Today's Scripture:
Anyone who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, is sinning
James 4:17
A life lived for God's glory can't be passive. Just steering clear of the thou-shalt-nots doesn't make you godly. Obedience to God means pursuing the good things that God calls you to.
There are sins of commission and sins of omission. Sometimes it's easy to consider only the things you do that you know you shouldn't; but you need also to consider the things you don't do that you know you should. I learned of this concept so well by a lay person in my former church at Browning's United Methodist Church in Dobbersville. As a member there for ten years a big influence on me was Hiram Smith who often remind us not just of sins of commission but sins of omission. Today as I visit several here in the hospital I think about those who chose not to do what God called them even though it was on their hearts and minds.
You and I are guilty of a sin of commission when we know something is wrong and we do it anyway. Perhaps you cheat on a test or some school work or lie to a parent or friend or steal some body's lunch money either by threat or by manipulating them...girls I'm speaking this one to you. Those sins frequently involve an active decision: I think I'll spray paint some graffiti on the back side of the grocery store or other building.. On the other hand,
a sin of omission is one you commit by not doing something: you know the right thing to do, but you don't do it. You know it's right to help the needy, but you just don't get around to it. You know you should go visit your grandmother or church member, but you've always got something going on. You need to call your brother, friend or other family member but again something gets in the way. Sins of omission are sneaky. They happen while you're thinking about something else. Trust me I battle this daily with writing needs down, putting them in my computer, pda and smartphone. You don't wake up and say, "I think I'll neglect some duties today." No, you just go about your day, and then, after it's too late, you realize you haven't put first things first.
Selah people' and friends you've got a busy schedule. But that doesn't let you off the hook for obedience. I too am a busy pastor,, father, husband,businessman, athlete and many other things. If you know what to do and don't do it, it's as if you have actively chosen to do something you know to be wrong. A sin of omission is still a sin.
Just steering clear of wrong doesn't make you right. You know the right things to do: go do them.
Be thankful not just because it is thanksgiving day, but that God has given you and I another opportunity to get it right. Go out today and do it! No excuses.
"Peace be with you as you choose not to omit what God has planned for you today."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Wayne Memorial Hospital ~ Happy Thanksgiving!