Friday, October 31, 2008

Your Treasure Defines Your Heart...

Today's Scripture:

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.

Matthew 6:21

Have you thought about what you treasure the most? It could be chatting with friends on the phone or on-line, shopping, skateboarding or playing some other sport or if your a parent like me it could be your children and your spouse that you view as your most valuable things on earth. You will protect whatever you treasure the most. For instance, if you treasure time with friends, you will arrange your schedule so that you can spend the most time possible with them. Matthew 6:21 states a simple yet life changing truth.
What you treasure or love the most will control your thoughts and your heart. Treasuring something good is okay, but even too much of a good thing can be bad if it interferes with your relationships with others or your relationship with God. For example, serving others is good, but if you schedule so many service projects that you never see your family, serving may end up being a bad thing.

From your thoughts and your heart come your decisions, your interactions with others, and your relationship with God.

Whatever is most important in life will ultimately take priority in your thoughts and your heart come your decisions, your interactions with others, and your relationship with God, so it's critical to make sure you know what you treasure. Not all treasure is good. For example, some people treasure negative things such as pornography, alcohol, drugs, or sex. Treasuring any of these is dangerous to your mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Take a deliberate inventory of what you think about during the day, and then decide what gets to hold a place in your heart and what does not. What you treasure will define who you are, so choose your treasure wisely.

Selah people' and friends life is rich with good things to treasure like family, friends and fun stuff to do. Choose a balanced blend of these treasures that will enrich your life as we strive for spiritual growth. Both as individuals, a church and as a community of believers.

"Peace be with you and the things that you treasure as we share our faith with all we come in contact with today."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)