confident in the truth they had heard and witnessed.
Paul went on to say that it is the enemy, Satan, who wants to destroy faith with worry and isolation. The truth is, God loves you. Any worry you have is a concern to him. As I shared with one of my members yesterday via text;
You can safely hand over your worry to God and be absolutely confident he cares.
What we call "letting go and letting God." Despite what the enemy would like you or others to believe, you are not alone. The worries that threaten to overwhelm you will never overwhelm God.
Selah people' and friends lighten your load of worries by sharing them with the ones who love you. Start with the One who love you most ~ God. Give him what is getting you down.
"Peace be your guide as you toss all your worries into the hands of Christ."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Mount Olive College ~ Go Trojans!