Today's Scripture:
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
God has structured the world such that if you focus your attention on the things that really matter, you also get the good things that don't matter as much. On the other hand, if you focus on the not-so-important things, you miss out on the important things, and you might not even get the less-important things you were shooting for.
Think of it this way: say, instead of actually learning the material for your biology test, you cram the night before to get a decent grade. Maybe you do make a decent grade, but the next test builds on the last one, and it's even harder to make a decent grade on that one than on the first.
The more you focus on your grade, the harder it will be to make the grade...and you probably will not have learned very much.
On the other hand, if you had been focusing from the start on what really matters ~ on learning biology~ you would have found good grades to be a natural by-product of your knowledge. You would enjoy biology and enjoy the good grades you had earned as a reward for your hard work.
That's how all of life works, not just biology class. As you focus on the things of God, you will find that the other good things you've been seeking ~ friendship, love, the respect of your peers, security, self-esteem ~ will begin to fall into place. I know many of you are hanging in there for Thanksgiving break...cling to God and his ways and all the other details will work themselves out.
Selah people' and friends what have you been seeking before the kingdom of God? Give that over to God; let him give you those things in his way ~ as a by-product of a life lived for him.
"Peace be with you as look to God to help you truly make the grade. Grab someone, anyone...and hug them and tell them just how much God loves them!"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Mobile ~Headed to Chapel Hill