Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer.
Proverbs 13:20
How would you describe your friends? Where do your friends like to hang out? Is it the kind of place you would be okay taking a youth pastor or your preacher to? What do your friends like to do? Do you spend time with friends who encourage you and help you be the best person you can be? That's what wise friends do for each other.
A wise person is described as understanding, someone who exercises good judgment. A wise person learns from his or her mistakes and avoids making them again. A wise friend is interested
in what others have to say. A wise friend admits when he or she is wrong. A wise friend will help you avoid getting into trouble.
Making a decision to hang around unwise people has a consequence is that eventually you will share in someone Else's unwise decision and get into trouble - usually it is more trouble than you anticipated. Avoid spending too much time with friends who continually make mistakes. If you have a friend who seems to make poor choices, figure out a way to lead in the relationship instead of following. You can care for that friend by taking the lead in areas where he or she has messed up in the past. If your friend fails to follow your lead, consider spending less time together.
Make an effort to spend the majority of your time with people who consistently do the right thing. Choose to be with people who are known for their smart choices.
Selah people' and friends some of your friends may know a lot, but a wise friend is someone who takes knowledge and applies it to his or her life. Wise friends bring out the best in you. Take time today to not only have a friend but to be a positive friend and lead a friend to Christ.
"Peace be with you and the wise who you place yourself with."
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Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)