Today's Scripture:
Always be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily.
James 1:19
Think how much time you spend trying to explain yourself - trying to make your parents see your curfew issue, telling your friends or coworkers how you feel, making your case in a class discussion. Everybody wants to be understood. You want to express your opinion, and even if people don't agree with your view of things, you at least want them to know where you're coming from. I tell others often that it is OK for us to agree to disagree. I want them know where I stand on the issue.
The Bible teaches that your first move should be to listen, not to talk. I have been told "God has given you and I two ears and one mouth, and to listen twice as much as you speak." I know for some of us young and old this is a very difficult task, regardless of where you come from Grantham or the Great lakes. When you're talking, it feels like you're getting the upper hand in a discussion. We have seen this play out daily on the political issues voiced by various candidates (not too pretty). But if we are honest you gain knowledge by opening your ears, not by opening your mouth. And knowledge is power, isn't it?
A willingness to listen doesn't reflect weakness. It reflects the strength of wisdom.
Listening demonstrates a willingness to arrive at a conclusion that makes sense for everybody involved. And if it's necessary to "win" an argument, by the way, listening before talking is excellent strategy. Thinking before you speak is not a bad idea either. But if you're wise, winning is rarely your first concern in a conversation. I know for me my wife Jennifer has helped my understand this much better over the last 22 years.
Selah people' and friends, if you listen - if you seek to understand - you will be slow to anger. Talking has a tendency to convince you of your own rightness (even if it doesn't convince the person you're talking to) and self righteousness makes you impatient with other people's opinions and quick to anger. So listen. Understand. Then you'll be ready to make yourself understood. Stop by our church website for upcoming events or to listen to our online audio sermons at...
Next time you find yourself running off at the mouth, stop, look, and listen.
"Peace be with you as you open your ears to listen and open your hearts to Christ. Grab someone else and as you listen to them share God' s love with them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)