Celebrate today Jesus is Alive!!!
He is not here; he has risen from the dead.
Luke 24:6
Several women who had followed Jesus during his ministry got up very early in the morning on the first day of the week and, carrying the spices that they had prepared, went to place where he had been buried. When they got there, the large stone that covered his tomb had been moved to the side and the tomb was open. The women looked for Jesus's body, but it was gone. Jesus was no longer there. The women were frightened. Had someone stolen Jesus's body?
Jesus is alive. A majority of the religions in the world center on a divinity or a person who is no longer alive. Not only is Jesus alive, but he was raised from the dead. Jesus came to earth to save you from being permanently separated from God. If the story ended with Jesus's dying to save you, he would be just another dead god. But it doesn't end there. He came back to life. You have the ability to be in a relationship with the living God.
Instead of simply knowing God, you can know God personally. Think of God as you think of your best friend. A best friend is someone you can trust, someone whom you can share your hopes and dreams with. When you have questions or problems, a best friend is there to listen and to give you guidance. Your relationship with God is a special friendship.
Like any good relationship, your relationship with God will grow as you spend time with him. Spending time with God is possible because he is alive.
Join me as we celebrate a living Savior!

Selah people' and friends please take time as you read the blog to remember that only living things grow. Keep your relationship with God alive. Water and feed it with prayer and Bible study. Take time each day for prayer...that time where you just share with your best friend~ Christ!
"Peace be with you and yours as we grow closer to our living Savior."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)