Monday, October 20, 2008

Dream Big...

Today's Scripture:

God can do anything! ...:Your are blessed because you believed that what the Lord said to you would really happen.

Luke 1: 37,45

"Nothing is impossible for God" were the words spoken to a young girl named Mary by an angel sent from God. What the angel told Mary seemed impossible and beyond here wildest dreams, but it happened. Mary - a teenager, engaged but not married, a virgin bride-to-be - became the mother of the Son of God. Her mind told her it was impossible, but the baby moving insider her was a constant reminder that with God nothing is impossible. God made the impossible possible.

The surprising way God chose to bring his Son, Jesus, into the world stands as a reminder to you and I that nothing is beyond God's abilities. Nothing is beyond God's imagination and vision. God can pull substance from nothing. God can transform something dull and nondescript to something spectacular. God uses ordinary people to do the unbelievable. God made it possible for three believers to survive walking around in a fiery furnace. God made it possible for Daniel to be lowered into a pit of hungry lions but not be eaten alive. God made it possible for Noah to build a boat and coax a pair of every animal on earth to go inside. God made it possible for Jesus to raise his friend Lazarus from the dead. God's skills are limitless.

The list of possibilities for who you can be, what God can do to heal and strengthen you, what you can accomplish, or where you can go has no limits and will never end. I've seen this first hand in my own life and in others who have been healed or even in our youth at Selah who have travelled to places (Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Baltimore) they never thought possible. That's what is so great about knowing God and being in a relationship with him - it makes your world a lot bigger.

Selah people' and ready to take part in God's grand design. I ask you to join me in special prayer for a special young man Christoper Keen. We had a call early this morning that some lungs that he needs were available but we found out later that it was not time yet and that they would not do. Chris has a call to minister and has been studying and taking classes in that direction. I see him fulfilling his call where he is at UNC hospital as he touches all who come in contact with him. May we be reminded by God's word that "Impossible" means nothing to God. Do you have the faith to see God's reality? Chris shared with me for him that either way for him it is a Win-Win. How about you today? Can you dream big and know that with God will will "Win" every time?

Stop by our website at ...Cathy has taken some great pictures of "Family Fun Day" and Denny had the upload to our Events page for all of us to enjoy. Also, if you missed our sermon yesterday there is link to either listen or download.

"Peace and his Blessing be upon you as you dream big!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)