Friday, November 28, 2008

Whom Are You Working For?

What treasure are you digging for? What is your attitude?

Today's Scripture:
In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for the people.
Colossians 3:23

Digging a ditch is hard, dull, repetitive work. You stick your shovel in the ground; you scoop up the dirt; you heave the dirt out of the hole. Over and over again. Digging for buried treasure, on the other hand, is a very different experience. It's just as hard and just as repetitive. The physical aspects of the job are more or less the same. The difference is the treasure hunter's attitude. The treasure hunter digs with a sense of purpose and a lot of hope. If all goes well, he'll have great riches when he's through digging. If all goes well for the ditch digger, he'll have, well you know a ditch. When I was younger working for Bucek's plumbing in Jacksonville I used to take pride in the ditches and trenches that I dug with my own two hands when digging for running the pipes prior to the slab being pored...I learned to grade it down hill as they say.

Your attitude makes all the difference in how your work goes. And a key aspect of your attitude toward your work - whether it's schoolwork, household chores, or any other kind of work - is your sense of purpose. Paul pointed out that whatever work you do, your boss, ultimately, is God. And that means your work is important.

Even dull, repetitive work is meaningful if you are doing it to please God.

The whole world belongs to God. He is the God of all knowledge, and so your schoolwork matters to him. For a preacher like me a little thing like making those calls, sending emails and visiting...yes even this blog are all done for Him. He also created the home, and so he is pleased when you and I pull our weight around the house and contribute to a more peaceful home life. He is the God even of the workplace; so flip burgers to God's glory, pack pickles, teach and care for children, if that's your job.

Selah people' and friends think about all the roles you play: student, employee, mother or father, son or daughter, sibling or friend for starters. Have you been working to please God in all of those roles? If not why not start today to work for God and not just yourself or others. What treasure are you really digging for? May we take up our shovel as we take up our cross for Christ!

"Peace be with you as you work for God."

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In Christ service...

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Pitt Memorial Hospital ~ Greenville, NC