If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
1 John 4:20
You get your ability to love others from God. Your motivation to love others is grounded in the fact that God loved you first. When you were unlovely and unlovable, God still loved you. In your best moments and your worst, good or bad, self-centered or self-less, God loved you. God set a standard that calls you to love others without conditions.
The writer of 1 John 4:20 pointed out to his Christian brothers and sisters how easy it was to say they loved God whom they do not see. In other words, it is easy to say you love God since you could not have to live with him in the flesh. It is much more challenging to love someone you can see, smell, touch, and hear. Your love may have to overcome body odor, bad breath, and loud, harsh and yes sometimes foul words. I had the experience of working two summers of my life for a brick mason as an apprentice who every other word out of his mouth was profanity...he was hard to love. The person you are trying to love may get in your face and deny your love, but you are called to love unconditionally. Sometimes the unlovely are easier to love than your own friends and family.
Loving the people from a poor county, state or country or those in a recovery facility may be easier than loving people you live with. It is those closest to us like our mom, dad, sister or brother who can really get on your nerves since you are with them so much.
Love should begin with the people you live with and the people you spend the most time with and respect the most.
The scripture is clear that your ability to love others is the true test of how serious you are about loving God.
Selah people and friends remember His love is engraved on your hearts, as if to say "100 percent love." You are permanently marked to love others. With God's imprint on your heart, you can't help but love others. If you don't have that stamped on your heart and would like to make that choice or seek to move toward that feel free to call, email or text me and I'd love the opportunity to witness all that God has done in my life and wants to do in yours.
"Peace be with you as you love all the ones God sends along your path. Remember as we share each week during service to grab someone and tell them just how much God loves them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile ~ Wayne Memorial Goldsboro, NC